Recordatorio Automático Al Olvidar Archivos Adjuntos En Mensajes
Hola tengo una duda; Por ejemplo, ingrese el texto de "por favor revisa los archivos adjuntos","ver archivos adjuntos", Etc. en el cuerpo del mensaje, pero no inserte archivos adjuntos en el Adjunto...
View ArticleSome buttons not working on Natural Wireless Laser Mouse 7000
Hi,I updated to Windows 10 a few weeks ago. In the past couple of days some buttons on my mouse have stopped working, most notably the right-click (which is very annoying) but also the magnify buttons...
View ArticleI am having a problem with my hotmail account that i have had for 20 years....
how can i check my official hotmail password? some formats are denying me access because they say i do not have correct password while others seem to be ok. its confusing and problematic on doing...
View ArticleHelp: How could I delete a file, based on a cell value in Excel VBA?
Hi,I'm trying to delete a file, running VBA code where:based on a cell value, the program looks for a file with the same name and then deletes it.Here it looks for INACTIVE files, moves 1 cell to the...
View Articlewhy 'no internet connection' when I lock my screen?
hello,I am facing a weird issue with wifi on my laptop having latestwindows 10 Home Single Language version 1803 (OS Build 17134.165).I'm using broadband, to which my laptop is always...
View ArticleApp Windows Foto
Da ieri non riesco più ad aprire le foto con l'applicazione Microsoft foto, ho provato a resettarla a disinstallarla e riinstallarla, e ad creare un nuovo account, ma nulla mi dice sempre errore nel...
View Article"File System Error" on opening Image files
Hi, I am using Windows 10 Pro Version 1803.I encounter a problem recently that when I open any image file, Photos app opens and closes with a flash and showing this error on all kind of pictures.One...
View ArticleParamètres Windows s'ouvre mais lorsque je clic sur un élément, rien ne se passe
Bonjour,Ordi HP Windows 7 migré sous windows 10.Impossible de gérer les paramètres, la fenêtre s'ouvre, mais lorsque je sélectionne un élément, rien ne se passe (idem : je ne peux pas faire de...
View ArticleI can no longer access Word or Excel. Prompt says issue. Do you want to...
Word and Excel can no longer be opened. Prompt states there is an issue and will close app. Asks do you want us to repair. I hit yes and nothing happens except to close app
View ArticleCódigo de etror: 0xc0000185 Windows 8.1
Bueno pues estaba tan tranquilo jugando a un juego cuando de repente se me queda congelada la pantalla, pues yo tan listo voy y le doy al botón de apagar y cuando la enciendo me dice eso. Mi pc es...
View ArticleMe ajudem windows 10 consumindo toda ram sem nada aberto
Ola pessoal estou com problema chato windows 10 quando ligo pc e dps de 3 min o consumo de ram sobe muito sem nada aberto eu formatei e nao resolveu tenho 6 gb de ram tou na versao 1803 Me ajudem
hola, soy el hermano de Maria del Carmen Almudever Albert con DNI 73654180S , QUIERO DAR DE BAJA TODOS LOS SERVICIOS RELACIONADOS CON ESTA PERSONA YA QUE FALLECIO EL 22 DE JUNIO DE 2018, GRACIAS
View ArticleVirus Protection
I just bought a brand new computer. I see that Windows Defender is built in with virus protection. Do I need additional virus protection?
View ArticleWord 2016 กับ PowerPoint การเปิดใช้งานผลิตภัณฑ์ล้มเหลว
View ArticleOutlook 2016 Reading/Preview Pane
We are using Outlook 2016. When we preview an email with an attachment, the Author Name displayed at the top of the reading pane consistently displays an outdated name. We have changed the Author...
View ArticlePersönliche Daten im Konto vor Administratoren verstecken
Hallo,Ich bin gerade dabei den Laptop meines Opas zu reparieren und habe nun mein Konto und seines hinzugefügt (beide Admin) und ich habe auch onedrive synchronisation aktiviert.Als ich auf dem Konto...
View Article3 Screens - Swapping issue
I have three screens (one is a docked laptop and primary) two are additional screensThe displays are set to extend.Do you know of a way of the screens having "memory" of where the programs were last...
View ArticleURL in emails
When receiving an emal with a URL, when I click on the URL it brings up the browser, however, the site never appears.I hit CTRL ALt DELETE.I then bring up my browser and it asks if you want to bring up...
View ArticleWindows 10 - Windows Hello: Tu organización administra algunas opciones de...
Buen día Carlos!Tienes una publicación referente a "Windows 10 - Windows Hello: Tu organización administra algunas opciones de configuración. No puedo configurar la seguridad."Pasa que no puedo ver las...
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