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problems with outlook


1:  After I have downloaded pictures in a new message, I can't save the message.  I get a pop up saying the message cannot be saved because it has been changed.  How can I save a message after I have downloaded the pictures associated with the same message?

2: When I go to move a message from the Inbox to another folder I get a pop up saying it can't be moved because it has been changed.  How can I overcome this problem and move the message to another folder?

O que é mswinlib?

O que é mswinlib? É um programa nativo do Windows 10, posso deletar?

NOTEBOOK mod 6630 (Positivo SIM+) Windows 7, muito barulhento


ao ligar (ainda frio)a ventoinha já é acionada até o final do carregamento. As vezes a ventoinha para (ao final do carregamento) as vezes não para e diminui a intensidade. Quando abro alguma coisa (Google, Outlook, etc.) a ventoinha volta a ligar fortemente. Algumas vezes bato o fundo do note na mesa (marmore) e a ventoinha para ou diminui. Já troquei a "pasta térmica", lubrifiquei a ventoinha, calçei com espuma (evitar vibrações) e não adiantou. Qualquer mexidinha no note a ventoinha é acionada e para quando ela quer ou ao bater na mesa.

O que pode ser?....o que devo fazer?..........É um barulho irritante.

Acho que o aquecimento está normal. Não conseguí descobrir como medir a temperatura dos componentes (processador) sem ter que baixar algum aplicativo. 

Desde já agradeço,


Windows update error 0x800706be and 0x800706ba


• x64 Tabanlı Sistemler için Windows 10 Version 1703 2017-06 Güncelleştirmesi (KB4022405) - Hata 0x800706be

• x64 Tabanlı Sistemler için Windows 10 Version 1703 Üzerinde Adobe Flash Player 2017-06 Güvenlik Güncelleştirmesi (KB4022730) - Hata 0x800706ba

when update the windows 10 i took that error help plz...

and i cannot run service.msc it gives me mmc.exe error

Skype closing out after a few seconds of being open

My skype keeps closing out after I open it. Some days it just stays open but then closes out. I need to restart my computer to fix the issue but even that doesn't always work. Can someone help? Thank you.

Problema al iniciar windows: queda pantalla cargando


Hola, necesito ayuda con un problema con mi notebook, se trata de que cuando presiono el boton pare encender el equipo va todo bien, aparece el signo de HP y unos puntos girando, luego de esto desaparece el signo de HP y siguen los puntos girando, asi como si el sistema estubiera cargando, y asi se queda y no pasa nada

Real Update?

So Ive had this prompt for an update persistently showing up on my Win10 pc. It takes precedence over the screen its on (rest of the screen dimmed). Theres no option given to skip the "update", only to snooze the notification. Ive run it once before and it broke the office activation sufficiently that after two days with msft support, i just rolled back to a restore point. Is this a real update, and why is it behaving this way, or is it some sort of malware?

Win 7 auf Win 10 upgraden


Guten Abend, ich habe ein Problem mit dem upgraden von Windows 7 auf Windows 10.

Ich habe mir meinen PC neu zusammenstellen lassen und wollte nun auf Windows 10 upgraden, um den CPU besser zu unterstützen.

Allerdings ist das schwerer als gedacht :D

Ich habe mir einen Product Key für Windows 10 Pro gekauft. Nun finde ich aber keine Windows10 Datei zum Download. Wenn ich es über das Windows Creation Tool machen möchte, kommt immer eine Fehlermeldung, egal ob ich direkt auf den PC upgraden möchte oder es auf einen USB-Stick lade.

Auch auf der Homepage von Microsoft finde ich nirgends die Kategorie, in der ich den Produktkey aktivieren kann und dann das Produkt herunterladen könnte...

Irgendwelche Vorschläge? Ich wäre sehr dankbar!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

How can I stop Word from changing bullet format -


Is there a setting to avoid this from happening?:

I work on a fairly decent desktop PC, using Windows 10 (up to date) and Office 365 (by subscription, so imagine it to also be up to date).  I am editing an existing Word document that was created in Word 365.  The bullets and numbers in the document are in perfect order:



               a.  Old MacDonald had a farm

               b.  He had some cows on it.

When I add text at the back end of "He had some cows on it." Word keeps the bullet b. but moves the entire line one tab length to the right:

              a.  Old MacDonald had a farm

                           b.  He had some cows on it.  There were sheep, too.

These additions are pasted from a different language, and typically , to eliminate the need for retyping accents peculiar to that language.  But even if I paste English text in Unformatted Unicode Text or Unformatted text this still happens.  So it is not language related.

When that happens, using the back tab icon only causes it to get thrown out of joint altogether.  I have to 

I am grateful that "Bullets and Numbers" is far better in 365 than it was in Office 2013, but it still has annoying quirks.

Or am I the quirk?

Je suis envahie par des rapports répétitifs de Windows Script Host



Suite à un courrier pour un suivi de colis, je n'ai pas exécuté un . exe ayant été prévenue (par l'ordinateur) qu'il n'était pas fiable.  J'ai d'abord été envahie par des demandes constantes d'exécution . J'ai essayé de trouver la source dans les téléchargements puis dans d'autres endroits qui auraient pu l'héberger. J'ai finalement enlevé tous les dossiers temporaires mais celui-ci n'a pas pu être mis à la poubelle "étant utilisé ailleurs"...et depuis Windows Script Host a pris le relais (à chaque changement d'activité !) me disant ;" impossible de trouver le fichier script C;\Users\muyma\AppData\Local\Temp\colis.vbs"...

