你好,我的账户是###,有权限进去###.sharepoint.com,但是最近进不了,为什么。另外为了找出问题,我有了一个我客户的帐号(他在他们公司能登录),我借用他的帐号后又不能在我这里登录,显示说两个账户都是权限。[该帖已由MSFT 工程师移动到正确的分类][PII信息由MSFT工程师屏蔽]
View ArticleWindows 8.1 Sağ Tık Sorunu
Arkadaşlar Konuyu Kısa Bir Şekilde ÖzetliyimUzun Zamandır (Yaklaşık 1 Yıl) Dosyalarımın (Bazıları Hariç [Geri Dönüşüm Kutusu vs.]) Üstüne Sağ Tıklayınca Bir Kaç Saniye Bekletiyor ve Yine Birkaç...
View ArticleExcel 2016 3Dマップ
Excel 2016 3Dマップを起動しようとしても,ずっと「データモデルを読み込んでいます」という表示のまま数十分待っても起動しません。PCはLavie Direct HZで,Office Professional Puls 2016,Windows 10 バージョン1803です。
View ArticleDolby Digital Plus'ın kapanıp açılması sorunu
Merhaba, Acer vn71g laptopumda bulunan, Dolby Digital Plus Home Theather v4 ile ilgili '' Ses kaydedip dinlerken, Youtube'de müzik çalarken, Oyun oynarken ( özellikle mikrofon ile entegreli...
View ArticleTask Scheduler - visualizzazione dei processi attivi
Salve a tutti,avrei una domanda. Ho pianificato un processo automatico che lancia un programma di scansione malware nel pc. Il processo viene attivato con le credenziali di amministratore che non sono...
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Üdv!Problémám akadt a solitaire játékkal. Elindul a betöltés, majd a játék helyett az asztalkép jelenik meg.Kipróbáltam pár dolgot, hogy elindítsam, javítsam, nem sikerült csak a W10...
View ArticleVincular teléfono a Ordenador (para activacion digital)
Soy una persona mayor. Tengo tres ordenadores medion que compré en Mediamartk con el SO Windows 8.1. Los actualizé a Windows 10 Home y todos los días los actualizo a Windows update. Hoy he...
View ArticleUnable to receive invites or messages
Hello there!Since about 2 months i can not receive invites or messages. The only pop-up notifications that are shown are system notifications. While I can see messages in the guide-menu after some...
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Ofis bilgisiyarımda kurumsal outlook içeriğinde birimlere ait özel klasörler mevcut ve bazı bilgileri outlook üzerinde tanımladığım " creat rule" işlemi ile otomatik hale getirdim. Mailler ana sayfada...
View ArticleOutlook Desktop Add-ins - Where do I find a list
I am trying to locate a list of add-ins for outlook desktop windows. My store icon does not show on the grey ribbon so I have to download these add-ins from the separate product URL's The app store for...
View ArticleMicrosoft Surface Pro 4
Merhabalar,Microsoft surface pro 4 tabletimiz var.Ancak ekranı çatlak yere düştüğü için.Nasıl bir çözüm yolu izleriz?Ücreti karşılığında nereye değiştirtebiliriz?
View ArticleVincular teléfono al ordenador
Soy una persona mayor. Tengo tres ordenadores medion que compre en Mediamarck con el SO Windows 8.1. Los actualicé a Windows 10 Home y todos los días los actualizo en Windows update. Hoy he...
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Ik heb een tijdje terug met mijn ouders een Surface Laptop gehaald voor hun met het idee dat dit waaschijnlijk de beste gebruikerservaring moet geven voor hun.Na eerst problemen gehad te hebben met de...
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Windows speech recognition, on Windows 10, won't start up from control panel. The only way to get it to start is rebooting my system. Anyway to fix this?
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Hallo,Ich habe gerade versucht von meinem normalen Skype account (also ein ...@outlook.de account) über die Skype Desktop-App für Mac einen Kontakt anzurufen, der Skype for Business (Desktop-App für...
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Verliert man, wenn man den Windows 10 Store zurückgesetzt hat, seine gekaufen Spiele? Oder muss ich auf Diesen Schritt überspringen klicken?
View ArticleWhy is Microsoft office (mainly Word & Outlook) Slowing my Laptop after...
Hello there,I have noticed that Microsoft office 2016 is slowing down my Laptop after installation, which is something pretty new to me.Since all these Past years and times, having installed Microsoft...
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Недавно обновился встроенный в окна 10 магазин Майкросовт ,его интерфейсы стали выглядеть по другому в которых стал показываться раздел когда были приобретены окна 10 со странным сообщением,windows 10...
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