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windows defender antivirus

mi dice pc non protetto e mi esce codice di errore 0x8050800c mi dice di fare prima gli aggiornamenti ma non funziona; ditemi cosa devo fare?



Na de laatste update krijg ik mijn scherm alleen nog maar met Ctrl-Alt-Del van de beeldschermbeveiliging af. Voorheen kon ik dat met de spatiebalk, muis, Windowstoets of Entertoets.

Nu werkt dat niet meer.

Ik gebruik bij de beeldschermbeveiliging (vakantie-)foto's die in elkaar overlopen.

could not install visual c++ 2015 error log given pls help

[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:21:59]i001: Burn v3.7.3813.0, Windows v6.3 (Build 9600: Service Pack 0), path: C:\Users\LAVI\Downloads\vc_redist.x64.exe, cmdline: ''
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleLog' to value 'C:\Users\LAVI\AppData\Local\Temp\dd_vcredist_amd64_20170519222200.log'
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSource' to value 'C:\Users\LAVI\Downloads\vc_redist.x64.exe'
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleOriginalSourceFolder' to value 'C:\Users\LAVI\Downloads\'
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i000: Setting string variable 'WixBundleName' to value 'Microsoft Visual C++ 2015 Redistributable (x64) - 14.0.23026'
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i100: Detect begin, 10 packages
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i000: Setting version variable 'windows_uCRT_DetectKey' to value '10.0.10586.212'
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i000: Setting numeric variable 'windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists' to value 1
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition '(windows_uCRT_DetectKeyExists AND windows_uCRT_DetectKey >= v10.0.10137.0)' evaluates to true.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: vcRuntimeMinimum_x64, state: Absent, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: vcRuntimeAdditional_x64, state: Absent, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: Windows81_x86, state: Present, cached: Complete
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: Windows81_x64, state: Present, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: Windows8_x86, state: Present, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: Windows8_x64, state: Present, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: Windows7_MSU_x86, state: Present, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: Windows7_MSU_x64, state: Present, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: WindowsVista_MSU_x86, state: Present, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i101: Detected package: WindowsVista_MSU_x64, state: Present, cached: None
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i052: Condition 'VersionNT64 >= v6.0 OR (VersionNT64 = v5.2 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1)' evaluates to false.
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]e000: Error 0x81f40001: Bundle condition evaluated to false: VersionNT64 >= v6.0 OR (VersionNT64 = v5.2 AND ServicePackLevel >= 1)
[09FC:0F50][2017-05-19T22:22:00]i199: Detect complete, result: 0x0

need to reinstall some win10 apps but the computer will not let me.

need to get Microsoft mail & maps, calculator, messaging, photos, store, weather, skype, alarms, clock, camera, feedback hub, groove, solitaire, people, phone, photos.  The Start Menu boxes are empty.  I have tried several ways to get these apps back, but no joy.

Errore sincronizzazione One note


Ho problemi di sincronizzazione con blocchi appunti presenti su One drive. Esce il messaggio di erroe

Per sincronizzare il blocco appunti è necessaria una password. (Codice di errore: 0xE0000024)

 e i blocchi di appunti non risultano connessi? Dipenre dalla verzione di onenote installato?


Outlook Taskbar Icon stopped showing / changing when a new unread email comes in. How do I turn it back on

The outlook icon on the taskbar used to change so I would know when a new message was received. It would unchange once I opened the message. Help! Thanks.

Windows Asks for PIN but Wants Password

I use Windows 10. I have set up both a PIN and a Windows password. I rarely need either since I normally sign onto my computer using the fingerprint reader. However, once in a while the fingerprint reader doesn't work, and Windows asks for my PIN. Lately, I have entered my PIN (which I know is correct) but Windows says it's wrong. It does accept my password. Why is Windows asking for a PIN if it wants a password? How do I correct this?

How can I re-size the left portion of the Chat window


Hi everybody,

For some reason the Left portion of the Chat window (the one with the icon and name) is too narrow for me, so I can see the person's photo and then just 1 or 2 letters of their names. How can I make that portion of the window wider?

Thanks a lot in advance.

porta usb

perchè dopo l'ultimo aggiornamento non mi legge più la stampante? mi dice che il cavo è vecchio...ma se ha 3 mesi e prima ha sempre funzionato!

Creators Update 'Shared Experiences' Email Account Issue



Since Microsoft 'creators update' about 10 days ago I have been getting the following message pop up every day;

" Microsoft account problem

We need to fix your Microsoft account before you can use shared experiences. Select this message to fix things."


When I select the message it opens a box with my Gmail account listed and wants the password. I put in the password I have but It says it doesn't recognise. So I select the 'forgot password' option below, and it says to enter the characters I see, which I do, and then I get following message;

"Try entering your Microsoft account again, we don't regognise this one."

So, I don't understand because it's the account that is coming up in the box - an account that is also listed if I go through; Start > Email & App Accounts.

Note. I don't really care about sharing and I have already tried turning off 'Shared Experiences' in settings, but that didn't resolve.


Please advise.

Не могу начать получать сборки windows 10 mobile insider preview

Проблема в том что данное окно не двигается и нет возможности продолжить. Эта проблема только здесь. Перепробовал все что мог.

Suppression de la section AUTRES



J'aimerais savoir comment fait on pour supprimer l'onglet "AUTRES" qui ce trouve dans la boîte de réception.

Car, cela ne sert strictement à rien.

Merçi par avance, de m'expliquer pas après pas la ou les procédures à suivre pour résoudre le problème.


Magische Puzzles

Ich spiele Magische Puzzles sehr gerne. Seit geraumer Zeit kann man nicht mehr damit spielen, weil die einzelnen Puzzleteile sich vom Mauszeiger nicht verschieben lassen. Zunächst dachte ich, dass es an der Maus liegt, weshalb ich eine andere Maus benutzte. Es nutzte jedoch nichts, da sich nach wie vor die Puzzleteile nicht verschieben ließen.

