Removing a Group
I have a Group that i was a part of for a short time. I am not the groups admin, but i'd like to get rid of it. It currently resides above my individual contacts on the left side. I have spent a fair...
View ArticleCouldn't sign in to Xbox Live on Windows 10.
When I tried to run Forza Horizon 3 on Windows 10, I received the message: "Can`t log into the Xbox Live service right now, please try again later." Error code 0x8015DC0B, its decoding could not be...
View ArticleHomályos ablakok a Windows 10-ben
Hi All, Meg kellett növelnem a szövegméretet 125%-ra: Gépház > Kijelző > Méretezés és elrendezés > A szöveg, az alkalmazások és más elemek méretének módosítása > 125%. Figyelmeztet a...
View ArticleError 8C150009 Xbox 360
Hi, today i try to play on my "old" xbox 360 and I have this error: 8C150009, I can't download games, i can play only games that I have already installed.I try to restart my X360, change IP address,...
View ArticleDevices
In windows explorer what happens when I plug any device in to a PC's USB like for example a Camera and then I would click on This PC/My Drive and Devices/Camera with my mouse right click on Format and...
View ArticleSome lines print in bold
I bought a standalone copy of Word 2016 back in May 2018 for my Win 7. Now, when I try to print text some lines appear in bold. Chat is useless. They have no knowledge of the problem despite it...
View ArticleHP Officejet Printer offline in Windows 10
I recently installed black cartridge on my HP Office Jet 3831 printer. When I tried to print, an error message - HP printer offline ( I am able to print Printer info details and can photocopy using...
View ArticleНе могу установить Microsoft Security Essentials ошибка 0x8004FF6F
Не могу установить Microsoft Security Essentials ошибка 0x8004FF6F ранее я каким то образом его отключал .
View ArticleOffice activering en regio
Dag allen, Als ik mijn office pack wil installeren dan vraagt het welke regio ik afkomstig van ben. Het is een drop down box maar ik kan er enkel Duitsland op aanduiden. Er staat ook dat ik deze zeker...
View ArticleOffice product key activation "Sorry, we can't set up your account right now"
Been trying to activate Microsoft Office 2016 on my Dell XPS 9560. I keep getting prompted with "Sorry, we can't set up your account right now ".
View ArticleMessages reçus indiquant un autre destinataire que moi
Depuis quelques jours, je reçois des messages dans ma boite mail avec le nom d'un autre destinataire. Ce contact fait partie de ma liste de contacts. Je suis inquiète car je me demande si cette...
View ArticleMobile Contacts are not SYNC with Outlook
Team,I am using Nokia 7 Plus, my contacts are not sync as it is. Using the Sync now options in ACCOUNT also not working.Initially it shows all contacts, If saved any new it is not sync online with...
View ArticleWINDWS10が起動しない PCを初期状態にもどす画面がでない
NEC VAUSTER VW770/G をWINDOWS7 から WINDOWS10にUPグレードしましたが、先日、WINDOWS10が起動しなく 回復画面のループ状態で、いろいろ試して見ましたができなく、初期状態に戻そうとしたら今度は、オプションのPCを初期状態に戻す を選択する欄が表示されなくなりました。その他、コマンドなどの選択欄はでるのですが・・。PCを初期状態に戻す...
View Articlesupprimation de mon compte skype
j'aimerais supprimer mon compte skype et je ne sais comment faire merci de m'aider
View Article【求助】Win10自带Calendar只提醒一次,无法推迟一段时间后反复提醒
您好:本人使用Win10教育版 版本1607 内部版本14393.2430 以及Office 365. 系统自带的日历程序(不是outlook)有以下问题:当设定的事件到达提醒时间(比如说提前15分钟),会弹出提醒窗口并且播放声音提醒。如果选择Snooze,则后续不会再次提醒。也就是说,日历程序只能到点提醒一次而不是可以推迟后反复提醒。有时候还是会误事儿。请帮助解决,谢谢。
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