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Skype for Business e chiamata



nell'infrastruttura on-premise di skype for business server presente nella mia organizzazione si presenta questa "anomalia":

Quando si effettuano chiamate dal client skype for business utilizzando la tastiera  virtuale se la persona contatta  è già occupata la chiamata si interrompere bruscamente senza alcun tipo di segnalazione

Le prove effettuate sono state le seguenti:

Persona impegnata in altra comunicazione skype 4B e contattata tramite telefono: segnale occupato (è attiva la funzione busy on busy)

Persona impegnata in altra comunicazione skype 4B e contattata tramite chiamata skype dal client : segnale occupato(è attiva la funzione busy on busy)

Persona impegnata in altra comunicazione skype 4B e contattata tramite chiamata skype 4b utilizzando il tastierino virtuale: caduta chiamata.

Persona esterna all'organizzazione che NON utilizza skype for business  contattata tramite tastiera virtuale  del client skype 4b: caduta chiamata.

c'è una spiegazione per questo comportamento?


Failing updates

Split from this thread.

My Windows 10 laptop's updates keep failing and reverting to the previous version. It consumes hours every time.

I went to View Update History but it only shows successful updates and doesn't display anything about the failed ones.

Is that unusual? How do I get around it?

Šablona v MS Outlook



rád bych získal informace od zkušenějších o možnostech vytvářet jednoduše praktické emailové zprávy pomocí šablon bez další doprovodné odezvy MS Outlook 2010.

Řešil jsem zadání : Vytvořit jednoduchou formulářovou šablonu na jednotné podání určité žádosti. Je tam několik textových polí, do kterých uživatel vyplňuje příjmení, jméno, město......atd. Některá určená pole měla být viditelná po odeslání již v předmětu zprávy u příjemce. To byl základní požadavek. Po chvíli ladění jsem použil pro vyřešení požadavku pole "Předmět", kde jsem ve vlastnostech, na kartě "Hodnota" nastavil "Počáteční hodnotu" pole : "Uživatel_"&[Přijmení]&"_"&[Jméno]&"_CZ"&[Město]&"_"&[Období]   , s volbou vypočítat vzorec automaticky ( bohužel, nejde sem vložit obrázek ).

Vše funguje jak má, jen s jednou odezvou navíc... Po příchodu emailové zprávy příjemci, jejímu otevření a chtění tuto zprávu zavřít ( Esc )... se objeví dialogové okno MS Outlook s textem : " Vlastnosti zprávy .....zmíněná pole v předmětu emailu...byly změněny. Chcete změny v této zprávě uložit ??"   ANO, NE, Storno.  

Pokud zvolím ANO či NE, už se dialog neobjeví, logické. Pokud takto přečtenou zprávu nastavím jako nepřečtenou, situace se opakuje.

Bude to velké množství zpráv, tedy uživatelskou odezvu o něčem "navíc" lze očekávat...

Otázka zní : Je někde možné tento dialog vypnout nebo jak parametricky nastavit pole předmět, aby se dialog neobjevil ?

Předem díky za reakci :-)


Configuration SMTP sur Photocopieur



J'ai un problème pour configurer le SMTP d'Office365 sur un Photocopieur

Jusqu'à présent, j'avais en local un ancien serveur Exchange,n et j'utilisais alors son IP locale comme passerelle SMTP, mais je dois maintenant l'éteindre, et je voulais donc passer par le SMTP d'Office365 avec un compte qui va bien

J'ai donc créé un compte avec Licence E1 directement sur mon interface d'administration Office365, puis sur la machine j'ai changé l'adresse de mon vieux Exchange par smtp.office365.com

J'ai bien indiqué dans le mode d'authentification du photocopieur d'activer le TLS, et j'ai précisé le port 587

Dans "Nom d'utilisateur" j'ai mis l'adresse mail complète du compte, et son mot de passe défini par moi même

Mais impossible d'envoyer le moindre Mail (des Scans en l'occurence), j'ai immédiatement une erreur : Problème de connexion au serveur

J'ai tracé la trame dans mon Firewall, je la vois bien sortir vers internet

Pour info, j'utilise ce même compte depuis un Serveur pour l'envois automatique de fichiers et il fonctionne parfaitement

J'ai bien entendu appeler le service technique de la marque, on a fait le tour des configs de l'appareil et ils me confirment que je n'ai pas loupé d'étape dans la configuration

Savez-vous me dire si je dois configurer quelque chose en plus sur Office365, ou s'il y a d'autres adresses de serveurs SMTP, ou bien si j'ai fait une grossière erreur dans mes paramétrages ?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide !

