Provedení čisté instalace Windows 10 professional
Dobrý den, rozhodl jsem se že si přeinstaluji systém Windows z home verze na professional na mém notebooku LENOVO LEGION Y520-15IKB s předinstalovanou verzí systému Windows home. Bohužel při každé...
View Articleтелефон Microsoft 640
Почему не выпускаются новые приложения на WP, выпущенные приложения не обновляются? хороший смартфон, ПО, но хочется андройд изза множества приложений ! Когда вспомнят разработчики что ещё работают...
View ArticleSkype Contact List
How do I remove a contact from the Skype Contact list - it seems easy to add, but not delete someone...
View ArticleProblema a intentar abrir archivos e ingresar a usuario no administrador,...
Saludos, hace unos días tuve un problema con la portátil de un cliente, ya que no podía ingresa a su cuenta le aparecía el siguiente error:se ha intentado iniciar sesión pero el servicio de inicio de...
View ArticleEmail issue
Have Issue with email lay out on page, half went blank other missing email or who sent. How do I get page back to normal.Thank you.
View ArticleProblems with 3.5mm analong jack Headphone+mic
My windows 10 Laptop cannot detect my Headphone+mic when it's plugged in, but it can be detected on my other Laptops. HELP!! PLEASE!! I am done using my face cam mic!!
View ArticleHotmail account has stopped receiving emails
My hotmail account has suddenly stopped receiving emails. I have checked the email rules (there are none), the blocked senders list (only has people I added on purpose), the safe senders list (a good...
View ArticleПостоянное отключение Wi-fi
Постоянно отключается Wi-fi. Перепробовала всё что нашла.Сейчас создала отчёт о состоянии беспроводной сети - в командную стоку от имени администратора ввела netsh wlan show wlanreport - получила...
View ArticleCountif(s) with Multiple criteria
Hi there,I think I'm making this more complicated, and screwing my brain up. I'm trying to get a count of the following: - First, if column AB = "Current" - Then, if column AC = "Y" OR "N/A"I feel like...
Bonjour, Je voudrais savoir si quelqu'un sur le forum aurait la réponse à ma problématique, quand je fais un mail directement à un destinataire il reçoit bien mon mail par contre si ce même...
View ArticleCan't format a WD external HDD
I'm trying to format my HDD to use a back-up for a gaming console. I was given an error code on my console saying that it can't format it.
View ArticleNo sé cómo conectar mi notebook al smartTv
Hace unos días adquirí una notebook, Asus Vivobook S con Win10 y Core I7. La cuestión, es que estos nuevos sistemas opertativos no tienen el típico "panel de control", o la tecla de "configuracion", un...
View ArticleWord 2016 Scrambled Text
2016 Office has just been installed and a single user is having issues with his text being scambled in Word documents. Here is an example:I have opened the file on two other workstations with no issues.
View ArticleXbox one chat pad
last night i updated my chat pad for my xbox one controller.. After it finished, i started playing fortnite and notice that the sensitivity on my controller was off..u aim dwn it aims up, u turn left...
View ArticleWindows 10 Bluetooth
merhaba bluetoothum çalışmıyor aygıt yöneticisine girdim bluettoth yok normal bluettoth ayarlarında yok hiç bir türlü baglanamıyorum Windows 10’da Bluetooth sorunlarını giderme: SSS baktım ve çozumum...
View ArticlePowerpoint printing excel charts completely differently than they appear on...
I have a couple of users that are trying to write scientific papers. Historically (Office for Mac 2011 and 2016) they create their charts in Excel, export (copy / paste) them into PowerPoint to...
View ArticleDriver Issue
Hello I recently got a new Windows laptop and have been running some updates. In my device health report it tells me that one or more drivers is not working properly. I ran the troubleshooter and was...
View Articleno oigo amis contactos por videollamada
desde que actualice el nuevo skype no puedo escuchar cuando ago videollamada ellos si me eescuchan yo a ellos no el domingo no pude escuchar ami hija cual puede ser el problema yo cuando lo pruevo el...
View ArticleWindows 10 April update fails with"sihost.exe- System Warning". How do I...
Auto update of latest Windows 10 version fails with error message "sihost.exe - System Warning" "Unknown hard erroe". I have tried Windows Media tool to fix and It didn't work. What is the fix?
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