Ich möchte gern die auf meinem Windows Phone erstellte Datei, direkt ausdrucken?
Geht das überhaupt?
Hola, compré mi laptop en California, ahi mismo me dieron la suscripcion personal de office 365, a veces la computadora me pide introducir la clave pero me dice que no corresponde a mi region.
Que puedo hacer?
where is backlight key
인터넷창의 상태표시줄에서 기본 확대/축소 비율을 130%로 설정할 수 있는 방법아시면 알려주세요.
다음의 사이트( )를 보면, 영구적으로 확대/축소 수준을 설정 하는 방법이 나오는데요.
기본 확대/축소 비율을 130%로 설정 하려고 130000입력 한 다음 확인을 클릭하고 레지스트리 편집기를 닫고 Windows를 다시 시작했는데도 여전히 crtl+0(기본확대/축소비율)이 125%로 나옵니다.
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인터넷창의 상태표시줄에서 crtl+0(기본확대/축소비율)를 130%로 설정할 수 있는 다른 방법아시면 알려주세요.
감사합니다. 좋은 하루 되세요.
참고로 저의 Internet Explorer는 Internet Explore11 이며, Windows 운영 체제는 Windows8 입니다.
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Image may be NSFW.
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苹果电脑outlook一直报错max request size 20971520 excced
苹果电脑outlook一直报错max request size 20971520 exccedImage may be NSFW.
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windows10 pro lisenssi
обновление 2018 02 (KB4077528)
Unable to activate IIS on my new laptop
touchpad is not working
Skype Number is not working
I've registered the skype number to Australia Perth on 20th of February 2018. My brother try to call to my number but it couldn't reach the number.
He told me that this number is not in service. What can i do with it?
I've already make the skype privacy call from anyone but it doesn't function well too.
Can anyone help me to solve this problem?? Quite Urgent Call
Windows 10 电脑重置问题
One Note
Warum ist die OneNote App für Windows Phones, derart reduziert zur Verfügung gestellt?
Ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, das es an der Leistungsfähigkeit der Hardware liegt, den bspw. werden Dokumente, die auf anderen Geräten erstellt wurden, zumindest in anderen Schrifttypen und -Größen einwandfrei dargestellt.
Error stack files
How to send an sms to international number from US
Adult account
So i need to change this to an adult account because my brother set it up and it doesn't show the prompt on clicking i am an adult how do i get there
RE: Microsoft 365 account
I took out a trial subscription, but this is a company computer. My boss registered this account with Facilitynow.Inc. I should no longer be getting charged. Can someone look into this and make sure my company is paying for this. I thought we took care of this. Any way do not charge me. Charge Facilitynow. This is their computer not mine.
No one can hear me on Skype for Business but I can hear them
Split from this thread.
Hi wang8231,
Are you using the regular Skype app or the Skype for Business? What’s the Skype version you’re using?
I look forward to your reply.
i am using skype for business. not very sure about the version. is it something like 16.0.8431.2110? Actually, my skype was working for couple of days, and then no one can hear me any more.