Hi there,
I have a Canon 6D that i used to import with windows import 'photos and video'
I really liked this as it imported fast and easily with the date at the front etc.
For a while (a year) it hasn't worked but I now want to fix it!
When i click 'import photos and videos i get "Unable to connect to device due to the following error: "Unspecified error"
I have tried sfc/scannow
I have tried a Fixit for Hardware
I have tried USB cable to Canon 6D
I have tried SD card into my PC.
I fi use the windows 10 photo import it sees that i have pics but thumbnails don't appear (just the default jpeg image)
I also dont like this as it doesnt catagorise the pics... but thought to mention it as it doesnt have the error.
For the SD card i was using a shortcut with:
"%SystemRoot%\system32\rundll32.exe "%SystemDrive%\Program Files\Windows Photo Viewer\photoAcq.dll",PhotoAndVideoAcquire"
inside it, this still gave the error.
Windows 10 - totally updated to most recent patches.
Any help would be amazing!