Windows Live Mail Calendar Problem


I have exactly same problem of  Ann Finnsson's (Sept 27, 2016) post. I followed the suggestion, that is,  I clicked on the WLM top left but it does not show a "connection tab" nor a "stop signing in" button. Please, help how to get that option.....


Does Microsoft support Fast Spring tech supports bronze package?

Fast Spring says they can detect something wrong with my computer and wants to sell me protection before it crashes. Is this legal?

Inserimento contatti nella mail


Win 10 Office 2016

Al momento di inserire un destinatario e cliccando sulla casella "A", nel fare un ricerca dovrebbero comparirmi i miei contatti, invece non appare nulla.

Probabilmente ho cambiato il percorso del file, ma non so come fare a farlo apparire nella ricerca.


How do I reinstall drivers?

Cause windows said it will cost money for them to reinstall drivers for me. I have windows 10 on my HP laptop. I need to reinstall drivers cause all videos including offline ones are out of sync.

Outlook 2016 mit Outlook.DE verknüpfen nach Update Outlook.COM


Hallo zusammen,

ich versuche seit geschlagenen 6 Stunden mein Outlook.de-Konto (nicht .com - .de!) neu mit Outlook 2016 zu verbinden, wie dies von MS in vielen Mails verlangt wurde, weil seit ein paar Tagen der Kalender nicht mehr richtig synchronisiert wurde. Leider ohne jeden Erfolg.

Die Links aus den Aufforderungsmails sind mir bekannt. Der dort beschriebene Weg funktioniert bei mir nicht. Mit dem .DE-Konto läßt sich der Assistent nicht beenden. Autodiscover findet die Einstellungen nicht :-))))

Wenn ich das Konto manuel als imap oder pop einrichte funktionert es, dann werden aber Kontakte und Kalender nicht übertragen / synchronisiert.

Ein testhalber angelegtes .COM-Konto läuft problemlos durch. Ich habe Kalender, E-Mails und Kontakte inzwischen alles in den .com-Account kopiert, sodass ich zuimindest arbeiten kann. Viele Kleinigkeiten fehlen aber seiter, sodass ich natürlich gerne wieder zurück wechseln würde.

Kann es sein, dass das Ganze nur mit Outlook.COM funktioniert, nicht aber mit Outlook.DE?

Es ist ja auch in allen Texten nur ausdrücklich von outlook.com die Rede.

Hangs after updating

Split from this thread.


The spinning beachball issue is now happening also with locally stored files. I just updated MS Office.

Getting close to giving up.

Remover imagem da Conta doWindows 10


Boa tarde,

Como faço para remover a foto da minha conta do Windows 10?

Eu achei somente tutorias de como alterar a foto, mas não como remover por completo. Não quero deixar nenhuma foto.


Raquel Medeiros

после вчерашних обновлений


После вчерашних обновлений стало происходить непонятное. Компьютер начинает автоматически искать ошибки,включается восстановление системы(автоматически) но проблемы не получается решить. Ниже строки из отчета, который он якобы куда то отправляет. При нажатии на кнопку готово комп отключается. Ручного восстановления системы нет,все заблокировано,так же не пропускает в безопасный режим и остальные функции.

сигнатуры проблемы startuprepairoffline  сигнатура проблемы 1: 6.1.7600

сигнатура проблемы  2: 6.1.7600

сигнатура проблемы 3:unknown

сигнатура проблемы 4: -1

сигнатура проблемы 5: autofailover

сигнатура проблемы 6: 30

сигнатура проблемы 7:corruptregistri

версия ос 6.1.7600.

код языка:1049

Access에서 크로스탭 만들 때 화면 잘립니다.


크로스탭 만들 때 행, 열, 값 등 모든 설정에서 미리보기 화면 잘려서 나옵니다.

화면 해상도 권장으로 사용하고 있는대도 그러네요.

Outlook.com email rules not working.

My inbox rules aren't working. I have folders setup for certain messages to go into, but they aren't being moved by the rules. I tried deleting them all and adding them back, but that didn't help either. Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thank you.

Office Perde a Ativação

Boa tarde, tenho instalado em meu pc o Office 2013 e constantemente o mesmo começa a ficar lento e travando, aí comecei a perceber que ele perde a ativação, ele mostra no cabeçalho do outlook por exemplo, "uso não comercial" "Produto não Licenciado" , se eu reiniciar o micro ele volta a funcionar, vale a pena lembrar que é o Office 2013 Home and Business original, a versão do Windows é 10 Pro, já reparei, desinstalei e instalei de volta, até já formatei o micro pensando ser algum problema no Windows, mas nada resolveu. O que eu faço?

