Product key
I bought my laptop brand new from a authorized store and got windows 8.1 pre-installed. Then I updated to windows 10, I used it for more than a month and it was working fine but now it starts giving...
View ArticleI try to interact with one monitor but the output shows on the other
Im using a laptop (tobisha) with windows 10 installed and i just hooked up another monitor to my main, configured the settings, and moved my cursor to the other monitor to try to open chrome on the...
View ArticleInstallation af app fra Microsoft Store
Jeg er ny på Windows 10. Jeg er i gang med at installere en app (Fjernskrivebord) og det har taget lang tid at downloade (jeg har 100Mbit). Derefter er den nu i gang med at installere og har stået et...
View ArticleVideos
Netflix and hulu keep saying I'm using an anonymous proxy tool and I need to disable it before I can watch anything. anyone know how to disable the "tool"
View ArticleReinstalled Windows, used different passwords, now won't sync
I had to reinstall Windows. The first installation I used br.......@......... and set up my email accounts and everything was synced.With the 2nd installation of Windows, I changed the Microsoft email...
View ArticleAbo Verlängerung mit Product Key
Hallo,wollte vorgestern mein Office 365 mit Product Key verlängern, habe diesen eingegeben, aber die Verlängerung ist ausgeblieben. Auch in meinen Abos ist kein neues Office aktiviert. Während der...
View ArticleOutlook failure to log-in
Hi there,Does anyone else face the some problem? I can't seem to log-in to my outlook account at all. I've already tried 4 browsers (Mozilla, Vivaldi, Chrome, Edge) and the android outlook app to no...
View ArticleMy Finger Scanner is not working
Hi,Model: HP Pavilion dv6 6b76sx Serial 2CE14709RDThe Finger Scanner was working well when I had windows 7 Home.After the upgrade to Windows 10 Home, Finger Scanner is not working at all. I tried the...
View Articleclé de produit Microsoft Office 365 étudiant
BonjourJ'ai télécharger Microsoft Office 365 gratuit grâce a mon adresse mail étudiant mais je n'arrive pas a trouver où ce trouve la clé de produit ???Merci de votre aide
View ArticleBluetooth adapter not detected on PC no matter what!!
My Bluetooth dongle randomly stopped getting detected on my PC. If I plug the dongle in another PC it works and I can enable/disable it in Devices in Settings. I tried multiple USB ports on my PC and...
View Articleprobleme W7
Bonjour, j'ai Windows7 version 6.1.76011,je n'arrive pas a ouvrir un programme, erreur "le point d'entrée de procedure_dwmoddis4 dans la bibliotheque de liens dynamique libgcc_s_dw2.1.dll J'ai...
View Articleoffice 2007
hi hope you can help. I have loaded office home 2007 ( I know its old but suit my needs) to my new laptop. word & powerpoint seem to be working ok but excel is asking to be activated. asks for...
View Articleskypeエラーの解消
View ArticleПроблема с интернетом
Здраствуйте, у меня появилась проблема с сетью Wi-Fi. Ноутбук не хочет подключаться к определенному роутеру. Ко всем другим он подключается без каких либо проблем. При подключении я ввожу ключ доступа...
View ArticleWindows 10 - Erster "Kalt"-Start schlägt immer fehl - dann ganz normal.
Liebe Community,seit kurzem, etwa seit dem letzten Update KB4346783 (OS Build 17134.254) habe ich immer das Problem, dass beim 1. Start nach längerer Abschaltung, wo der PC auch stromlos ist, das...
View Article갑자기 윈도우 정품인증을 하라고 메세지가 뜹니다.
LG 정품 노트북입니다. 며칠전부터 갑자기 윈도우 정품인증을 하라고 팝업이 뜹니다. 윈도우가 포함된 노트북을 구매했는데, 왜 이런 메세지가 뜨는지 모르겠네요...인터넷에 검색해서 제품키를 찾아내는 방법으로 제품키를 찾아내서 입력을 해도 유효하지 않다고 메세지가 뜹니다. 방법을 알려주세요...
View ArticleSpell Check and "Open in a New Tab Or Open in a New Window " (Right Click...
My Windows 10 was updated to Version 1803 on September 7, 2018Got improved Microsoft Edge Browser with 7 updates, It's running faster and smoothly But there are some features that needs to be...
View Articlexbox one x аккаунт
Добрый день. Я не могу войти ни в один аккаунт на косоли. Постоянно выбивает ошибку 0x80a40010 что мне делать??? Третий день не могу пользоваться консолью.
View ArticleX-box Gold subscription is not working anymore, although I paid for it
We have a running monthly subscription for Xbox Gold, which I changed to a yearly subscription. The change over is scheduled for end september. But after doing this, Xbox gold mentions that I need to...
View ArticleProblemas con el restablecimiento de Windows 10
Hace algunas horas decidí restablecer windows, ya que mi equipo estaba muy lento, así que fui a: Configuración>Actualización y seguridad>Recuperación> y después seleccioné la opción de...
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