programme ne fonctionnant plus
depuis la dernière maj de window aucun de mes programme ne marche j ai toujours la meme fenêtre qui me dit que le programme ne peux fonctionner sur mon pc s.v.p y a t il une solution
View ArticleAlvó állapot
Sziasztok!Egy HP ProBook 650-es laptopom van Windows 10-zel. Olyan problémába ütköztem, hogy amikor a laptop képernyőjét lehajtom és utána ha csak pár perccel később is kinyitom és megnyomom a...
View ArticleOuvrir le compte de son choix au démarrage du système
Bonjour,Depuis la création d'un nouveau compte local administrateur, c'est le compte initial qui s'ouvre automatiquement au démarrage du pc. Comment faire pour ouvrir automatiquement la session de son...
View ArticleSurface Pro Pen
I needed to replace the battery in my pen. How do I re-sync it with One Note on my Surface Pro 3?
View ArticleIcone con simbolo blu con due frecce bianche su Windows 10
Da poco ho notato che sulle icone dei file compare uno strano simbolo blu con due frecce bianche in basso a sinistra, come quello allegato. Di che si tratta?
View ArticleMucha latencia o DPC alto Sonido que se traba o se entrecorta y atikmag.sys...
Hola buenas tardes hoy vengo con un problema que tengo desde hace mucho y como no lo puedo solucionar con nada que sigo en Internet decidí acudir aquí a microsoft.Bueno el problema es que mi sonido se...
View ArticleTask Host Windows está deteniendo las tareas en segundo plano
Hola gente, espero que sean cordiales y respetuoso, ya que en la comunidad Visual Studio, alguien me pidió aclaraciones sobre la consulta, le respondí y el moderador Joyce_AC me cerro el tema por...
View Articlecritical process died
disculpen pero necesito ayuda ya que mi computadora no me deja iniciar o entrar al escritorio, se queda todo el rato con la pantalla azul, y se reinicia , y se reinicia otra vez, no se que hacer, ya...
View ArticleWindows 10 x 64bit. Error Message
Windows 10 x 64bit. Error Message SetupUi.dll file missing when trying to install and execute new software. Has anyone any ideas where I can get the file from legit?
View ArticleNo puedo instalar "Tesoros Ocultos de Hadas Disney"
Muy buenas, el juego aparece en mi historial pero no para instalar y en otra pc donde trabajaba antes si lo instale pero no me dejaba iniciarlo, quiero saber si aun esta disponible para instalar...
View Articledisabilitare tasti scelta rapida
salve come posso disabilitare i tasti di scelta rapida di Windows 10,tipo alt + f4 che chiude le finestre, ho provato a guardare la guida ma nn riesco a trovare la cartella e non ho ben chiaro il...
View ArticleHow to report Phishing scam?
Hi, There is no more option to report phishing scam. By mistake I opened & downloaded a PDF file from my Microsoft email account to my Iphone. It looked like a phishing scam.Please suggest what I...
View ArticleWindows 10 did an update now once windows starts mouse and keyboard go dead
A customer brought in a Dell Inspiron 3650 that he bought around six months ago. He said Windows 10 did an update a few days ago and now his mouse doesn't work. It is not only the mouse that doesn't...
View ArticleMy m.facebook chat has gone away. Lumia 925
My m.facebook chat has gone awayand also facebook for web has stopped working on my Lumia 925. There is not any chat, and i can't see who is online. How do I fix it?
View Articlecant set up account
Hi - I have Skype on my home computer but have not used it. I'm trying to set up account that will allow me to do "video" for an interview. When I try to get into "set up account" it keeps bringing up...
View Articlemail accounts aren't showing up
I have Outlook on a Mac and have three mail accounts. When I enter accounts on the drop-down Tool menu, none are listed. They have been there before and I get mail from all three. How can I see them...
View Articlemy old skipe is gone?????
Friends, I lost my old way to talk in the Skipe. Forget my to get it back???
View ArticleOutlook
I have Office 365 - can I access outlook from my android phone and samsung table in addition to my laptop?
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