An error: 0x80a40010
Hi i am from iran and I can't login to my acount in Xbox it gives me this error 0x80a40010 please fix this problem
View Articleอยกจะเปลี่ยน Windows 7 Pro 32 bit เป็น 64-bit ครับ ไม่ทราบว่าจะหาดาวน์โหลด...
ตอนนี้ใช้ Windows 7 Pro 32 bit อยู่ อยากจะเปลี่ยนเป็น 64-bit ไม่มีแผ่นวินโดว์ แต่ยังมี product key ของแท้อยู่ ไม่ทราบว่าจะหาดาวน์โหลด Windows 7 Pro 64 bit ได้จากที่ไหนบ้างครับ 1.ปัจจุบันใช้เป็น...
View ArticleHiding my caller ID
HiI want to hide my CallerID, but there is no option in setting page.Where can iI Deactivate showing my CallerID
View Articlewindows update
Hi, I am having problem with the new windows 10 update. it's always displaying "failed to update to Windows 10, version 1803". I have dell inspiron 3542 laptop.
View Articleoutlook 2016 i can see my send mail on my outlook
Hi Team,today i configured outlook 2016 on my system and there is one issue i was facing my inbox sync successfully and i get all old mail but same time i dot get any send folder mails or my self...
View ArticleWrong Windows edition is activated
Upgraded Windows 10 Home to Pro through Windows store. After installation and restart, found Windows Enterprise Evaluation version is installed and activation error 0xC004F213 is showing up in...
View ArticleDaily challanges
In Microsoft jigsaw and minesweeper daily challenges. when trying to play a daily challenge adverts won't load and play and game goes back to main screen. This seems to happen mainly when the advert is...
View ArticleChiave di ripristino BitLocker
Buongiorno,quando avvio il Surface mi chiede di inserire la chiave di ripristino.Per recuperare la chiave mi dice di accedere al sito. L’ho fatto ma non risultano caricate chiavi di ripristino. L’unica...
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I forget my nokia asha200 keypad lock I want unlock it
View ArticleWindows 10 버전 1511(OS 빌드 10586.1176)--> 1803 업데이트 오류
현재 1511버전임. 정품이며 다른 업데이트는 기록상 모두 성공함.1511이후의 기능 업데이트가 안됨.윈도우즈10설정에서 업데이트 시 0x700700c1으로 업데이트 실패함.윈도우즈 업데이트 문제해결사 프로그램 wu170509.diagcab 다운받아 실행완료 후 업데이트 시 0x80070005로 실패함.v3 삭제 후 업데이트 시 또다시...
View ArticleWie kann man provozieren, dass ein Programm sich aufhängt, um taskkill (CMD)...
Mittels Verknüpfung soll man ein Bordmitteltool erstellen können, das Prozesse abschießt, die nicht mehr reagieren:C:\Windows\System32\taskkill.exe /F /FI “STATUS eq NOT RESPONDING"Jenseits dem...
View ArticleXbox One not starting up
My Xbox is not starting up properly and gets stuck on first set up screen 'preparing console' at 56% on status bar. Tried a restart but froze part way through set up. Any ideas?
View ArticleKB4346783
I installed the update stated in title yesterday and I ran into issue:Now my keyboard shortcuts for different programs are not working if that specific window is not selected/focused.For example:I have...
View ArticleVirtual Machine on SurfaceBook2
Hello,We are meeting hard time installing our soft - does not work on virtual machine - on Surface Book 2.Customer Surface runs Windows10Pro on virtual machine and the owner seems to know nothing...
View ArticleWindows' Boot loader installed itself on my old hard drive.
Yesterday I had put together my new machine and installed Windows 10 via USB, in UEFI. I have 2 hard drives, my new one which'll be the main one and another one from my old computer plugged in, to...
View Articleretrograder de windows 10 à windows 7
Bonjour,J'ai fait l'achat en fin d'année dernière d'un PC HP sous Windows 10. Je n'ai que des galères avec ce PC, plus jamais HP, enfin bon tant pis il est la.Cependant je me dis qu'une partie de mes...
View ArticleВыбор программного продукта
Здравствуйте. Мне нужно купить Windows 10 для 10+ компьютеров. Мне нужно покупать для каждого компьютера лицензию по отдельности? Или есть какие-то решения для таких случаев?
View ArticleError copying files to external drive – “There is not enough space on DRIVE....
Context: was using windows 8.1. Every week, I back up work files (about 51 Gb) on an external hard drive (note: that collection of work file is also my OneDrive folder). Been doing it for years without...
View ArticleContact requests
I have sent contact requests to several people but they say they have not received them and they also say they have sent contact requests back to me and I haven't received them either. What is the fault ?
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