WDO Windows Defender Offline

How do I remove/delete/disable, permenantly, Windows Defender Offline from my Windows 10 machine?

onedrive for business new sync client real-time collaboration issues



I am testing to be able to work simultaneously on a document in Word or Excel 2016, from SharePoint Online Document Libraries (Office 365 Cloud account).  I find that when using a Mac client (using office 2016 and being logged into Office), when the Mac opens an excel document, it doesn't report to the windows client that that the document is open.  Therefore a windows client can work on the file, not realizing that the Mac client also has the file open.  Sometimes, I get a conflict and the windows file on the local machine won't sync, then after re-opening the windows client it asks to keep local copy or keep server copy.  This would cause confusion for users as they would be working on a document, then having to choose between their copy or server copy, and having to deal with merging the document with the mac client, basically eliminating the real-time co-authoring ability?

Also I find that sometimes the Mac will create another copy of the file, adding the client computer name.  Other times the mac client can over-write the file, which would loose any changes that windows machine made.

I am finding that Word does work better, but still lags some and seems can also cause issues.  Excel doesn't seem to report at all.  If I am not logged into Office on the mac, then Word also doesn't work, as it won't detect any co-authoring.

1. Does anyone know if I am missing something? Are anyone able to use co-authoring between windows and mac client using the new sync client for OneDrive4B?

2. Also is there a method to default so that the first user, locks the document.  At least this way, there won't be confusion about what changes have been made.

program sits on task bar not maximizing on screen

win 10 program sit on task bar only and not maximizing on screen when you try to open it.

일부 Microsoft 사이트 접속 과정에서 한국어 사이트가 존재함에도 불구하고 한국어가 아닌 언어 사이트로 연결됩니다.


(본래 Xbox와 관련된 문의를 하려고 하였으나, Xbox 지원 센터에 아예 질문을 올릴 수 없는 상황이어서 여기에  최대한 유사한 범주(계정)로 설정하여 질문을 올리는 상황이므로 Xbox 지원 센터로 찾아가서 질문하라는 답변은 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다.)

Windows 10 스토어에서 게임을 다운받아 Xbox 계정을 연동하기 위해 게임 내에서 로그인 버튼을 누르면 0x8015DC0C 오류가 발생하는데, 검색해 본 결과 i-PIN을 이용하여 본인인증을 해야 연동이 가능하다고 하여 Xbox 홈페이지에서 로그인을 하였습니다.

그러나 로그인하기만 하면 사이트가 자동으로 영어 (홍콩) 홈페이지로 이동합니다. 주소 표시줄에서 주소를 편집하여 강제로 한국어로 이동하게끔 해도, 아무 링크나 누르면 다시 영어 (홍콩) 홈페이지로 이동합니다.

본인 인증을 하려고 '프로필'을 누르면, 영어 (홍콩) 사이트에서 How a parent can change the privacy and online safety settings for a child account (부모가 자녀 계정의 온라인 안전 설정을 변경하는 방법) 이라는 글만 표시됩니다.

어쩔 수 없이 해당(영어 (홍콩)) 홈페이지 포럼에 문의를 하려고 하였으나, '프로필'을 눌렀을 때와 마찬가지로 위와 같은 페이지가 표시됩니다. 현재 Xbox 계정은 아예 손 쓸 수 없는 상태입니다.

현재 사용 중인 PC의 Windows 10 언어는 한국어로 설정되어 있으며, 접속 지역도 대한민국입니다. 계정의 어떤 설정에 문제가 있어서 영어 (홍콩) 사이트로 강제 이동되는지 알고 싶습니다. 위에서 언급했듯이, Xbox 지원 센터로 찾아가서 질문하라는 답변은 자제하여 주시기 바랍니다.

Microsoft Outlook 2010 running on Windows 10 with Internet Explorer


I have been running Windows 10 for almost a year with Outlook 2010 and Internet Explorer without any problems. This last week, every time I go to open a file in an Outlook email, now I get a Pop-up box in Outlook which says "Windows File Opener Cannot Open This File. To open this file, Windows File Opener needs to know what program created it. Windows File Opener can go online to search for it, or you can open it from existing program list, what do you want to do? It then shows two bullets to choose from - Search the Web for a program to open it OR Open the file through Windows.

I select the Open file through Windows, and then I get the pop-up box - How do I want to open this: Internet Explorer, or Microsoft Edge, or Other Options - Firefox or Look in the app Store. This pop-up has been there since upgrading to Windows 10. I like using Internet Explorer, but is nice to have the options as some times I have to use Microsoft Edge to open a file.

What has changed - Windows 10 or Outlook that it now gives me this Window File Opener pop-up in my Outlook email, and how do I fix it? I have updates turned on for both.

Thanks, Robert Byers.  

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