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Código de Inscrição Office 365 Education



Não estou conseguindo concluir minha inscrição para baixar o Office 365 Education. O site não envia o código de verificação para mim e, quando tento reenviar, aparece a seguinte mensagem "não foi possível reenviar o código de verificação. Tente novamente em alguns minutos." E isso se repete em todas as vezes que tento.

Office 365 Educat

윈도우10 사용자 입니다. 모바일 핫스팟이 자동 실행되게 할수있나요??


윈도우를 켤때마다 모바일 핫스팟을 켜야합니다..

시스템을 실행하면 자동으로 모바일 핫스팟이 켜지게 하려면 어떻게 설정할수있는지요???

"Windows Media Player encountered a problem while playing the file."


Computer: Dell Optiplex 5050 running Windows 10.

Tried to play a movie DVD ("1776"). Apparently no app capable of playing video on my Optiplex, or at least it didn't function. Suggestion by Help file was to buy or try a DVD/Video player from the MS Store. Downloaded Parma Video Player (had 4 stars and was free). Wouldn't play video DVD. And also won't play music files. Also, Windows Media Player does not work. 

In addition, when I go to Setup, I see an icon for a Blu-ray disk player and am told it is "Not connected."

Windows Media Player played music with no problems before installing Parma Video Player.

Заблокированы плитки в меню пуск


Проблемы с изменением/добавлением/удалением.

После перезагрузки состав и расположение плиток восстанавливается к перовначальному состоянию.

Установка Windows с нуля не решает проблему.

A rendszer nyelvenek megfelelo billentyuzetkiosztas rendszeresen megjelenik a talcan.

ENG-INTL billentyuzetem van, ez az egy kiosztas van telepitve, a magyart letoroltem, a rendszer nyelve magyar. Ennek ellenere neha megjelenik a talcan a kiosztas valasztas gombja, amiben szerepel a magyar kiosztas. A gomb eltunik, ha letoltom a magyar kiosztast, es letorlom, de magatol is el szokott tunni a kovetkezo inditasra. Kb. az inditasok felenel van ott, de oszinten nem figyelem folyamatosan mert nem szokott zavarni egy ideig.
Akkor kezd el zavarni, mikor magatol atvaltja a kiosztast (0,1 szazalek eselyt adok ra, hogy en nyomom meg veletlenul a billentyukombinaciot, de nem szoktam egyszerre azt a kettot nyomogatni, ennek ha csak egy kiosztas van telepitve, akkor szerintem nem kellene valtogatnia).
Masnak nincs ilyen problemaja? Es otlete, hogy lehetne ezt megoldani?



系统版本号为Windows10家庭版1709,已安装截至该问题发布之前的所有系统更新。硬件设备为ThinkPad T470,已安装截至问题发布前的所有电源相关驱动。


Bing is lagging behind competition in the speed of indexing website changes, specifically migration to https version of the website


I have added SSL certificate to my website TvojSajt.com almost month ago, I do have rel=canonical and 301 redirect set up correctly. Your biggest rival (will not name it, but you know who it is) took only a week or so to start indexing and showing in search results https version of my website, whereas Bing still shows old results. 

Also, I have changed meta description and title of several pages at similar time, but Bing don't know about that still.

Work on that algorithm, please!

Problemen met formule COUNTIF


Hoi, kan ik de volgende formule ook gebruiken als ik als range maar 1 cel heb: =COUNTIF(B2:B5,">=32")-COUNTIF(B2:B5,">85")

Ik heb in 1 kolom (bv. kolom A) een tracker met overzicht van de vooruitgang van een werk (bv. 75%). Daarnaast heb ik 3 kolommen (B, C & D) om te kunnen bepalen of het getal in kolom A minder dan 40% is, meer dan 60% is of 100%. (Wanneer het aan de criteria voldoet dan komt er een 1) in die kolom te staan en in de andere 2 een 0. Dit werkt perfect voor de kolom met 40% (met de formule: =COUNTIF(K52:K52;"<40%") en voor de kolom met 100% (met de formule: =COUNTIF(I52:I52;"100%"). Wanneer het getal echter 100% is in kolom 1 dan berekent de formule in kolom meer dan 60% een 1 maar ook in de kolom 100% wat niet correct is > het zou niet in de kolom meer dan 60% mogen verschijnen. Hoe kan ik deze formule aanpassen zodat het leest: grote dan 60% maar kleiner dan 100%.  Hartelijk dank voor jullie hulp!


Windows版本为家庭版Windows10 1709,已安装截至该问题发布前的所有更新。硬件设备为ThinkPad T470,配备一个支持WindowsHello的指纹传感器,但在今早使用电脑内置的Lenovo Vantage安装了一些驱动程序更新并重启后,指纹识别突然不可用,指纹识别器的指示灯一直处于熄灭状态,锁屏界面的登陆选项仅剩密码和PIN,设置中显示此设备不支持WindowsHello。

Removing HackTool:Win32


Help! This file keeps surfacing each time my laptop PC is restarted.  Windows Defender sees and removes the threat each time, but it still seems to reappear.  What do I do?

Como pongo la pantalla en smart tv


quiero transmitir mi Windows 10 alguien me dice como hacerlo?

Is my headphone jack broken?


