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Outlook 2016 crashes when start up


1.The error message said " outlook is not able to open the data file and there is no more error description

Can someone help me ?

2.I can reinstall it online from my account through purchased history , But that was the 2013 version , not the recently updated version of office 365

Can I still install it and get the upgrade to 2016 version ?



How to clean the Hotmail SignIn box from previous user?


How to clean the Hotmail SignIn box from previous user?

Windows 10 CPU usage 100% when Nvidia GPU enabled


After recent Windows 10 update, my Alienware laptop's CPU usage is always 100% right after boot.

Can't open games, or even close task manager.

But once disabled Nvidia 970m in device manager, CPU back to normal and games can be opened with Intel HD graphics.

Laptop in nearly new condition, didn't play games on it heavily, most of time using desktop. Found this problem last weekend.

My laptop's specs:

CPU: i7-4720HQ, RAM: 16G, GPU: nvidia 970m, Hard Drive: 256 SSD + 1TB HD

Tried following methods but all failed to solve CPU 100% when Nvidia GPU enabled.

1. Reset, reinstall Windows 10

2. Update latest Nvidia drivers

3. Update BIOS

4. Stop superfetch and all startup services

5. Modify maximum processor state from 100% to 99% in power options advanced settings

6. Bring laptop to Microsoft store, passed all hardware tests in Windows.

7. Contacted Alienware and passed all hardware tests in BIOS diagnostic

I don't know what else can I do, seems there is no problem on either software and hardware.

Any one had this issue? Please give me some advice.

請問 Windows Server 2016 有 "自黏便箋" StikyNot.exe 嗎?如何安裝和啟動?

請問 Windows Server 2016 有 "自黏便箋" StikyNot.exe 嗎?如何安裝和啟動?

Delete second windows 10 installation


Hello , i followed the instructions from :


It did help to a certain extent, meaning it no longer shows as an option when starting up and it isn't present in the system configuration boot menu , but the folders are still there and i can't delete them. Any ideas?

And i'm really sorry if i picked the wrong category.

Thank you in advance!

Office 365 disappearance of AutoSave button and facility under Windows 10


Until a few days ago the AutoSave button was available and AutoSave worked fine in both Word and Excel (providing, of course, the files were in the correct format). Then, the button was there but greyed out, despite anything I tried.  For some reason, Word would only save files to my PC although most of them were eventually synced with OneDrive.

I then uninstalled and reinstalled Office 365 (64-bit version).  Now, the AutoSave button has disappeared (not just greyed out) in both Word and Excel.  Files are definitely being saved to OneDrive. They are also set to sync to my hard drive (confusingly, to a folder called SkyDrive, but I can't find a way to change the name). I can see no reason why AutoSave should not be available and working as it did before.  The only way I can get it to work now is to edit or create files on my iPad - but that is not a long term solution.

Can anyone help?

Lost word, PowerPoint, excel etc when restoring my computer.


I restored my computer and lost word, powerpoint, excel etc.......

Please can somebody help me try to get them back. I need them 


setting up new PC

I am buying a refurbished PC to replace my old one (both running Windows 10 and I have an Office 365 subscription). What do I need to do about my Microsoft account - will I need to activate Windows?

Unable to sign in Xbox account on Minecraft in iOS


I was trying to login to my Xbox account on my iPad in Xbox but everytime the green part of signing in after I have entered the correct credentials (Xbox-like UI), it instantly says that something went wrong. I gave it another many tried but it still keeps me from logging in but when I logged into my Android phone, it works normally. I was able to sign in on my phone but not on iPad.

I'm sorry if the topic choice is out of category

help meh.

Je veux supprimer mon compte Skype et pas mon compte microsoft !


Je veux supprimer mon compte Skype parce que la nouvelle version est d une telle nullité et je reste polie je suis très en colère je trouve supprimer le compte Microsoft et c est pas ce que je veux je ne veux pas perdre mes boîtes mails Outlook et gmail je ne veux que supprimer mon compte Skype si quelqu un sais comment faire comprendre à Skype la différence dites moi svp leur explications sont tellement bien faites à leur yeux que moi je dois être très stupide j y comprends rien je veux supprimer Skype pas mon compte Microsoft et perdre mes boîtes mails c est pas ce que je cherche ras le bol de Skype et de cette nouvelle version pas clair du tout l ancienne version été mieux merci à ceux qui pourront m aider à comprendre 


Start up on Windows 10

I just got a new computer and I am starting it up. However, I am stuck on the 'Verify your identity' section where it says that the request to change my password has expired. How do i get out of this stuck page?

