The return of the digital game
Hello, today I wanted to assign the game Lego Star Wars to my account, available in the Xbox Live offer, I bought this game by mistake. I have an active subscription. I did not play the game. Is it...
View ArticleMovie error 0xc00d36be Oceans 8 after 37mins
I rented Oceans 8 from Microsoft Store. I am watching on my home pc. At about the 37 minute mark, I receive this error code 0xc00d36be, and cannot watch the movie past this point.
View ArticleWindows Update per Windows 8.1
Salve. Stamane ho acceso il computer ed ho fatto la ricerca degli aggiornamenti tramite windows update. E' da tanto tempo bloccato sulla ricerca degli aggiornamenti ed in più sta consumando molte...
View Articlewindows 10
при включении некоторых программ происходит мерцание значков на рабочем столе
View ArticleCortana's Availability In New Zealand
Hi, I am typing to ask if Microsoft will ever consider adding New Zealand as one of the countries that Cortana supports. I would love that, because I live in New Zealand and have friends who also live...
View Article버추얼박스에서 가동하는 윈도우폰에서 사이드로드된 *.appxbundle을 설치할 수 없습니다 (ARM, 86, 64bit 포함 디버그로...
Visual Basic.NET으로 UWP, WinForm, WPF를 개발하는 학생인데, UWP를 에뮬레이터로 테스트하고 싶었지만 학생이라 윈도우 10 모바일 에뮬레이터가구동되는데 필요한 OS인 윈도우 10 Pro를 살 돈을 없어 현제 OS인 Windows10 Home에다 오라클 버추얼박스를 설치한 뒤, flash.vhd 파일로비공식 윈도우 10 모바일 VM을...
View ArticleBluetooth. Notebook Samsung Expert X22s Brasil.
Do nada, no meio do uso do notebook sumiu o Bluetooth e apareceu uma mensagem de erro no dispositivo.Reiniciei, desliguei e nada.O mouse bluetooth está funcionando perfeitamente. É problema do PC. Só...
View ArticleCode Not Active.
Hello, I recently was given a 3 month Xbox live membership as a gift - but as I entered the code I was told that the "code was not yet active", and should "contact the merchant to activate the code"....
View ArticleMon ordinateur ACER Aspire E15 ne reconnait pas un lecteur CD externe
Comment faire pour remédier à ce problèmeMerci de vos réponses
View ArticleFull screen mode
I have a steam accountBut I unable to play games on it as every time I try to open a game it displays"Failed to find a working full screen mode"Can anyone help
View ArticleIE的代理服务器自动勾选
View Article账户信息里面的验证 点击验证秒退 能不能再别处验证下
账户信息里面的验证 点击验证秒退 能不能再别处验证下你需要在这台电脑上验证你的身份 下面的验证按钮 点击秒退 10 64位
View ArticlePast Due Payments
I have a past due payment for my xbox live subscribtion I am trying to pay but it doesnt give the option to use my microsoft account balance. How do I go about fixing this?
View ArticleOutlook client not receiving emails
Sorry for the long post, but perhaps this may help someone else, and help me get my question answered.On August 29th, I noticed my Outlook client was no longer receiving emails. I could log on via web...
View ArticleSkype number
I would like to have a customized Skype number. is it possible to buy such fancy numbers.
View Articleจำ Email ที่ลงทะเบียน product Key microsoft office 2016 for mac
สวัสดีครับ พอดีผมลืม email ที่ใช้ผูกกับ product key Microsoft 2016 mac สามารถทำอย่างไรได้บ้างครับ
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