probleme sur xbox store
voila jé Destiny 2 je vais sur le store Xbox je marque dans la barre recherche marque destiny 2 renegat et je trouve destiny 2 renegat que le dlc mai il dit que: destiny 2: renégats n'est pas...
View ArticleBooteo windows
Contaba con dos sistemas operativos Linux y windowsY tengo gnu para escoger el arranque Elimine la partición de Linux Ahora windows no arranca Ingrese a cmd desde solución de problema Pero al ingresar...
View ArticleProblem with TouchControl application
Salve a tutti,scrivo nella community perchè vorrei risolvere un problema che riguarda TouchControl che impedisce l'arresto del PC... ogni volta poi nella seconda schermata devo confermare ARRESTA...
View ArticlePST repair
Hello,SCANPST.EXE can not successfully scan my PST fileNormally after scan application is showing what is corrupt in file and activate button REPAIR.Now this phase of application I can not reach.What...
View ArticleSurface Diagnostic Toolkit
The Surface Diagnostic Toolkit is recommended for vitually any hiccup or ailment a surface device might show.But what does it it actually do?So far, all I can see is, that it checks for open updates,...
View Articletwo questions #1 Quick set removal #2 Weather app
How do I get quick set off my computer- it just appeared and now I'm having problems --also I had the MSN weather app and it disappeared and won't allow me to get it back even though it says I already...
View ArticleBurning to disc with Windows Media Player. Windows 10.
I get the following message when trying to burn a playlist to blank CD. Windows Media Player cannot burn the files. If the burner is busy, wait for the current task to finish. If necessary, verify...
View ArticleOneNote for windows - Heading style shortcut bug (for certain keyboard...
In OneNote for windows, heading style can be changed by pressing Ctrl + Alt + [number].The issue:Several keyboard setups (e.g. Norwegian) have three available symbols on the number keys.Pressing "AltGr...
View ArticleEDGE
Trieste 08-09-2018Buon giorno amiciChi mi può aiutare, per questo problema riscontrato in “EDGE”In Windows10 ProIl problema e il seguente: ogni tanto lo ZOOM mi cambia da solo, e non si riesce a...
View ArticleWindows auto updates
Why does Windows auto update version 1803 when I have version 1704 and I cannot stop it?Please help
View Articleaudio device
Hi, the audio on the computer has stopped working and shows the speaker with red cross. we have tried unistalling the intel audio but it just reappears with an !. Would love to have audio so any advice...
View ArticleBilgisayarım dün güzel bir şekilde çalışıyorken sabah açtım ve bu şekilde...
Bu ekranda Türkçe q seçeneğini seçiyorum ama maalesef Sorun gider kısmına gönderiyor sorun gider kısmında bilgisayarı sıfırla seçeneği çıkmıyor Sorun gider kısmında çıkan seçenekler hiç bir işe...
View ArticleOutlook activation
hi and good dayI have serious issue and looking for solutionI purchased MS office and I register with my yahoo emailI activate the office with the product key using my yahoo emailmy problem with the...
View ArticleWindows 10 activation
Hello, My windows 10 are installed on external HDD as I am using MacBook. I want to activate my windows but am unable to do so. The error code that appears is 0x80072ee2. I have tried troubleshooting...
Bonjour,Je n'ai plus l'option cellulaire dans le volet "réseau et internet", je ne peux donc plus la paramétrer ni me connecter en cellulaire, depuis des mises à jour début juillet. Comment faire ?SVP
View Articlenecesito ayuda
intento instalar Google Chrome y me aparece El administrador de La red ha aplicado una política De grupo que impide instalar la aplicación
View ArticleWachtwoord reset, geen toegang meer op pc
Hallo,Ik heb op mijn laptop de fabrieksinstellingen hersteld. Nu kan ik alleen niet meer inloggen, mijn wachtwoord is 'onjuist'? Ik heb het wachtwoord al gewijzigd via Microsoft, maar het werkt niet?...
View ArticleACHAT recent d'un ordinateur HP sous Windows 10
Bonjour,J'ai acheté un HP BUREAU avec 2 T de disque.Je n'ai pas commencé que le disque est saturé presque plein seulement avec Windows 10 ????De plus il n'arrête pas de notifier et de mettre à jour...
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