Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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PC novo com SSD velho

Estou comprando um PC novo e tenho um notebook com Windows 10. Pretendo colocar o SSD atualmente no meu notebook nesse PC novo, sem desinstalar os programas etc. Li que isso pode gerar problemas, uma vez que o OS está vinculado ao hardware e drivers antigos. Como posso fazer esse procedimento de forma segura?

Replace backup disk drive

I'm planning to replace an old external disk drive used for Backup/Restore (Windows 7) with a new, larger external drive.  The computer is running Windows 10 Home edition.  I have created a Windows Image Backup, but am now wondering how should Backup/Restore be configured to insure that the backups on the new drive are usable.  Can I simply connect the new drive?  Does the backup service need to be stopped first?  Other steps?

Atualização do windows phone


Tenho um Nokia Lumia 800 com o Windows Phone 7 instalado. Não estou conseguindo instalar alguns aplicativos.

Consigo atualizar este sistema operacional para uma mais recente ou terei que descartar meu celular?

Excel 2016 - freezes for no reason


My excel 2016 just started (January 2017) to freeze when I open 4 or more spreadsheets.  Memory / CPU are not an issue.  It dose

not happen all the time but when it does I need to from the "control panel" kill excel.   This is happening on both HP laptop and

a dell workstation.  

I noticed a while back this was an issue but MS was to have fixed it.   Any suggestions?

Log off vs Switch User


As an educator who instructs at the elementary level with students in grades K-5, I have a suggestion regarding the placement of Switch user and Log off.

In a school setting we have a multitude of students logging in and logging out of a computer in a single day.  Due to the placement of Log off, my Kindergarten and 1st graders are frequent offenders in selecting Switch user instead of Log off.  Their small motor skills are still developing.  They tend to move their mice while clicking or don't always have proper placement before clicking.  It is a constant challenge for me.

Is there a rhyme or reason as to why Switch user is listed first instead of Log off?  If not, is it possible to make Log off the first choice at the top?  

Thank you

Διαγραφή εισερχομένων



Αντιμετωπίζω πρόβλημα με τα εισερχόμενα μηνύματα. Ενώ τα λαμβάνω κανονικά, μετά από λίγη ώρα διαγράφονται από μονά τους και πηγαίνουν στον κάδο. Ακόμα και αν τα επαναφέρω στα εισερχόμενα, μετά από λίγη ώρα καταλήγουν και πάλι στον κάδο. Το πρόβλημα το αντιμετωπίζω εξ'αρχης από την δημιουργία του λογαριασμου. Έχω συνδέσει με τον λογαριασμό του outlook 2 λογαριασμούς gmail οι οποίοι λειτουργούσαν κανονικά στους φακέλους που είχα δημιουργήσει (πλέον, άγνωστο γιατί, δεν λαμβάνω σε αυτούς καθόλου μηνύματα) και 2 προσωπικούς λογαριασμούς οι οποίοι πλέον δεν είναι ενεργοί (αναφέρω αυτές τις πληροφορίες μήπως σχετίζονται με κάποιον τρόπο με το πρόβλημα εισερχομένων που αντιμετωπίζω).  Έχω ψάξει μήπως υπάρχει κάποιος κανόνας αλλά δεν βρίσκω κάτι. Μπορείτε να με βοηθήσετε;



Salve ho effettuato l'aggiornamento a Windows 10 da allora il telefono non e più lo stesso le app si bloccano non riesco più a scattar foto. devo spesso riavviare il cellulare per poterlo riutilizzarlo. Si può tornare al vecchio sistema operativo che andava benissimo??

Office 365 - Receiving limits Per Hour for a Mailbox

Hello All,

I see Receiving limits for mailbox is 3600 emails per hour. What happens when user hits this limit within hour, Emails will be held at Exchange online servers and delivered to user after an hour or senders will get delivery failure?

Receiving limits Offfice 365:


Office 365 Business Essentials

Office 365 Business PremiumOffice

Office 365 Education

Office 365 Enterprise E1

Office 365 US Government E1

Office 365 Enterprise E3

Office 365 US Government E3

Office 365 Enterprise E4

Office 365 US Government E4

Office 365 Enterprise E5

Office 365 Enterprise K1

Office 365 US Government K1

Messages received

3600 messages per hour

3600 messages per hour

3600 messages per hour

3600 messages per hour

3600 messages per hour

3600 messages per hour

3600 messages per hour

3600 messages per hour


Thank you,

Gopinath Ganesan

Onenote Notebook Not Syncing- Accidentally deleted root file off of OneDrive, but still have copy on desktop application of OneNote


So, in an attempt to free up some space on my OneDrive, I accidentally deleted my notebook that contains essentially all my important school files. However, I still have a copy of the notebook on the application on my laptop, just I can't sync it to the cloud again. 

I've tried to restore the folder it was in in the recycle bin in OneDrive, but it refuses to let me restore the folder. Help would be greatly appreciated!


