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fórmula EXEL

Bom dia, eu peço ajuda para usar uma formula que não deixe aparecer numero na célula quando ele for negativo. Obrigado .

Other User/anderer Benutzer


Hallo zusammen

Als ich an einem schönen Tag Windows 7 starten wollte, konnte ich nur noch auf einen sogenannten other user zugreifen.

Ich habe kein passwort dafür und kann auch nicht auf mein richtiges Konto zugreifen.

Hatte vorher ein Lokales Konto

Auf den Registrierungseditor habe ich auch per cd keinen zugriff(not supported offline os)

Vielleicht weis jemand weiter, bin schon seit Tagen am suchen.

Danke im voraus.




I purchased my computer last May, I admit I did not worry too much about getting into the nitty-gritty right away. Am needing info on how/where I might find an activation key for my Word. Last computer I purchased had ALL the goodies included, didn't need to sign up or purchase basic function stuff.

Nokia 920

Meu celular, Nokia 920, fecha o WhatsApp quando assisto a um video recebido. Abro o Whatsapp de novo, direciono para o contato que me enviou o vídeo, procuro o vídeo dentre as mensagens , aí sim, consigo assistir o vídeo inteiro. Se eu abrir um outro vídeo o Whatsapp é fechado novamente e tenho que repetir todo o procedimento. Só está acontecendo no Whatsapp, nos meus vídeos armazenados tocam normalmente. Já atualizei o Whatsapp sem resultado.  O Windows Phone 8.1 também está atualizado, só não consigo atualizar o aplicativo de vídeo porque não tem a opção de reinstalar, pois está vinculado ao X-box . O X-box não tem serventia para mim e infelizmente não consigo desinstalar. Obrigado se puderem me ajudar.

instalé un pack Fnac


bonjour j ai acheté un pack Fnac office 365 impossible de l'installé merci de m'aidé cordialement

Чёрный экран при сворачивании или выхода из игр

Здравствуйте! Недавно начал наблюдать чёрный экран при сворачивании или выходе из игр. Всё происходит случайно....Нет чёткой зависимости. Из разных игр. В самих играх всё отлично. Проблема в том что с чёрного экрана возможно выйти с помощью alt+tab , а иногда только перезагрузкой. Монитор подключен по DVI-D. Видяха Radeon rx 480. Изначально таких проблем не наблюдалось.

na opstarten een schermpje dat ik DAQ Exp.dll moet instaleren Wat te doen?



Every time I click on a link, see picture, I get the link displayed. It's a bit irritating & can obscure the link I wish to click. How can I hide the unnecessary information?

MMC could not create the snap-in.

MMC could not create the snap-in. can't seem to get solution from community.

Lumia 550 не включается

Доброго времени суток! Есть Microsoft Lumia 550, телефон новый, только из коробки. Лежит уже часа 2 на столе, на экране синий логотип и ничего не происходит. Есть ли смысл продолжать ожидание?



E-Post Windows 10


Jag håller på att bli lite knasig på denna app :-)

I alla mail klienter som jag har använt tidigare och jag har svarat på ett mail, då har avsändaren sparats som en kontakt.

Får det inte att fungera med appen E-Post.

Är jag tvungen att skapa ett Microsoft konto för appen "Kontakter"....eller vad?

Email contacts

I have group contacts set up in my email. When I'm trying to send an email and entering who to send it to, it won't pull up the groups. For instance, one group is titled 4k, so normally when I type in 4 it automatically adds that group to the email but it's not doing it now.

Es verdad esta información?


Hola hace unos días tuve un problema con el inicio de sesión desde mi lumia 1320, pero todo a vuelto a la normalidad, mi querido lumia esta vivo nuevamente. Después de investigar en video-tutoriales en youtube y foros enfocados en windows phone para solucionar el problema que presentaba mi equipo todo resulto en que fue un fallo general en sus servidores, pero ahora me encuentro con una nueva noticia que me desconcertó y me gustaría que fuera aclarada por este medio.

