My Windows 10 was updated to Version 1803 on September 7, 2018
Got improved Microsoft Edge Browser with 7 updates, It's running faster and smoothly
But there are some features that needs to be re-update, like when I was typing in a form on Microsoft Edge it gave me wrong suggestion for spell check and even spell check function started when I was almost on the half of my writing.
And when you search and get search result with lot of sites " Right Click Context Menu " works to "Open in a new Tab or in a new Window " but If there are set of URL Links with in a page (site) " Right Click context menu " is not showing option to open in a new Tab of Window.
Inside Windows Programs Text is not copy able, like if you are looking to get help for specific topic of a Windows feature/item user have to write it by themselves in a search bar and sometime they make spelling mistakes. Not all but at least text of topic should be copy able.