Print Settings in Excel Randomly Changing
In my spreadsheets, Excel will change the print settings at random times and seemingly on any file.Only two settings are affected: no matter what my original settings were, the "Print Gridlines" will...
View Articleerrore 2502 2503
perchè nell'installazione di fortnite mi dice l'errore 2502 2503? e negli altri giochi no?
View Article이 파일을 열 때 사용할 앱을 선택하세요. (항상 이 앱을 사용하여 .pdf 파일 열기)
안녕하세요.윈도우10을 사용하고 있고, Adobe acrobat reader 를 사용할 때마다 아래와 같은 기본앱 선택 문구가 계속해서 나옵니다.항상 이 앱을 사용하여 .pdf 파일 열기 활성화를 시켜도 매번 파일을 열때마다 메시지가 뜨네요, 다른 확장자 (ex. jpg, xml 등)는 정상적입니다.설정 > 앱 > 기본앱 > 앱별 기본값 으로...
View ArticleApp Windows Foto non apre le foto
Da ieri non riesco più ad aprire le foto con l'applicazione Microsoft foto, ho provato a resettarla a disinstallarla e riinstallarla, e ad creare un nuovo account, ma nulla mi dice sempre errore nel...
View ArticleFortnite errore 2502 2503
perchè nell'installazione di fortnite mi dice l'errore 2502 2503? e negli altri giochi no?
View ArticleWindows excluindo arquivos sozinho
Faz pouco tempo que formatei meu computador e ele já está apresentando problemas... Quando liguei o pc, ele estava com 10 GB de espaço livre, e agora está com 72,7 GB livres, tendendo a abaixar mais...
View ArticleXbox One Wireless Adapter Shows Up As Ethernet
Hello.I am using the Xbox One Wireless Adapter with my Windows 10 machine.On the taskbar, I click the networking icon and it shows as Ethernet 3 with no Internet.I am currently connected to an ethernet...
View ArticleCOmpartilhamento Onedrive
Estou compartilhamento um material e gostaria que quem recebesse tal material não seja possível compartilhar com outros usuários. Grato.
View ArticleOffice product key not for my region
Hi AllI just bought Office 365 Home for 5 users from Amazon. It tells me that the Product key is not for my region when i wanted to activate.Please any clue would be highly appreciated. Thanks
View Articlesend me website from where i can download it and buy it
sir plz send a secure website from where to purshes the mirosoft office 365 home
View ArticleI am using computer with windows 10 on it, not sure what version? Also I have...
I am using computer with windows 10 on it, the computer was already setup that way so I am not sure what version it is.Also I have office 365. I am unable to print anything.Thought it was due to abobe,...
View ArticleValidité d'un clé windows 10 acheté chez un revendeur
Bonjour,Je souhaite aujourd'hui profiter d'une remise sur le système d'exploitation Windows 10 professionnel x86 et x64 chez un revendeur. N'ayant pas encore acheter de machine sans OS, j'aurais aimer...
View ArticleRede
Boa tarde Não consegui a meu conectar minha rede e eu coloca senha e ai aparece nao é possível se conectar a esta rede?me ajuda por favor?
View ArticleOutlook 2016 - Erro ao enviar email através conta Gmail
Viva, Após configurar uma conta Gmail no Outlook 2016, consigo receber emails mas não consigo enviar. Na janela de testes recebimento/envio, após configurar, não dá erro, aparecem os 2 vistos a...
View ArticleI think one jigsaw title is not good !
I am doing lots of jig saws...these are nice and photos very good (most of them !)but... in Canada series, the one titled "Lake Magog, Quebec" is not at all lake Magog close to Sherbrooke city......
View ArticleAOL App on Windows 10
Whenever I try to open up an attachment I get a message that I am no longer logged into AOL and I need to re-sign in. When I re-sign in I have to go into my old mail ad find the email with the...
View ArticleFinding Downloaded Product Key Code
How do I find the activation code for a downloaded version of MS Office? I actually want to install Avery Wizard in my Word, but it is asking for my product key. I lost the piece of paper with that info.
View Articleafter reset computer
had to reset my computer. Microsoft is not accepting my product code from 2013. Any suggestions on how to solve this problem? Thanks very much.
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