En un foro encontré la recomendación de migrar al sistema operativo windows phone 10 ya que el 11 de julio del 2017 dejara de tener soporte el sistema operativo windows phone 8.1 diciendo como si ya no fuesen a funcionar, entonces:

  • si esto es verdad que haremos los que no podemos instalar esta actualización?

  • porque mi teléfono no es compatible con dicho sistema operativo si se supone que es de gama alta?

 Me gustaría que alguien me pudiera contestar sinceramente estas dos simples preguntas

Outlook web acces OWA URL


Als ik naar mijn OWA webmail ga via webmail.mijndomein.nl verandert de URL naar outlook.office.com/owa/?realm=mijndomein.nll&path=/mail/inbox.

Hoe en waar kan ik aanpassen dat deze de URL bovenaan de pagina altijd blijft staan op webmail.mijndomein.nl? 

Ethernet sumiu



Estou com um problema, faz alguns dias que meu computador que se conecta com o cabo de internet parou de se conectar e só conecta com o wi-fi. Testei o mesmo cabo em meus notebooks e funcionam perfeitamente, meus notebooks e o computador são Windows 10, porém apenas no computador do nada parou de funcionar e quando clico em Configurações > Rede e Internet a opção Ethernet não aparece mais nele. O que aconteceu? Alguém pode me ajudar?

Obrigada desde já.

Cannot Share from my computer, cannot backdoor into computer either


I have a folder to share out various files on our network. At some point in the past few months it has randomly stopped working. If I try to follow the share link on my own computer I cannot access it. I also cannot backdoor into my computer through \\<computername>\c$ anymore.

The diagnostic says the device will not accept connections through SMB. I have read 20+ articles about how to fix the issue, none of which have worked. 

Any idea would be greatly appreciated. 

Adobe digital Edition non parte più

Salve, da un giorno all'altro mi ha smesso di funzionare adobe digital edition, ho disinstallato e riscaricato ma nulla, clicco su un file epub, vedo che cerca di caricare, si blocca subito e non si apre più...ho windows 10, che posso fare?

Problème avec le calendrier R Vs , notes

Depuis que j'ai la mise a jour de Windows 10  en été 2016 j'avais Windows 8 . lorsque j'utilise le calendrier pour mes Rendez vous, ou des notes . Après un certain temps tout s'effacent et j'ai encore perdu tout . Même depuis 2015 . le pourquoi est il les Mise à jour

Surface Pro4, No Docking Station, Suddenly Stops Recognizing Connected Monitor


I have a Surface Pro4, 64 Bit Operating System, WIndows 10, with Intel Iris Graphics 540 and am NOT using a docking station.

I purchased the Microsoft specific branded Mini DisplayPort to HD AV Adapter.

With this adapter I connected my Surface Pro 4 to my Dell monitor.

It worked great for about a month.

This morning I got up, turned the Surface on, and the monitor is no longer being detected by my Surface Pro 4. 

My monitor recognizes that it is connected to the Mini DisplayPort adapter, I can tell this as when it is not connected it displays the message "No HDMI Cable" and when it is connected it displays a message of "There is no signal coming from your computer. Press any key on the keyboard or mouse to wake it or press the Input button on your display to switch to another source."

I have plugged and unplugged the Min DisplayPort cable
I have restarted my Surface multiple times

I have checked to see if there were any updates recently installed, of which the last install of updates is dated as occuring on 1/25/17 and I had no issues with my display until today, so that doesn't seem to be the problem.
I have checked to see if I have the latest drivers installed for my display and I do
I have gone to the display settings and tried to have Windows detect my external monitor, no success
I have plugged my monitor in to my work computer and it works just fine

I have watched a dozen videos and read through lots of messages. I am thoroughly frustrated at this point. Nothing appears to have changed on my end so I am at a complete loss as to what other steps to take to fix this issue. Any help would be appreciated.

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