C'est un appel au secours ! Pouvez-vous m'aider à trouver une solution; je ne fais plus de tentative craignant de faire une fausse manoeuvre....Merci

Windows 10 turns off screen display and requires entering password every TWO minutes if I am inactive for that long. HELP!!!

Despite my having selected the desired settings for sign-in, sleep, and automatic turn offs, Windows 10 turns off after 2 minutes, requiring me to sign in again.  Yes, every TWO minutes.  I recently paid over $400 for phone support, which was totally worthless and for which I was able to receive a payment refund.  Still, there is no real HELP available through MS, which I think is a shame and a disgrace.  I have selected settings of NEVER for sleep and for end of display; and NEVER for sign-in requirement.  Yet, the problem persists.  I have done this many times, and more than once have restarted the computer after performing these actions, just in case a restart was needed.  Nothing makes this computer do what I want it to do.  (Everything was fine until I set up a Microsoft account with a password.  Since then, I have had to enter a password upon Start each time.)  Only recently, within the last week or so, have I been having the problem of having to sign in every two minutes.  Now, if I am continuously working at the computer, it will not turn off and require sign-in; but I'm sure I'm not the only user who types a little, then makes entries into a file or uses the printer, or any number of other things I used to be able to do while the computer sat there waiting for me.  Can ANYONE help me with this?  If so, please be VERY SPECIFIC--just assume I know nothing about computers, and you won't be far off.  I do think I know that once I have selected a setting, it should remain as selected until I change it.  That's what I need to know:  Why is this computer, or OS, or whatever the heck the right term is not responding to my directions?  Thank you very much for anyone who can help in very basic terms.

Windows Defender Security Center

Windows Defender Security Center öffnet sich nicht

Nokia Lumia 720 глюки телефона


Nokia Lumia 720 уже продолжается на протяжении 2 месяце

Я не могу зайти в телефон никому позвонить, не могу зайти в камеру,и фотографии,думаю что нужен сброс всех настроек, но на телефоне очень важные фото и т.д ни яхочу сделать резервное копирование но даже там в настройки телефон не заходит,просто вылетает. Подскажите что делать?

Answering a question

I posted a question. I have had an email asking me questions, but how do I reply? Also how do I find the thread? Where do I go for it?

Imagen en pestaña edge

Hola, al abrir una pestaña nueva en Edge la imagen de esa pestaña no corresponde con la actual en mi cuenta Microsoft, la he cambiado y no se actualiza. En el único sitio donde aparece esa imagen que yo sepa es en mi lumia 520 como mi imagen en contactos, no se como cambiar/actualizar esa. ¿Alguna idea para que deje de aparecer en el navegador o se actualice a la actual?

无法安装 OneDrive


大概是6月21号、22号开始,电脑偶尔出现特别大的噪声,发热严重。检查任务管理器后发现,是一个名为 Microsoft OneDrive Setup的进程占用特别高的CPU。手动结束进程之后,电脑恢复正常。过了一段时间之后又会出现,只能手动关闭。


我已经发现是OneDrive想要更新。但是OneDrive的更新不知道是怎么设计的,更新的时候不会出现安装界面,一切都在后台运行,也不知道进度如何。所以偶尔会把我电脑烧上几个小时,也没有结束。只能手动终止进程。而且Windows 10的程序设置里没有更新选项。点击“升级”只会进到购买收费账户的网站。

今天中午,终于收到了系统提示,说更新OneDrive时出现问题。点击这个提示之后要我下载一个安装包。好的,下载好了,结果呢?下载的这个OneDriveSetup.exe 打开之后有界面了,结果显示的是“正在为首次运行OneDrive做准备”(没有截图),然后又开始烧我的电脑。


然后在官网下载了安装包。又下载了一个一模一样的 OneDriveSetup.exe 








Microsoft Edge tab displays

After my last MS update, my Edge tab displays are mini versions of each website that I have open. This is taking up too much space.  How can I change the settings so the tab only shows the website name?  Thanks

How to delete a BBC program that I did not put on my Skype page

there is no correct category for this

DSN-less connection to MS access database in Windows 2008 Server


I'm migrating from a Windows 2003 to a Windows 2008 box (about time, right?).  Any way, all my DSN-less connections to MS access databases aren't working.  I'm getting the error 

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'

[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified

I realize there are no 64-bit drivers for MS Access but there is 32-bit access.  Can someone please tell me how I can create a DSN-less connection on the Windows 2008 box?  

Here's the asp code I was using with Windows 2003:

' FileName="Connection_ado_conn_string.htm"
' Type="ADO"
' HTTP="false"
' Catalog=""
' Schema=""
MM_BH_STRING = "Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=D:\inetpub\wwwroot\berrienweb\bhdbase\data.mdb"


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Setiap saya download tdak jalan diam aja trus sya reset k bawaan pabrikan tpi ttap ga bisa aja saya udah tanya k mna mna udah puai nb g saya
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