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Impossibile creare un account utente dopo il ripristino di Windows 10


Salve, dopo aver eseguito un ripristino tramite il sistema, durante la preparazione di win 10, ovviamente mi ritrovo ad inserire il nome utente e la facoltativa password. Si da il caso che purtroppo qualunque tentativo io faccia sia invano. Inserendo solamente il nome utente senza la password, inserendo il nome utente con la password e il relativo suggerimento, provando ad accedere con il mio account Microsoft, da sempre errore, perciò io sono impossibilitato ad usare il mio PC. L'unica cosa che potrei fare è di installare win 7 e fare l'aggiornamento al 10 direttamente la... 

Help please... grazie.

Accessing programs stored locally



I would like to give my customers access to an Excel model which is stored locally. However, I would like to be able to serve more than one customer at the time – which options do I have?

  1. At the same time, several customers have access to the same PC and they are able to open their own “read only” excel file without being able to see the other customers’ excel files? (I guess not ;-) )


  1. At the same time, several customer can access the same server and open their own excel workstation and excel file?


  1. Customers have access to different PCs and before they try to connect to one of them, they get a list of PCs which are not occupied (e.g. through my homepage)?    

Hope you are able to help me.

Kind regards

Carsten Berg

Change of Microsoftoutlook email addrees on my lap top Del Computer

as *** Email address is removed for privacy *** and it gets locked up condition. Needs your help

Remove a program

I am trying to uninstall a program called adblock, thank you

Windows 10 corrupt not able to login


Recently, i am facing a problem after installling a display software when restart my laptop, i am not able to login into my account, it shows wrong password. Also shows no internet network. Command prompt or image recovery also not working, ask password.

Please kindly help in this matter. I need some serious help.


Poojan patel

Nokia 1520


Quiero entonar el mea culpa referente a la cámara frontal,el problema fue la situación del protector de pantalla , mal colocado en el entorno a la cámara frontal gracias por vuestra valiosa ayuda .Ahora se presenta otro problema qu veo es común a muchos usuarios que actualizaron a win10 ,parece faltarle un pack de videos ya qu no deja ver ni los que haces con tu propia camara ni los que recibes por wasup Alguien le ha encontrado solucion


Kirjautuminen omalle alueelle PC:llä ei onnistu


Vaimo on juuri kurssilla opettelemassa PC:n peruskäyttöä - vihdoinkin. Koneessamme on Win 10. Liitin hänet aikuiseksi perheenjäseneksi, jotta hän saisi oman puuhastelualueen koneelle. Määrittelin hänelle myös oman MS-tilin, avaten hänelle outlook.com -spostin.

Hän ei kuitenkaan pääse alueelleen koneella, tulee aina ilmoitus User profile cannot be loaded. Olen käynyt prosessin läpi kahdesti, ja aina sama tulos. Mitäpä voin yrittää seuraavaksi?

T. Lasse

W10M L735 problem z aplikacjami


do rzeczy!

miałem ponad 900mb miejsca w pamięci telefonu, postanowiłem pobrać grę o wadze 460mb...

obserwowałem postęp pobierania i gdy wykazało 460/460mb (pasek pobierania aplikacji doszedł do połowy) to wyrzuciło komunikat, że za mało miejsca na dysku. sprawdzam i oczom nie wierzę, naprawdę BRAK MIEJSCA! a przypominam że MIAŁEM WOLNEGO PRAWIE 1GB!

wchodzę w ustawienia->system->pamięć

postanowiłem przenieść inną grę (206mb) na kartę pamięci (wolnego około 350mb) i tu kolejny problem:

trwa przenoszenie... trwa przenoszenie... tell się zwiesił. wyłączyłem go. odpalam na nowo... cała pamięć na karcie SD zajęta a gra została wciągnięta w czarną dziurę. ani skasować ani odpalić... rozumiem, że nie przeniosła się w całości a wyłączenie telefonu spowodowało utratę pewnej części danych tej gry??

zostałem z brakiem miejsca i na karcie i w pamięci fona, połowa aplikacji w ogóle nie chciała się odpalić.

wyjąłem baterię... włączyłem na nowo... nagle wolnego na tellu około 230mb (aplikacje zaczęły działać ale jak chodzi jedna w tle to problem odpalić inną).

ale co dalej? co z tymi brakującymi 700mb? co z grą która zapchała mi 350mb na karcie mimo, że sama miała ważyć 206?

PS dostępna jest aktualizacja systemu, ale nie mogę jej wykonać, bo potrzeba 585mb wolnego

rozumiem, że kartę SD czeka format a tej gry, której przenoszenie przerwałem nie odzyskam?

프로그램 창 크기 및 위치 변경 후 다시 초기 상태로 초기화 시키는 방법이 ??


공용 컴퓨터다보니 쓰는 사람들이 계속 창 크기와 위치를 각자의 편의대로 조절하니,

사용할 때마다 제게 맞도록 다시 조절하는게 너무 번거롭습니다.

뭔가 임시파일이 있어서 그 정보들을 기록하는 것 같은데

그걸 초기화 하는 방법이 있나요 ??

Email time stamps


I have 2 outlook.com email accounts. One timestamps incoming emails 5 hours ahead of current time and the other one is correct. How do I correct this?  

So in outlook 2016 on my desktop the emails do not come in.