Hola! El día domingo compre una Hp pavilion notebook 15-aw003la y el día de ayer puse spotify para escuchar música y me percate de que el audio esta mal, (igual con YouTube, etc) le subo todo el volumen y se va bajando poco a poco hasta que se escucha casi nada. Cuenta con un audio B&O PLAY, ayer desactive esta opción y se escuchaba aun bajo, pero ya no tanto, y si vuelvo a activar B&O PLAY al inicio de la reproducción se escucha fuerte pero se va bajando el volumen poco a poco y se escucha casi nada (como ya lo dije anteriormente). Les agradecería si me ayudaran con este problema.

aplicativo whatsaap


ontem o meu Lumia  630 recebeu uma mensagem de que a versão do whatsapp estava desatualizada, e mandava instalar nova.

instalei, informa que está instalado, mas não abre.

o que fazer?  

Contacts Data Base


How to I get my data base to web oulook and have sinced across all devices. Thanks


HP Notebook -15 - r101na Hard Drive SMART Check failed


HP Notebook -15 - r101na Hard Drive SMART Check failed

Failure ID: 9LQFW4-7BD8G2-XD7V6K-60EF03

Logitech mouse


Microsoft mouse center does not reconnise my Logitech mouse, but the mouse it-self works properly.

So I cannot stop  my touchpad operation.

I want to stop it because it is too much sensitive and it produces random pointer motion.

This is big problem when you type a text.

When I select "VAIO Control Center" as recommanded by SONY to cancel touchpad operation, when I select "Mouse", the system switch on directly to Microsoft Mouse windows, but does not exist because I am using Logitech Mouse.

What can I do to stop keypad?

Telephone Fraud Re: Microsoft Windows

Received another call, this time via message, about my Windows license expiring.  I asked which one and was told something that I didn't understand because of the accent. When is somebody going to remove these scammers since I'm sure some people are vulnerable to this type of behavior?!  I'm tired of these calls and wish somebody in government would do something about them instead of talking about how bad they are and offer some tips for dealing with them. 

Fichier _EML (._eml) dans Outlook 2016




J’utilisais comme boîte de messagerie Windows Live Mail.

J’ai dû procéder, pour résoudre un problème de cache windows endommagé et impossible à réparer, à une réinitialisation de mon PC.

Suivant le conseil de Microsoft, je n’ai pas réinstallé Live Mail, mais fait l’acquisition payante d’Outlook 2016.

Avant de réinitialiser mon PC, j’ai fait une sauvegarde sur un disque externe de tous mes courriels.

Pour être précis, j’ai procédé à trois sauvegardes distinctes :

-        Une sauvegarde via le bouton [Exporter].

-        Une sauvegarde manuelle via le dossier caché AppData.

-        Et enfin une dernière sauvegarde en « copier-coller ».

Mon souhait était de récupérer la totalité de mes anciens courriels afin de pouvoir les consulter facilement dans Outlook facilement.

Une fois Outlook 2016 installé, j’ai copié depuis mon disque externe sur mon bureau ma dernière sauvegarde « copier- coller ».

Pour certains courriels, j’ai été confronté à un message d’erreur et j’ai coché [ignorer].

J’ai sélection un échantillon de courriels pour les copier dans Outlook 2016.

L’ensemble des courriels apparaissent sous deux formes:

  • 1-     Un format « Message (HTML) – Type du fichier : Message électronique (.eml) ».

En passant par une case [Ouverture du fichier], je peux l’ouvrir et le lire. Donc, pas de souci.

  • 2-     Un autre format « Fichier _EML (._eml) - Exemple : Re_ Un matin ._ (38)._eml »

Il m’est impossible d’ouvrir ce fichier dans Outlook 2016.

Je suis dirigé pour sélectionner une autre application.

J’ai pu constater qu’il m’est possible d’ouvrir le fichier dans Word.

Par contre je ne retrouve aucun renseignement comme la date et l’heure d’envoi ou encore les coordonnées de l’expéditeur. De plus, les manipulations sont laborieuses.


Que puis-je faire pour résoudre ce problème et accéder à ce type de fichier de manière conviviale et disposer de tous les renseignements ?


En vous remerciant.


Bijlage na beantwoorden e-mail weg, verzonden e-mail teruggevonden.


Beste heer/mevrouw,

In juni 2016 heb ik een e-mail beantwoord waar een bijlage bij zat. Het ontvangen bericht van de afzender en mijn antwoord heb ik teruggevonden in de map verzonden items. Echter, de bijlage die de afzender stuurde kan ik nu niet zien. Kan ik deze terughalen?

Alvast bedankt.

Need help with a formula


If the sample above, I want the cells under the heading "Points" to apply a result based on the cell of the left of it.  For example,

if result is >100.00% and <104.99% in the % of Objective column, I want the points to show 100 in the cell under "Points".  And if the total is >105 and <114.99%, the points should be 200.  Can someone help me out, please?

mails disparus



j'ai voulu créer un dossier pour des mails qu'il est impératif que je conserve et que je dois fournir demain, je ne les retrouve plus !!!!

c'est super urgent parce qu'ils sont la preuve me disculpant dans le cadre d'une procédure, help !!!!!!!!!!



A window with pornographic material just popped on to my monitor with a recorded message that my computer is infected and to call 866-475-0702 for a microsoft tech to remove the problem. The message also stated that if I don't call, they will have to disable my computer.

Is this a scam?

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