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Bilgisayarım açılmıyor


Bilgisayarim(PC) sony vaio SVE151G17M son gelen güncellestirmeyi yaparken hata meydana geldi ve bilgisayarim hic bir şekilde açılmadı bütün kurtarma seçeneklerini falan yaptım olmadı sonunda aklıma nereden geldiyse cmd yerini açıp diski temizlemek gibi malca bir fikir geldi ve uyguladım . Şimdi diskte hicbirsey olmadığı için bilgisayarım açılmıyor sadece ctrl+alt+delete yapabiliyorum . Elimde windows 7 korsan format dvd si var onun ile de açamıyorum bios bot ekranı falan hicbir sekilde açılmıyor . Üniversitede ögrenciyim

Acil yardım

Windows freezes after latest update 2/21/2017


Windows freezes after latest update 2/21/2017.

I have two DELL desktop which have this problem.

On 02/22 I have problem with the first one (XPS9800)

Today it was repeated on second one. At the login screen - no mouse and keyboard...

Pantalla negra sin cursor ni nada en la pantalla

Mi problema es en una laptop lenovo ideapad 110 y el problema surge cuando estoy navegando o usando el equipo y despues de unos minutos la pantalla se queda totalmete negra sin cursor ni nada. Pasa cuando la conecto a ala corriente si ,pero tambien pasa aunque no este conectada a la toma de luz esto lo pongo para descartar que piensen que es la toma de corriente, el problema me ha sucedido varias veces y para que reaccione tengo que apagarla con el boton de power. Y volverla a prender perdiendo toda ña información que no haya guardado, me urge solucionar el problema.

Desinstalar o Windows 7 e trocar pelo Linux Mint

Tenho um Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bits e quero saber como eu faço pra desinstalar o Windows 7 e Instalar o Linux Mint? já tenho a Iso do Linux Mint,se puder tem como fazer um Backup dos arquivos do Windows 7 e trazer pro Linux?

[Office 365] Por que alguns graves problemas com o Word 2016 e com o OneDrive estão acontecendo comigo desde ontem?


[NOTA: A categoria está como Office 365 Home, mas uso o Office 365 Personal, é que a Microsoft Community não tem a categoria do Office 365 Personal.]

Olá, pessoal, tudo bem?

Mais uma vez, meu nome é Arthur Aguiar Estigarribia, eu sou um estudante universitário e assinante do Office 365 Personal no Windows 10 versão Fall Creators Update.

Desde ontem, alguns problemas estão acontecendo comigo no Office 2016/365 (baixado da Loja).

  1. Ao abrir alguns arquivos, deparei-me com o erro "O Word não poe criar o ambiente de trabalho. Verifique a variável e ambiente path." ao abrir alguns arquivos hoje à tarde.
  2. Desde ontem, estou com problemas de sincronização de alguns arquivos do Word no OneDrive: me dá a notificação, ao fechar o arquivo, de que não foi possível mesclar as alterações, mesmo com salvamento automático ligado. Abro a notificação e diz na janela que o OneDrive precisa de sua atenção. Vou ver o que é e me mostra "1 arquivo não pode ser sincronizado com o OneDrive". Tento mesclar novamente, mas não consigo, fica "Salvando..." eternamente no Word, aí só consigo com a criação de cópias de arquivos (aquela que cria uma cópia que tem o nome do PC no final do nome do arquivo), o que faz ocupar o meu espaço no OneDrive. Depois, a sincronização do arquivo que deu problema, após excluir o arquivo antigo e renomear o arquivo com as alterações (a renomeação é simplesmente remover o nome do PC, restaurando o nome do arquivo original), fica eternamente no "Sincronização pendente" no Windows Explorer.

Como eu resolvo esses problemas para que eu não tenha que passar por essas gambiarras, uma vez que o Office 365 da Loja não vem com a opção de reparação?

Atenciosamente, Arthur Aguiar Estigarribia.

