Access Relationships
I have what I assume is a dumb question but when setting up a table relationships can it be between a foreign key in one table and a foreign key in another.If not what about the situation when all...
View ArticleOffice 365 et office professionnel
J'ai un abonnement office 365 qui expire le 14 mars 2019. En ouvrant word, excel o powerpoint, il s'affiche "fichier verouillé" activez office professionnel 2016. Or je n'ai pas office pro 2016. Que...
View Article"Unable to retrieve settings" error in Services & add-ins for Teams
Split from this thread. We're experiencing the same issue in our tenant when trying to manage the settings for Teams from the Admin portal. Additionally, When users select Teams from the app launcher...
View ArticleCannot open Pictures nor videos, Please help!
I tried to open a screenshot I took earlier in the day and noticed I could not open it due to this error. "File System Error (-2147219196) , I've already tried updating all applications with Admin...
View ArticleIs windows defender antivirus covered windows server 2003 for installing...
Could not install updates for widows defender in windows server 2003 after 18 April 2018. Last successful update was on 18 April 2018. I am not able to upload image file from this link.
View ArticlePosta per Windows 10 appena tento di "rispondere" si chiude
Il problema è sorto da poco, appena "rispondo" mi fa scrivere poche parole e poi si chiude l'app e non salva nulla in bozze!Ciao
View ArticleMicrosoft Word 2016: PAGE field on first page displays "2"
I've run into an issue where a particular template has a PAGE field which shows the value as one greater than it should: for example, the first page shows 2. The last page shows, say, 7 of 6. The...
View ArticleSecurity?
Hi,Can anybody access my text conversations from Skype if they had access to my computer?Thanks,M.
View Articlewbadmin/backup cannot include Disk
Hi, I am administrating a windows server 2012 and I try to perform a scheduled backup for that machine. So when I just include C: and (Metal Recovery stuff) in the backup plan everything works out as...
View Articledisk fills up to 100% always which make my PC too much slow which i just have...
disk fills up to 100% always which make my PC too much slow which i just have purchased please help me in increasing my pc performance
View Articlereseau wi fi indisponible
Bonjours je me permet de me retourner vers vous car la wi fi de mon ordinateur à disparu et je n arrive plus à la retrouver et pour avoirs internet dans mon ordinateur in faut que je branche le cable...
View ArticleXbox one X saved games location - turn the cloud synch on
Hi, I was offline and I tried to play city skylines, I somehow allow local save, now that I am back online I cannot retrieve what I've saved on the cloud. is there a way to get the save games from the...
View Articleзвонки на гор и моб телефоны в москве
пополнил счет на 5 долларов. набрал номер. получил ответ: абонент недоступен. проделал несколько раз с таким же результатом. вопрос? 1.почему я получаю такой ответ и 2. если не было соединения и тем...
View Articlewbadmin/Backup cannot include Disk
Hi, I am administrating a windows server 2012 and I try to perform a scheduled backup for that machine. So when I just include C: and (Metal Recovery stuff) in the backup plan everything works out as...
View ArticleWord Document Formating
Please how do i put note in the margin of a word document (manuscript)Thank You
View ArticleImpossible to Pay for game pass
It's been two days that I can't renew my game pass. Message says ' we've encountered an error. It's useful to wait for a while...' (grossely translated from french)What's the problem?
View ArticleSome document extension can't be opened from UNC link (file://) with IE11
I'm trying to open a Word document that is referenced on a website from a UNC link that lead to my local file ( file:///C:/Users/myUsername/Desktop/myWord.docx ).So I added the website to my trusted...
View ArticleErrore del file system nell'apertura di immagini
Salve,E' da stamattina che riscontro problemi nell'apertura di immagini con formato png e jpg.Utilizzo il programma predefinito di windows e ho fatto anche una scansione per trovare errori...
View Articleje ne reçois plus mes mails dans office outlook
bonjour aucune des réponses à cette question déjà posée ne correspond à mon problème.Je ne reçois plus de mail depuis lundi sur mon PC par contre je les reçois bien sur mon smartphone. Lorsque j'envoie...
View ArticleAPPCRASH
Comment résoudre APPCRASH - WINWORD.EXE - exception: c0000005 - module:ACEEXCL.DLL (Office 2013)? Et aussi : APPCRASH - OUTLOOK.EXE exception: c0000005 - module:OUTLMIME.DLL " (Office...
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