У меня windows 10.После обновления драйвера на видеокарту, появилась проблема с подключением к интернету:Доступные Wi-Fi сети видит, но не подключается, пишет:"Подключение к интернету невозможно,...
View ArticleCorreos Borrados
Hola, He visto que al migrar a outlook, se han borrados correos importantes para mi que son del 2008-al 2010.Hay forma de que pueda recuperarlos?Ya he intentado en eliminados y todos los pasos que dan...
View ArticleProblema al conectarme con el proyector Optoma con mi portátil windows 10
El problema es que el ordenador no me detecta el proyector cuando lo conecto por hdmi (Solo tiene salida HDMI). He probado actualizando drivers de controladores gráficos, desinstalándolos y...
View ArticleEmbedded Excel Not Retaining Protections
This question has be out there since 2014 and never answered. After 4 years there must be a solution or work around that somebody can offer.To date the only solution I have found is adding an addon to...
View Articlewindows 10 disk kullanımı %100 oluyor...
iyi günler,bilgisayarımı açtığımda masaüstünde hiç bir uygulama yapmazken bile disk kullanımım %100 oluyor ve kasmalara neden oluyor yardımcı olabilir misiniz?
View ArticleMicrosoft Teams
Good day,Our division (abc) has Office 2016, for which my e-mail address is*** Email address is removed for privacy ***, through our parent company (xyz) we have an office 365 account, where my address...
View ArticleSe disinstallo o disattivo OneDrive nulla viene più memorizzato in cloud?
Gentilissimi amici della Community, scusate se mi faccio vivo spesso, ma vi siete dimostrati così gentili che rivolgermi a voi mi viene spontaneo.Ho Windows 10 solo da qualche giorno ed è mio desiderio...
View ArticleXbox One s
i used to be a xbox fan for many years until i found out that xbox is not coming out with vr i'm really upset with that xbox used to be good now i'm not sure anymore i'm disappointed and upset
View ArticleFsx crashes on windows 10
Problem occurs when any helicopter is flown the program crashs FSX out ,no error message the whole the FSX closes down.
View ArticleError at login - "You're not on Teams yet, but you can set it up for your...
HiI am trying to configure Microsoft teams for a small setup of 100 people. They don't have Office 365 subscription and willing to try Microsoft Teamsfree edition. The problem is that any user using...
View ArticleExcel when command move and copy sheet to another sheet
the file will repair and can't save , please advise how to solve.I attach the error
View Articlethuisnetwerk
ik had een spelletje met race en ik had een thuisnetwerk nodig kan ik dat ook op mijn game pc hij is gloed nieuw ik zo graag tegen mijn broertje racesen
View Articlewindows无法访问指定设备路径或文件
所有log文件 txt文件 我一打开就显示windows无法访问指定设备路径或文件 如何打开方式都是显示未知应用程序(目前只有这两中文件打开是这样)
View Article오류 코드 0xC004F074로 정품 인증을 받을 수 없다고 합니다
안녕하세요. 언제부턴가 정품 인증을 받으라는 경고창이 떠서 문의를 하고자 합니다.정확한 날짜는 기억이 안 나지만 마이크로소프트에서 윈도우 10으로 무료 업그레이드를 해준다고 했을 때 윈도우 10으로 업그레이드를 받았던 사용자입니다. 당시에 쓰고 있었던 운영체제는 윈도우 7이었던 걸로 기억합니다. 정품 인증을 하라며 저번 주부터 경고창이 뜨는데 설정>정품...
View Articleارجو المساعده في استرجاع الايميل
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته اسعد الله اوقاتكم اخي الفاضل لدي مشكله في احد الايميلات التي املكها حاولة استرجع الايميل باسئلة الامان لاكني لا اذكر اين منها احاول استرجاع الايميل عن طريق الهاتف او عن...
View ArticleI cannot send email as my email address is not recognised as valid sender !!
Hello, I am not able to send email as my email address is blocked due to this message:Your message couldn't be delivered because you weren't recognized as a valid sender. The most common reason for...
View ArticleOutlook OWA in Office 365 won't stay logged in
I would like to stay permanently logged in to https://outlook.office365.com/owa/ but unless I am actively using it, I get logged out after a few minutes. Worse, it tells me that I am the one who logged...
View ArticleWindows 10 Uzaktan Açılmıyor
Merhabalar bulunduğum yerde 500 adet bilgisayar kullanılmakta ve biz bunları uzaktan açma ve kapatma konusunda kontrol etmemiz gerekiyor.Windows 7 kurulu şuan tüm bilgisayarlarımız da uzaktan...
View Article微软是个帝国!起码的礼貌应该有。我上一次的提问居然没有得到答复!这次若再不答复:比如,“你要向微软缴纳一定的费用,才会回答你的问题”等,起码是礼貌的!
微软,你好我的问题是:1、我的 Windows 10 Pro 的版本2、我是管理员吗?拥有一切权限吗?3、Windows Defender 不能使用4、不能打开 Windows Defender5、有两个未知用户6、这是什么意思?7、如何进行高级审核策略配置*** Email address is removed for privacy ***2018年7月19日
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