Spatial Sound (windows sonic for headphones, Dolby Atoms for Headphones/ with...
Hi, I have a custom built gaming PC with windows 10 64 bit. My problem is that I cannot enable spatial sound at all. When I click playback devices and properties then spatial sounds. It won't let me...
Microsoft yapımı bir oyun alıyoruz ve oyun windows 10 64 bit işletim sisteminde mavi ekran hatası veriyor sürekli rezillik orjinal windows ve forzayı aldığım için lanet olsun
View ArticleCan't Import photos from Canon 6D or just from sim card (can with lightroom)
Hi there, I have a Canon 6D that i used to import with windows import 'photos and video'I really liked this as it imported fast and easily with the date at the front etc.For a while (a year) it hasn't...
View ArticleMi PC se congela luego de la Fall Creators Update
Hola, luego del lanzamiento de la ultima Fall Creators Update mi pc en ocasiones se congela completamente (la imagen se congela y las luces se mi teclado se apagan), lo cual me lleva a tener que hacer...
View ArticleOneNote
Wie bekomme ich bitte meine Dokumente von OneNote auf ein terrestisches Speichermedium?
View ArticleNo Office on computer
After the last automatic Window update I am now having issues using Word. The error is "I don't have an account" and need a product code or something. When I bought the Dell Windows 10 was part of...
View ArticleWindows 10
Why can't I upgrade my Nokia 1320 to windows 10?? I have an older Nokia, a 640, that is windows 10, this 1320 is newer and bigger. Yes I installed the insider app and no the windows 10 still isn't...
View ArticleWindows não reconhece dispositivo USB por mau funcionamento
Olá, eu comprei um controle USB para usa-lo em meu computador ( Windows 10 ) e a principio consegui jogar normal, mas quando fui conectar para jogar novamente, o Windows passa aquela mensagem em que...
View ArticleWindows Store is missing after the Fall Creators Update
I have run into this issue with windows apps and windows store apps becoming unusable from updating my windows 10 1703 version to the fall creators update 1709 two times on my Dell Inspiron laptop....
View Article2-factor verification not working
2-factor verification enabled, past few days not asked for confirmation, just logs directly into email. When I check the status of the 2-factor, it says enabled; but when I try to confirm devices, it...
View ArticleHow do I switch back to Windows 7 from Windows 10 ?
I am looking to switch back to Windows 7 from Windows 10 because I lost My Audio when I upgraded to Windows 10. How can I do this because I did not receive a Disc when I purchased My HP Laptop and...
View ArticleMicrosoft Office との互換性について
Dropboxにてエクセルファイルを共有しているのですが、Mac Officeを使用している私がファイルを変更するとシートが壊れると言われました。何が原因でしょうか?字体が変わっていたり、セルが増えていたりするそうでは。修復するのに時間がかかるため、なんとかして欲しいと言われました。ソフトの故障なのか、私の使用方法が悪いのか、そもそも何が問題なのか分かりません。
View ArticleExcel растягивает изображение по горизонтали при печати
Скачалось обновление для Excel 2016. Сразу после этого на печать начало выводить растянутые изображения. Размер ячеек тоже изменился. То есть когда я распечатал старый файл, который был создан в старой...
View ArticleHow to activate Outocorrect options
Hi whom concern I need help to activate AutoCorrect on word 2016 please somebody cd you help me
View Articlekan niet scannen met de printer
de printer werkt wel maar het belangrijkste is het scannen, de gebruiken van cannon is van het bureaublad weg . hoe nu verder.
View ArticleWindows 10 Start Menu...
Since I received a update I now have the "Start" menu stuck on my screen. It is very annoying since it should only be called up when needed by selecting the "Start" icon. Is there anything I can do to...
View ArticleNeed control of SHARES for all my files
Windows 10 Pro on a Gateway PC fully loaded is WiFi connected to an Asus RT-N66U Router connected to the WAN. I have found that my friend's computers connected through the same WiFi using the same...
View Articlenecesito activar bluetooh
buenas noches tengo windows 10 en la lap no tiene activado bluetooh ni aparece el icono en el centro de acciones intente actualizar la lap en windows update pero solo lo hace hasta el 65 porciento y no...
View ArticleCuenta suspendida y sin respuesta
Buenas noches.Por medio del presente, escribo desde otra cuenta ya que la mia se encuentra suspendida, he creado varios tickets y nada que obtengo respuesta.Your support ticket number: 1416759851Your...
View ArticleMAC OSX- Please change Folder Name
I have decided to use ONE DRIVE and purchased a subscription . I have moved/ created some folders on One Drive but received message "Please change folder name so it does not begin or end with a full...
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