The solution says to:

For Outlook
  1. 1. Wheel {top right}
    1. 2. More Mail Settings
      1. 3. Managing Account
        1. 4. Account Details (password, addresses, time zone)
          1. 5. Account Summary
            1. 6. Edit Personal Info
              1. 7. Home
                1. 8. Time Zone
                2. But in outlook.live.com I do not see More mail settings under Settings.
                3. Can anyone direct me where to go now.

                Reinstalling windows


                My windows 7 is not working and it is displaying to reinstall windows ,so can i directly install windows 10?

                And also whether my data will be recovered after reinstalling or not?

                Getting a SharePoint sync'd task list to show up in Outlook "To-Do Bar". Office 365


                Using Office 365, and have a SharePoint task list assigned to 2 members. 

                We've both gotten the SharePoint list to show up in Outlook under an "Other Tasks" subsection.  

                The issue is we'd like that task list to be the main list and have it show up in the Outlook To-Do Bar so that it is constantly visible whenever Outlook is open.  Though as it currently sits, we are only able to view the list if we specifically open up the Tasks tab and then click on the SharePoint list.  

                I think I've seen where the tasks may show up in the To-Do Bar if they are assigned to you, however this is intended to be a shared list for both to view... and Outlook gives an error when trying to assign a task to more than one user. 

                I for mt login id



                I lost my login id how i can get my account back i forgot my user name and paasword

                One Drive sign in


                I am trying to make it so on our network when a user signs into a PC one drive is automatically signed into their school account from office 365 with windows 10. Every search i have done just shows me to click settings and the start one drive automatically box that is not what i am looking for .


                user: JohnDoe signs into a pc 

                Onedrive signs in user: JohnDoe so he has access to his files.

                Thanks for helping

                Активация Windows 8


                Нашёл лицензионный диск с 8-кой 32-64 бит. Русская версия 2012 г. Установил , понравилась ! Спустя какое-то время ,в правом нижнем углу появилась прозрачная надпись с рисунком ключей на связке "Активация Windows . Что-бы активировать Windows , перейдите к параметрам компьютера .        Подскажите пожалуйста , что делать ? Как найти ключ ? На диске имеется какой-то номер X18-06732-01


                buonasera a tutti...allora posso sottoporvi un quesito relativo al mio Nokia Lumia 925?...ok...allora proseguo...dunque ho un nokia lumia 925 acquistato nell'agosto 2014. La batteria oramai pur carica ha una durata breve (max 4-5 ore non di più...ergo sono costretta a portarmi dietro il caricabatteria altrimenti...zac...sono fregata); inoltre da circa due mesi fa un altro 'strano sintomo'...improvvisamente nel riquadro della scheda dove in genere c'è scritto il gestore (io ho wind dunque 'I wind), esce la scritta 'nessuna sim'...e di conseguenza non posso nè ricevere nè chiamare; lo spengo, lo riavvio e devo ripetere l'operazione suddetta per almeno 3 volte avendo l'accortezza di farlo riposare un pò...e solo così si riattiva la scheda...che sta succedendo secondo voi?...a occhio e croce non mi pare un buon segno...qualcuno può darmi delucidazioni? grazie mille, Antonella
                ps dimenticavo...succede più sporadicamente rispetto al msg 'nessuna sim' (quasi ogni giorno e più volte nella giornata, specie se cerco di aprire l'app di un gioco ad esempio, o di notizie...) ma a volte capita pure che se lo spengo e lo riaccendo non ...si riaccende! allora sono costretta a fare il reset, premendo insieme il tasto avvio e quello del volume verso il basso...) ...anche questo non mi pare un buon segnale...

                Error code 0xc0000034 upon startup on dell Inspiron 11-3168. Windows 10

                computer will not complete booting, shuts down when exiting error message.  Computer has no disc drive. Help

                recovering deleted notes in iphone OneNote app


                I accidentally deleted a note within "my notebook" on the iphone app.  It says it syncs everytime I'm connected to Wifi, but I have no idea to where it syncs so I can't even go there to see if I can locate my lost note in the last sync.

                I see there are ways to find a deleted note in the history section in the desktop version. But I only have the iphone app and I really need that note back!

                Is there any hope of retrieving that deleted note?

                I hate Office 365 - Anyone Else???

                I have had absolutely nothing but problems when I try to contact Office 365.  The support number for the US clearly says English speaking Monday - Friday and I call on a Tuesday, and I'm NOT a racist person, but the person on the other end of the line did not speak English.  They could converse with me, but they were almost impossible to understand and could not help me.  Whatever happened to just buying a product, installing it on your computer and being able to use it?  Excel, Word, Outlook, etc. has not changed, just the people that we have to deal with.  IF there was another other product that had Excel, etc. I would use it!

                Windows 7 Pro - Fast User Switching & Pasting a password to Login



                In Win XP Pro I could create a password in account [one]  then open a file & copy the password for account[two]

                then use fast user switching to account [two] paste the password into the password box & login.

                In Win 7 Pro it will not paste the password is it possible to make this function available in Win 7 Pro.??

                I would then Login off account [one] from account [two] then after starting a program

                fast user switch to the Login screen leaving a program running in account [two]

                As I have a long and complex password for account [two] which I do not want anyone to know or guess.


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