Estudante do curso de Matemática Aplicada da FURG Campus Carreiros.

mi windows no reconoce mis auriculares

¿porque cuando actualise a windows 10 mi pc conecto mis auriculares noga voice nuevos y no reproduce ningun sonido nisiquiera de ninguna forma windows los reconoce ni los auriculares de los celus  me e instalado un monton de cosas pero nada funciona quue hago? por ejejmplo cuando doy click derecho al icono de sonido en la parte inferior derecha y le doy a  dispositivos de reproduccion y luego le doy a mostrar dispositivos desactivados y no aparece ninguno de mis auriculares

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD


Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWDMicrosoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

Microsoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWDMicrosoft Outlook Customer Care *1.844.443.4040* Microsoft Outlook Customer Care IOWD

O.u.t.l.o.o.k help phone number Windows support number Windows 8 tech support Windows 10 customer support phone number O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support number O.u.t.l.o.o.k help phone W.I.N.D.O.W.S number O.u.t.l.o.o.k help desk Call Windows 8 Windows help phone number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer care number O.u.t.l.o.o.k helpline number Windows 8 customer service Windows 7 phone number Windows customer support number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k toll free Windows 10 toll free number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k professional support Windows 10 help hotmail customer support number hotmail help phone $ microsoft support phone number Windows customer service number Contact O.u.t.l.o.o.k O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support phone number .[|&[}#]|)[}&`| Windows 10 technical support number Contact Microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k telephone microsoft office number ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k helpline number ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k toll free number Windows 7 technical support number Windows 7 support number Windows 8 professional support microsoft helpline Hotmail tech ms office help phone microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer support Windows 7 support phone number Windows 10 contact Contact microsoft office O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer support phone number hotmail toll free Windows telephone number microsoft help phone number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k support ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer care O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer service number ms office help microsoft technical support phone number Call O.u.t.l.o.o.k O.u.t.l.o.o.k contact O.u.t.l.o.o.k help phone number Windows support number Windows 8 tech support Windows 10 customer support phone number O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support number O.u.t.l.o.o.k help phone W.I.N.D.O.W.S number O.u.t.l.o.o.k help desk Call Windows 8 Windows help phone number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer care number O.u.t.l.o.o.k helpline number Windows 8 customer service Windows 7 phone number Windows customer support number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k toll free Windows 10 toll free number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k professional support Windows 10 help hotmail customer support number hotmail help phone $ microsoft support phone number Windows customer service number Contact O.u.t.l.o.o.k O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support phone number .[|&[}#]|)[}&`| Windows 10 technical support number Contact Microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k telephone microsoft office number ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k helpline number ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k toll free number Windows 7 technical support number Windows 7 support number Windows 8 professional support microsoft helpline Hotmail tech ms office help phone microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer support Windows 7 support phone number Windows 10 contact Contact microsoft office O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer support phone number hotmail toll free Windows telephone number microsoft help phone number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k support ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer care O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer service number ms office help microsoft technical support phone number Call O.u.t.l.o.o.k O.u.t.l.o.o.k contact O.u.t.l.o.o.k help phone number Windows support number Windows 8 tech support Windows 10 customer support phone number O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support number O.u.t.l.o.o.k help phone W.I.N.D.O.W.S number O.u.t.l.o.o.k help desk Call Windows 8 Windows help phone number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer care number O.u.t.l.o.o.k helpline number Windows 8 customer service Windows 7 phone number Windows customer support number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k toll free Windows 10 toll free number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k professional support Windows 10 help hotmail customer support number hotmail help phone $ microsoft support phone number Windows customer service number Contact O.u.t.l.o.o.k O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support phone number .[|&[}#]|)[}&`| Windows 10 technical support number Contact Microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k telephone microsoft office number ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k helpline number ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k toll free number Windows 7 technical support number Windows 7 support number Windows 8 professional support microsoft helpline Hotmail tech ms office help phone microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer support Windows 7 support phone number Windows 10 contact Contact microsoft office O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer support phone number hotmail toll free Windows telephone number microsoft help phone number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k technical support number microsoft O.u.t.l.o.o.k support ms O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer care O.u.t.l.o.o.k customer service number ms office help microsoft technical support phone number Call O.u.t.l.o.o.k O.u.t.l.o.o.k contact

I have had skype for years. But now it does not work. My calls do not go thrugh. Immediately I got "the call was terminated."