BSOD "Unmountable boot volume" sur Windows 10


Bonjour à tous, 

J'ai un problème depuis quelques mois avec mon PC : j'ai à chaque fois le BSOD "Unmountable boot volume" qui apparaît au démarrage, et donc impossible d'accéder à l'écran de mot de passe, ni même le mode sans échec. 

J'ai réinstallé Windows au moins 5 fois, et à chaque fois, quelques jours après la réinstallation, le problème réapparaît. 

Avant d'avoir le BSOD, je remarque que mon ordi plante de plus en plus souvent et qu'il est très lent au demarrage. 

Je ne sais plus du tout quoi faire...

Merci d'avance pour votre réponse. 

Contantore Excel



da poco mastico excel e VBA, mi sto costruendo una fattura e ho l'esigenza di un contantore

automatico per il numero fattura.

Ora vorrei che il contantore fosse scritto e letto sull'hard disk ad esempio c:

come posso fare in vba per fare questa cosa? sicuramente sarà semplice ma per me oggi è un bell'ostacolo.

Grazie per l'aiuto che vorrete darmi.

Marco - Roma

Cursor verplaatsen naar bepaalde cel



Bijvoorbeeld in een order formulier wil ik een aantal orderregels ingeven. Na in cel C1 het Product gevuld te hebben zou ik willen dat de cursor één rij zakt en naar de meest linkse kolom springt (in dit geval dus A2).

Wie kan mij de werkwijze hiertoe geven.

2na intypen "Product" cursor hier

Vooruit dank

Jan Visser

Nokia 920 écran defoncé et a pris l'eau


Bonjour a tous,

j'ai acheté mon lumia 920 il y a quelques années et il ne fonctionne pas mais je me demande s'il pourrait etre reparé. L'ecran s'est cassé (sans incidence sur son fonctionnement) mais j'ai ensuite renversé du thé dessus...

Je suis donc allée chez un specialiste mais apres m'avoir promis de me le rendre le lendemain et m'avoir fait poireauté, il m'annonce que l'ecran (+lcd) qu'ils ont mis a la place ne fonctionne pas. Ma question donc c'est: est-ce que vous pensez qu'il est reparable et est-ce que ca vaut le coup?

Quand je le branche sur mon ordi, il s'installe (difficilement) mais je n'arrive pas a acceder aux fichiers ➡️ il parait que c parce qu'il faut mettre le code de deblocage... sur le tactile qui donc ne fonctionne pas. Et egalement, quand j'appuie sur le bouton de l'appareil photo, il vibre. J'avais vu un autre specialiste qui (après juste une heure de diagnostic) m'avait dit qu'il suffisait de changer l'ecran. Alors comment demeler le vrai du faux? Est-ce que la carte mere est touchée a votre avis?

Merci de vos avis et de vos experiences 

Email Content does not show up


All of a sudden, the content of my hotmail emails does not show up. Only the headings: from, to, subject.

I have a mac.

The email contents are visible in my iphone and ipad, though.

I'd appreciate information on how to solve this.


Lookup Functions


I have a table in my workbook with unsorted data (All Providers). I have another table (Tracking), and in column J, I'd like to add a drop down menu that looks in "All Providers" column B. Once a provider is selected from column B, I would like it to populate "Tracking" table column K with the data from column C of "All Providers" that matches that provider.

VLOOKUP isn't an option because "All Providers" is unsorted, and it's not looking in the first column either, and I can't re-sort that. I have a few different cells in the row that I'd like to populate in the same way. Help?


windows defender



forleden dag skete der flg.: min skærm flakkede helt vildt i blåt og grønt og det gjorde den

i adskillige timer.

tog så igen igen op i vore pc-it-nørd butik i centrum med min pc. (tung stationær pc) og skulle

så ta`en taxa og be`taxa-chaufføren om at hente min pc på 5. sal, bære den ned i hans taxa og

når fremme ved pc-butikken bære den ind i butikken. jeg blev i butikken mens de "rensede" den

el. "rep." den. og beskeden tilsidst var, at det var mit grafikkort som var stået af. fatter ikke en

dyt fordi min pc blev købt så sent som d. 1. jan. i år.

så det blev så til 750 kr. for reparationen samt 400 kr. til et nyt grafik-kort samt taxa frem og tilbage

 - ialt ca. 1.400 kr.

er anden gang min ny-købte pc (købt i el-giganten 2/1-17) er oppe i pc-butikken - sidste gang var

det ransomware-angreb. jeg ku`jo ha`brugt købelovens 2 årige garanti men jeg ved af erfaring

med min samme sted (el-giganten) købte canon-printer blev sendt til reparation på sjælland (bor

selv i randers) og det tog ca. 3 uger før jeg fik den hjem igen. så det cirkus gad jeg bare ikke.

NU HAR JEG SÅ VÆRET UDE FOR RANSOMWARE-ANGREB (med først min gl. pc og herefter den

nye pc) 2 gange ialt og så her til sidst forleden dag herudover de 400 kr. til et nyt grafik-kort.

så efterflg. sad jeg så endnu en gang med en baby-pc og skulle downloade alle programmer - ovf.

div. fra min externe hard-disc (er slet ikke færdig endnu.)

og jeg er ved at være super-træt-af-det.

og ligenu med denne her nyfødte baby af en pc er windows defender ikke mere windows defender -

den er totalt u-igenkendelig.

HVORFOR ER WINDOWS DEFENDER DET? win defender er dybt godnat ligenu.

håber nogen herinde kan skaffe min win defender tilbage igen "i dens tidligere facon".


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