Skype versehentlich zweimal eingerichtet
Guten Tag, ich habe folgendes Problem.Ich habe gestern diesen Skype-Account auf meinem Tablet eingerichtet, dabei aber übersehn, dass bereits über ein Skype Konto unter einer anderen Adresse verfüge,...
View ArticlePhotos not opening not workingSource Microsoft.Photos.exe Summary Stopped working Date 19-07-2018 14:53 Status Report sent Description Faulting Application Path:C:\Program...
View Articledeleted administrator account
how do I get administrator back?? Lenovo 110-151br windows 10
Split from this thread. How to switch computer to computer on Windows 10 MY DVD DRIVER IS NOT WORKING
View Article윈도우10 연결앱, 스마트폰 미러링
윈도우10 연결앱과 스마트폰의 미러링을 이용한 스마트폰 화면을 공유가 오류가 뜨면서 연결되지 않는다. '이 디바이스에서는 보호된 콘텐츠를 볼 수 없습니다.' 라고 뜹니다.
View Articleheadset aansluiten op laptop
ik heb een headset met microfoon die een mooi geluid zou moeten geven. echter horen mensen mij nog steeds net zo slecht als toen voor ik hem kocht. mijn vermoedens zijn dat dat komt omdat de laptop...
View ArticleWindows7にてWindows updateができない
Windows updateを実行し再起動すると87%くらいでシャットダウンします再度 実行しますが Windows 更新プログラムの構成に失敗しました 変更を元に戻していますコンピューターの電源を切らないでください。デスクトップが表示されます有線 無線も変わらない為 環境の問題では無いようです。コントロールパネル内のwindows updateで問題解決するも変わりません。Windows...
View ArticleNAS zařízení a WINDOWS 10 Autumn update
Dobrý den,máme malou firmu, celkem 8 počítačů připojených do jedné sítě (žádná doména, jen základní WORKGROUP). Do loňského podzimního UPDATu vše fungovalo v aktuální verzi WINDOWS 10 jak má.Po UPDATu...
View Articlewin10 업데이트 후 E드라이브 용량부족 메세지를 없애기 위해서 검색했습니다. 그런데, 드라이브를 잘못 쳐서 다른 드라이브가 없어졌을때.
제가 win10 업데이트 후 E 드라이브 용량 부족메세지가 떠서 검색한 후다음의 검색 결과를 가지고 하던중 드라이브를 E라고 해야 하는데, 잘 못해서 D라고 했네요.어떻게 하면 다시 나타날 수 있을 까요?검색한 화면입니다. 급합니다 답변 부탁드립니다.
View ArticleWindows 10 One Drive
Gentilissimi amici della Community, scusate se mi faccio vivo spesso, ma vi siete dimostrati così gentili che rivolgermi a voi mi viene spontaneo.Ho Windows 10 solo da qualche giorno ed è mio desiderio...
View ArticleStrange save behavior Excel 2016
A couple of users are (intermittently) experiencing issues saving Excel files. (Excel 2016, o365 monthly update channel, Win 10 Pro)Attached image shows two files that were saved at the same time, both...
View ArticleImpossible de faire les mises à jour habituelles
Bonjour,Le problème a trouvé est réparer la corruption de la base de données Windows Update. J'ai Windows 10. J'ai repéré des problèmes avec Atheros Communications Inc. , ELAN driver update, Intel -...
View Articlewindows update 1803
On 17/07/2018 my computer was updated with the latest windows 10 version 17134.167 upon reboot it went into a continuous loop of attempting to restart the computer. After I turned it off for 20...
View Articleacılma sorunu
merhaba,windows 10 ilk power tuşundan enaz 3 veya fazla sonra açılıyor ekran siyah ve görüntü gelmiyor yani geç acılma sorunu oluyor
View Article无权限进去
你好,我的账户是*** Email address is removed for privacy ***,但是最近进不了,为什么。另外为了找出问题,我有了一个我客户的帐号(他在他们公司能登录),我借用他的帐号后又不能在我这里登录,显示说两个账户都是权限。
View ArticleSkype Business does not work with regular SKYPE
We are using Skype for Business in our Smart Dock, we are unable to connect to Skype regular accounts. When we try to search them we are unable to see them and when they try to search our ids even...
View ArticleReset windows 10 desktop pc when there is 8 trojan viruses that disabled your...
How to reset your computer when there is 8 trojan viruses that disabled your permission to open settings microsoft edge and other stuff
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