I have a couple of users that are trying to write scientific papers. Historically (Office for Mac 2011 and 2016) they create their charts in Excel, export (copy / paste) them into PowerPoint to assemble multiple graphs into one image and then export that image into Word. As of late when they export from Excel, it's supposed to look like the smaller dotted images below. If you simply control v or paste as office object, even though on the screen it looks correct, it prints like the larger dotted images regardless of what you export it to (image, pdf, print, etc). If you paste it as a special object, you get the dots the correct size but the image / text quality is crap. The size of the dots matters when you're dealing with microscopic things like they are. The work around so far has been for them to send me the excel data and I create the images for them on PC. I've also suggested they learn Photoshop, but they shouldn't need to when it's always worked as intended before (and I can't see any reason WHY it would do this).
I am able to reproduce this on several computers all running the same version of office (most up to date patches, etc) 2016 and 365 for Mac. It works as intended on office 365 / 2016 for PC.
Thanks for any input!