Защитник Windows не включается


Решил установить как-то антивирус Касперский, проверить работу защитника. В целом работает защитник хорошо. Каспер обнаружил только 1 вирус. Потом я его удалил и в результате защитник перестал работать. Пробовал следующее:

1. Включить защитник через "центр безопасности защитника WIndows" (кнопки/переключателя нет вовсе)

2. Включить антивирус с помощью "редактора групповой политики" (там вроде все нормально, на выключить защитник стоит "отключить" и т.д.)

3. Включить антивирус через реестр (DisableAntiSpyware - 0 стояло и стоит)

Запоролся на включении через "Службы", оказалось там вовсе нет пункта "Антивирусная программа Защитник Windows" или "Служба Антивируса" или даже windef. Во время установки, касперский удалил какой то файл "360" что написано было не помню. Подозреваю проблема в этом. Выручайте.

Защитник обновления не требует, периодически выскакивает надпись, что он отключен. На скрине явно не хватает кнопки "Начать сканирование"

Еще я недавно слез с Insider Program т.к. нестабильно работала WIndows, может дело еще в этом. Пробовал вернуться, на той сборке защитник работает.

Where can I find the settings tab on Skype for iPad air2?


Where can I find the settings tab on Skype for iPad air2?

I only seem to have 5 options along the bottom of the screen, Chats, Calls, Camera, Highlights & Contacts. There is supposed to be a my info tab but I can’t see it. 

Update Excell for Mac 2016


Na de laatste update kan ik niet meer normaal werken met Excell 2016 for Mac. Zodra ik wil wisselen na een ander werkblad crasht het programma.

Hoe los ik dit probleem op?



This has been happening a lot over the past few weeks.  I do get a MS error reporting logo at the bottom of my screen, but it doesn't do anything.  I try to open the icon and get nothing.  I reached out to MS and was given the opportunity to chat with an analyst or call.  I tried doing both.  Now I also get windows that pop up asking me for my MS info in my keychain.  

I am desperately trying to get homework done, but this is really slowing me down with crashes happening constantly.  

Is there a solution?

I appreciate any help.  

Thank you.

How to switch Microsoft Office from my old laptop to my new laptop


How do I switch my Microsoft Office from my old laptop (that doesn't work anymore) to my new laptop?

A localização de meu dispositivo não é exata.



Estou com um problema, preciso localizar o meu notebook, porém eu sei que ele já na minha cidade, mas a localização aparece isso.

Pergunta: Como eu faço pra saber onde está meu dispositivo? Vou ir de rua em rua,  de casa em casa procurando?

Essa localização não está ajudando em nada!

Há como configurar isso corretamente?

Skype not sending or receiving calls


I just purchased a computer with Win 10 Home edition earlier this February, 2018.  When I utilize the Skype App I do not receiving incoming call notifications and any attempt to call out are not received by my Contacts.  Notification for incoming calls is enabled.  I was able to join a group call already in progress, but the only notifications I get are that I missed a call.

Thank you,


Windows 10 Startup

I just got a new computer and I am starting it up. However, I am stuck on the 'Verify your identity' section where it says that the request to change my password has expired. How do I stop being stuck on this page?

2018 の 1 月のセキュリティ更新プログラムをインストールした後、起動できない状態からデバイスを回復する方法



2018 の 1 月のセキュリティ更新プログラムをインストールした後、起動できない状態からデバイスを回復する方法


2018年 1 月セキュリティをインストールした後は次のように更新します。デバイスを再起動すると、デバイスによってはできない場合があります 10 の Windows を起動するとします

シナリオ 1: インストールした後KB4056892 (OS ビルド 16299.192)、2018 年 2 月 13 日のセキュリティ更新プログラム、またはKB4074588 (OS ビルド 16299.248),再起動すると、デバイスによってはできない場合があります STOP 0x0000007B のエラーのため Windows 10 (INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE) を起動するとします

シナリオ 2: AMD プロセッサの小さなサブセットを使用して、Windows 7、Windows 8、または 10 の Windows の以前のバージョンを実行しているデバイス (1507, 1511, 1607)、最初のリリース後すぐに 2018 の 1 月のセキュリティ更新プログラムをインストールした後の再起動時にハングする可能性があります

(注: 10 1709 のバージョンの Windows を実行している脆弱性による影響の AMD プロセッサを搭載したデバイスは一時的にロールバックされた 2018 の 1 月のセキュリティ更新プログラムのいくつかの再起動が失敗した後。リリース以降の更新プログラム、マイクロソフトが動作して、問題を解決するのには AMD です。解決手順が提供されている可能性がありますが、影響を受けるし、Windows を起動することが不要になったデバイスを回復する。)

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