Restored my files, ended up with files moved and re dated, almost all of my photos in pictures taken re-dated after working so hard to date for sorting. HELP!
Age of Empires Definitive Edition não carrega
No puedo instalar un idioma en windows 10
Form1 Hotkey closing
Cuando quiero apagar la computadora me aparece un cartel de que se está ejecutando el form1 hotkey closing y no se apaga salvo que ponga "apagar de todos modos". Quisiera saber qué es, para qué sirve eso y qué pasa si de igualmente apago la máquina.
Muchas gracias!
como conseguir espaço no meu celular 640 XL
win 10 系统频繁蓝屏,错误代码DPC_Watchdog_Violation
Can't delete or modify account settings of supplementary email account in MS Mail app in windows 8.1
With the main Hotmail account, I just go to the charms bar, go to settings, then account and click on hotmail, and I get all the normal options, including the one where I get notificaitons for ALL emails, and not just favourites. (why isn't this a default setting?)
I want to do the same with my gmail account, so when I go to the charms bar, settings, account, just below my hotmail account, is my gmail account, I right or left click on it and the side menu disappears and back to the mail app it goes.
For some reason, ONCE, it worked normally, and I was into my gmail account settings, but stupid me closed it to see if I could go back into it, and nope, can't get back into it again.
Deleted the app, and re installed it and I can't access the secondary email account settings.
Visualizzare CREDITO SKYPE quando ri REINSTALLA il programma
Non ho trovato la risposta alla seguente domanda: dopo aver reinstallato skype su un nuovo PC, il mio credito risulta essere ZERO,
pur essendo lo stesso pari a oltre 20 Euro (skype installato sui cellulari).
Come si fa a SINCRONIZZARE (utilizzando le stesse credenziali di accesso !)
WIN10 1709 专业版本,最近莫名其妙的开始菜单和任务栏都打不开了
Reactivating my account
I was sent a message to reactivate my account. When I tried to do so I was told I had no credit for calls.
This is unacceptable. I had more than TW$500.
Where is it and how do I get it back!
Resetting account and want to restore outlook emails
Good day,
Is it possible to restore inbox after resetting my outlook email?
Please help me with my concer.
Thank you so much!
View in Browser, Outlook forces Explorer.
Outlook 2013.
Default browser Chrome.
When viewing an email in browser, Explorer overrides and pops up.
I want to use Chrome, not Explorer.
Unable to activate Windows 10 programs Excel, Word etc
부팅 시 블루스크린 현상
몇 주 전부터 계속 한 가지 현상이 끊임없이 발생하고 있는데요,
바로 노트북 부팅 시 'PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA' 라는 코드의 블루스크린이 뜨는 현상입니다.
노트북 작업 중에는 멀쩡한데, 꼭 부팅 시에만 이 현상이 나타납니다.
컴퓨터 오류 이벤트 내용을 살펴보면
Windows가 빠른 시작에 실패했습니다(오류 상태: 0xC0000001). 라는 문구와 함께
복원 데이터를 처리하는 동안 오류가 발생했습니다. 라는 오류 메세지가 적혀 있습니다.
인터넷에 나와 있는 page fault in nonpaged area 해결 방법을 여러 번 시도해 봤으나(드라이버 업데이트, 하드 스캔 등등)
아직 문제가 해결되지 않고 있습니다.
무엇이 문제인가요?