Create In Edge Icon with a URL
For the things that Edge does, it does it well, but there are just too many things it doesn't do yet for it to be my default browser.None the less, I do prefer to use a Microsoft browser when visiting...
View ArticleImpression qui ne fonctionne plus depuis les applications natives windows 10...
Bonjour.Sur un poste de mon parc (domaine avec 70 machines), l'utilisateur a perdu la possibilité d'imprimer depuis les applications natives fournies avec Win 10, Edge, photos et courrier pour ne citer...
View Articleaccidentaly deleted windows 7 ultimate
i bought a acer aspire one with windows 7 ultimate already activated and installed but wen i factory reset laptop to remove old unwanted files it removed my windows7 and put me back on windows xp, so...
View Articlescreen goes white
when I go into outlook and click on an email, the site comes up for a second and then the screen goes white
View Articlecomment deconnecter mon disque dur
deconnecter mon disque dur sous window10 en l éjectant
View Articlemicrosoft net framework error
dear sir or madam I have download a game of steam and when I try to load this game, a Microsoft net framework error pops up saying this:See the end of this message for details on invoking just-in-time...
View ArticleProblema blocco da disegno area windows ink
Salve a tutti,Ho un problema con il blocco da disegno presente nell'area windows ink: quando lo apro, il foglio bianco risulta bloccato, e la schermata si chiude dopo pochi secondi riportando al...
Sou usuário do sistema Microsoft Windows 10, no dia 17/07 automaticamente efetuou uma atualização versão 1803, porem o mesmo criou uma partição D, deslocando da partição quase toda capacidade de...
View ArticleDrucker/Multifunktionsgerät Canon PIXMA TS6150 nicht installierbar wegen...
ich versuche seit 1 Woche meinen neuen Drucker Canon Pixma TS6150 zu installieren (über USB an Notebook HP 250 G4 / habe windows 10 mit dem update vom Mai 2018). Mit Hilfe von Canon-support gelang es:...
View ArticleSKYPE: Separa Ventana de chat de lista de contactos
Hola, he instalado la nueva versión de skype y todo va bien, pero quisiera separar la ventana que muestra los contactos de la ventana de chats. Que en todasss las versiones era posible, y no...
View ArticleNão consigo acessar o facebook, youtube e netflix
Não consigo acessar as paginas do facebook, youtube e netflix
Nao vejo como eliminar as conversas no Skype de uma vez.Constato que terei de o fazer uma de cada vez!!!!Agradeço me ajudemCarlos Carreira
View ArticleUnificar cuentas de Microsoft
Buenas, tengo dos cuentas de microsoft, una empresa y otra personal,.. quisiera unificarlas las dos a una sola cuenta personal, transpasando todas las compras de productos Office a dicha cuenta.Por...
View ArticleFehler - wird gedruckt
Hallo,ich habe einen Brother DCP - 1610W series Drucker. Dieser ist als Netzwerkdrucker eingerichtet. Er sagt, dass eine Verbindung mit dem Netzwerk besteht und auch zwei meiner drei Computer im...
View ArticleImmersive Reader in OneNote
Will Immersive Reader in OneNote read a pdf or do I still have to extract the text. This is not the best solution as it changes the format for students.
View Articleเอาเครื่อง notebook MSI ไปซ่อม ได้มีการเปลี่ยน BIOS และ Battery ใหม่...
เอาเครื่อง notebook MSI ไปซ่อม ได้มีการเปลี่ยน BIOS และ Battery ใหม่ หลังจากนั้น Window ถามหา activation key เป็น Windows 10 Home Edition มากับตัวเครื่องต้องแก้ไขยังไงครับ
View ArticleLE DI A RESTAURAR sistema en Hp lapton 2x1 de 64bits con 32gb, y cuando...
Cuando Inicia a la pantalla principal, se frisa y conjela y no pasa de ahi. tampoco quiere apagarse, ni suspender. pero cuando presiono las teclasAPAGAR Y ESC SI SE APAGA, POR FAVOR, ALGUIEN PUEDE...
Salve a tutti, vorrei esporvi un problema abbastanza complicato, dato che sono arrivato a dover scrivere su un forum della microsoft per avere un minimo di aiuto e cercare una soluzione. Nonostante le...
View ArticleSurface 4 wont boot on battery unless fully charged.
HiMy surface pro 4 has problems with booting not plugged in. The problem is intermittent. It boots no problem plugged in. It will only boot from 75% battery plus, if the keyboard is unplugged. Will...
View ArticleHow can I create a custom mark for use with footnotes?
I want to use a custom mark to denote footnotes in a Word 2007 document but it's not in any of the symbol maps. This is the mark I want to use:* but I can't find it anywhere. Nor can I find a way to...
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