I am using a surface rt. the headphone jack worked all the way up to this morning. I went to plug it back in and now the sound seems distorted, but strangely the headphone "test sound" does not, while music and other audio does. A small bit of the plug is still showing in the jack, but  it "clicked" when I plugged it in, so I thought it was all the way in. Could I have damaged the jack somehow? Any help is appreciated.

File History stopped working again

On my Windows 10 Home with latest updates, File History has been working for about 3 weeks, and then decided to stop working. (I've been checking on it everyday.) There are no relevant entries in the event log, and I've not made any changes to the system. For such an important system facility, why can't File History at least notify the user? This is really an unacceptable situation for a backup program. So, I guess I'll give up on File History and look for another solution, as much as I like the way File History works, when it's actually working.  

Produktnøkkel som ikke fungerer


Jeg har i noen måneder hatt Office 365 Personal Abonnement som jeg hadde lastet ned fra nettet, men dette abonnementet har jeg nå avsluttet.

Årsaken til at jeg kansellerte dette abonnementet er at jeg har fått i gave et Office 365 Personal Abonnement i form av en Produktnøkkel av min svigerdatter.

Produktnøkkelen har hun fått på sin høyskole i forbindelse med utdanning, men ettersom hun ikke har bruk for dette, har hun gitt det videre til meg. Det er en produktnøkkel som er merket med  copyright 2016, så den må være av nyere dato.

Jeg har en iMac fra 2011, som nylig er oppgradert med Sierra. 

Jeg har skrapet av den sølvfargede stripen og lagt inn inn koden på 25 bokstaver/tall, via Microsoft-kontoen min.

Problemet er at jeg får beskjed om at koden er ugyldig. Hva er årsaken til dette? Er det problemer av teknisk eller juridisk karakter her?



ไม่ได้รับสินค้าตามเลขที่สั่งซื้อ 3267237583

"ไม่ได้รับสินค้าตามเลขที่สั่งซื้อ 3267237583 ติดต่อทาง Gameloft แล้ว ทางGameloftแจ้งว่าไม่สามารถเข้าถึงข้อมูลในบัญชี Microsoft ส่วนตัวของคุณได้เนื่องจากข้อจำกัดที่ Microsoft กำหนดไว้ ดังนั้นเราจึงต้องขอให้คุณติดต่อฝ่ายสนับสนุน Microsoft โดยตรง เนื่องจากพวกเขาเป็นเพียงผู้เดียวที่สามารถเข้าถึงรายละเอียดทั้งหมดที่ต้องใช้เพื่อแก้ไขปัญหานี้"

unable to open QuickBooks 2018


Have spent hours trying everything to get Windows 7 Pro to openQuickBooks 2018 Premier Desktop. After looking everywhere I'm here. I just read that Microsoft is having an issue with the Patch # KB4074805. Apparently this is causing all the crashing and not allowing the program to even open. Does anyone have more information? Can the patch be removed or is it the update that has the problem not the patch? Nothing is clear. I really need this. Starting new job in 2 days and I  am trying to get this trial version open to practice. Help....


Movie Maker


I have tried to download the app Movie Maker (by V3Tapps) and it says "Starting download" and hasn't changed. 

Computer meets the requirements too, so not sure what to do.

skype calls

Connecting new printer to Surface 2


I have a new Canon PIXMA TS5160 printer. I have tried, and failed, to connect it to my Surface 2.  I contacted Canon support and have been back and forth with them. They assure me I should be able to connect the printer to my Surface. Here is their last set of instructions:

"When using Windows RT, you can print easily by simply connecting the TS5160 to the network where the Windows RT is connected.


When connection is complete, the "Canon Inkjet Print Utility" software that allows you to make detailed settings for printing, will be downloaded automatically. There is no need to download the printer driver as it is built into Windows RT


Notes on Product Setup:


1.  Your computer or tablet must be connected to the same access point as the machine.

2.  Enable sharing between computers in the network settings of your computer or tablet, then set to a private network.


Notes on Automatic Download of Canon Inkjet Print Utility: 


1.  You need to sign in to a Microsoft account from your computer or tablet beforehand. Please contact Microsoft if you need assistance on this.

2.  When using a computer or tablet equipped with a USB port, you can also connect it to the machine using a USB cable. Connect your computer or tablet to the machine via USB.

  -  When connection via USB is complete, the printer driver will be automatically detected.

  -  When the printer driver is detected, "Canon Inkjet Print Utility," software that allows you to make detailed settings for printing, will be downloaded automatically.

  -  Network connection is required to use web services."

Below are the messages I am getting when trying to connect it and open app. (Scroll right to end for both screenshots). The printer connects easily to other devices in the house. It appears that it can't connect to my Surface, yet Canon support keeps telling me it can. Any suggestions? Should I be able to connect it or is it not supported? Thank you!



Após formatar meu pc, eu instalei a steam e o left 4 dead, percebi que o jogo esta com gráfico ruim, ja vi as configurações e ta a mesma coisa.

Ja tentei atualizar os driver manualmente.

essaé a lista dos programas desinstalado.

Formatei o pc pois tava cheio de virus que eu nao achava.

nem manualmente, nem com software.


eu so instalei a steam e os jogos e o malwarebyte  e, revo

ele me entregou o pc em 12/03/2017


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