윈도우10 설치중 올바르지 않은 제품키입니다 메시지
상황: 예전에 윈도우7에서 윈도우 10 Home으로 무료 업그레이드 받은 계정이 있습니다. 윈도우 10 제품키도 알고 있구요.그 윈도우10 이 깔려있는 노트북이 고장이나서, 데스크탑을 새로 샀는데, 윈도우7이 깔려있는 데스크탑입니다....
View ArticleDocument en mode non modification sur Sharepoint Online
Bonjour,Lorsque j'ouvre un document il est directement en modification et j'aimerais éviter cela, quel paramétrage dois-je modifier ?Merci d'avanceCordialement
View ArticleVPN on a windows PC
Hello,I have been having problems with this for months now, coming up to a year, so far I haven’t posted an actual very explanatory description of my problem and what I want to fix it, this is that, so...
View Articleactualizacion 2018-07 Actualización acumulativa para Windows 10 Version 1803...
buenos días, el otro dia el computador descargo e instalo la actualización 2018-07 Actualización acumulativa para Windows 10 Versión 1803 para sistemas basados en x64 (KB4338819) pero no lo apague ni...
View ArticleURL Access. The requested URL was rejected
While trying to access MY Account on the Facebook home page I get the following message The requested URL was rejected. Please consult with your administrator. Your support ID is: 12399196352592755151...
View Articleminage
Bonjour,Win Defender trouve depuis peu ce genre de fichiers…Trojan:html/Brocoiner!rfn 17 07 2018Trojan:win32/Zpevdo.A 19 07 2018Trojan:html/Brocoiner!rfn 19 07 2018Trojan:JS/CoinMiner 19 07 2018Qu'est...
View ArticleMicrosoft Wiress Mouse 1000
Hello! So the other day i lost the receiver (dongle) for my Microsoft mouse 1000 from about 2012 i think. I really like this mouse and i don't want to bin it just because i lost the receiver, so if...
View ArticleRefund
Hi,I would be grateful if i could get help with a refund for my Movies & TV purchases.I have always had a Windows phone and went all in on the ecosystem. I bought content with a feeling of safety...
View Article"A debugger has been found running in your system"
Al querer correr un programa Berton, sale este aviso y no se puede ejecutar. He intentado desactivando temporalmente el antivirus Avast y tampoco funciona. Hice la modificación del "msconfig" para...
View ArticleSurface Proにて発生したPDC_WATCHDOG_TIMEOUTの経過について
View Articlewindows 8.1 профисиональная Build
за деякый час використання вискочило оце сповыщення що потрыбно активувати вындовс
View ArticleInstalled windows 10, Computer won't start normal
My laptop is a Toshiba Satellite that originally ran Windows 8.1, I decided to upgrade yesterday though to Windows 10. After installing windows 10 (it was from the Microsoft Windows 10 webpage and...
View Article뉴셔피스 프로 전원
뉴셔피스프로 받은지 3일 됏는데 전원 버튼 누르면 로고만뜨지 안켜집니다.....왜그럴가요 충전을 다해놧는데 충전기 꽂아 보고 해보기도했는데....도와주세요
View ArticleSurface Pro 2017 touch screen not working
I latelty used driver easy to update the drivers, when my touch screen suddenly stopped working. Couldn't find HID Compliant Touch screen in device manager but had a exclamation mark on Elan...
View ArticleMigrating an Over-Sized Archive
We are currently migrating from Exchange 2010 to Exchange Online (aka Office 365). I have a hybrid environment set up, and all the migrations are working well so far, with one exception.I have one...
View ArticleHow to add multiple columns based on the value of other column
PLease help me to sum up the value of multiple columns based on value of the pther columns. I tried to use SUMIFS but its not workingUser IDIs PrimaryTotal - XCompletedCompletion %Is PrimaryTotal -...
View ArticleNokia / Microsoft phones
my question is will you be refunding the owners of these phones under European law as they are now not fit for purpose ... one phone states it was manufactured in 2016 and you are bound by law to...
View ArticleLocking a calendar entry so it cannot be forwarded on to others
Please advise how one sets a meeting / calendar entry to 'not forwardable'.
View Articlecomo se elimina un contacto en este nuevo formato?
Intento eliminar un contacto y no se como hacerlo en este nuevo formatome pueden ayudar?
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