I have had skype for years. But now it does not work. My calls do not go thrugh. Immediately I got "the call was terminated."

Questions I did not ask as part of my profile


Hi, I use this platform pretty infrequently, in large part because Office for Mac seems like an extremely neutered version of the PC version. That said, I have been unable to 'reply' to many 'answers' to my questions. There also appear within my profile's 'My questions' section, questions from other people. I can neither reply to the person who posed those questions nor to any of the answers given.

Is there a purpose to this functionality? If so, may I know what it is?

Thank you,


I have had skype for years. But now it does not work. My calls do not go thrugh. Immediately I got "the call was terminated."

I have had skype for years. But now it does not work. My calls do not go thrugh. Immediately I got "the call was terminated."

Can't use the "Fix me" option after using the Reset my PC feature

So... today, I woke up to find that my computer was stuck on the spinning wheel. It wouldn't boot, not even into safe mode. Stuff happened, and I've refreshed my PC without removing my files. Even after adding my Microsoft account, I can't use the "Fix me" button  to continue to receive Insider builds. Help? Build rs_prerelease_flt 17074









system starts with second user account which has no files; switching to old primary user can't open apps or start menu


I opened a second account on my always current Win10 machine to keep an eye out for contact list hacks. Starting up on Thursday 2/23, the second account's desktop showed up and "he" was welcomed to Windows as if it were a new PC. My original user was not listed at the lower left of the screen as an option.

I switched to my original account, and the desktop was arranged differently but all the files/folders were there. However, IE 11 and Edge won't open. Task manager shows them open, but there's no window. How can I get back to normal?

by mistake my microsoft account is connected to the skype account of my husband. Hcan I correct that ?


by mistake my Microsoft account is connected to the skype account of my husband.

I would like to connect it to my own skype account, and disconnect it from the one of my husband.

How do I do that ?

Help please

Correo en brasil

Hola quería saber como hago para abrir m8 casilla de correo hotmail en brasil. Cada vez q salgo de Argentina no puedo ver más mis mails. Graciad

Ion EZ tape/turntable converter


      I have the ION EZ tape/Turntable converter trying to set up and it keeps asking me to download ITunes before I proceed and I already have ITunes downloaded on my Toshiba Laptop. Seems I'm stuck in a loop and can't get out. My previous system went right to Windows Media Player. Help!!

Mike G.

Java Won't Install


I tried to install Java (last update) for first time on my pc. When I run file as administrator and Nothing, absolutely nothing.

I'm running Windows 10 x64

Windows Version is 1709 (Os Build 16299.192)


Thanks in advance!

Automation errors in Office 2016


Wrote VBA code in Office 2010 and used it successfully in Office 2010 and 2013. Upgraded to Office 2016 and now I'm receiving "Automation errors" randomly. Every time I run the code the automation error shows up in different places. While debugging in VBA editor if I back the execution arrow up and run the code, sometimes the code will run.  Not understanding why this is happening.  Have not found any information on the internet to help with these errors.

Does anyone know why this is happening?  I checked my references and they are all checked.  Giving any code would be worthless because the many errors that show up are random.  Each time I run the code a different area of the code has an error.  It seems as though lines of code are skipped or that the computer cannot keep up with the code which is ridiculous.  The machine is an i7 core processor.  The only thing new here is Office 2016.

Please help.

Best Regards,

Stuck on “account reset, please see your administrator” with no power options

Stuck on this, I went into safe mode to add another account but there was an issue with the cursor so I turned off the computer and turned it back on and this comes up any suggestions?

vastloper na de laatse update van windows 10

ik gebruik windows 10 ik heb een grote update gehad jongs lede op 2 februari 2018 en 15 februari en nu heb ik regelmatig last van vastlopers. hoe krijg ik dat voor goed weg
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