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Microsoft Office 365 Personal Assinatura Anual para 1 Usuário - Versão Download

Comprei junto com meu telefone no site do extra,com.br o  Microsoft Office 365 Personal Assinatura Anual para 1 Usuário - Versão Download, em 14/ 02/ 2018, no site do extra diz que ele já está disponível para a instalação e que eu receberia um email, o que não ocorreu . O prazo de uso de 365 dias já está ocorrendo ? Se já está estou perdendo o direito de usar um produto comprado e em pagamento pelo meu cartão, entretanto não estou conseguindo usar ???? Como faço ?

Réinitialisation Win10 avec Clé WinVista



Il y a plusieurs années, j'ai acheté un ordinateur un peu avant la sortie de Windows 7. Comme le OS à l'époque était Vista, je me suis procuré un clé Windows Vista et une clé de mise à niveau Windows 7.

Depuis, mon système d'exploitation est maintenant Windows 10, comme j'ai fait la mise à niveau de 7 vers 10.

Je veux faire une réinitialisation de mon ordinateur (en conservant Windows 10), mais je n'arrive pas à le faire avec l'outil de récupération puisque je n'ai pas du support d'installation. J'ai prévu utiliser celui qui est en ligne à l'aide d'une clé USB, mais est-ce possible d'effectuer cette opération avec ma license de Windows Vista ou de mise à niveau Windows 7? 




Every day, between 12:05pm and 12:15pm, my computer shuts down regardless of what I am doing.  How do I stop this or reset it to 3:00am?


Removing old version of office on my computer


I recently purchased office 365 and when using it I get error message that a newer version of office has been detected.

And that I must remove old version by going to settings and remove them I have tried this but, it was not there anyone know why I try to open excel or word from my email attachments I get this error message and how to rectify it?

Windows update has stopped working.


Windows update has stopped working and I need help diagnosing and correcting the problem. The "Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 for x64-based Systems (KB4013429)" failed to install on 3/17/2017 and that is the last update attempted.  There have been no updates applied in almost a year.  When I attempt to manually download and install that update (KB4013429), I get an error saying it is not for this maching, although I am running Windows 10 x64.

The Windows Update Troubleshooter (run as Adminstrator) does not correct the problem.  It starts to run, stops and asks "One troubleshooting step to resolve WU issues is to delete and re-load updates to your computer. would you like to try this step now?"  I "apply this fix", it runs to completion, reports a few errors found, and states all have been fixed.  However, Windows Update does not identify and needed updates since the last one on 3/17/2017. 

Any suggestions on what to try next? 

SUEngine.exe - Erro de Aplicativo


Está aparecendo essa mensagem todas as vezes que tento desligar o notebook. O que devo fazer pra resolver esse erro?

SUEngine.exe - Erro de Aplicativo

A introdução no 0x00007FF8CBCDA5E8 referenciou a memória no 0x0000000000000060. A memória não pôde ser read.

Clique em OK para finalizar o programa.

Echtes Problem nach Aufrüsten



Ich rüstete meinen PC auf, und nun wird mein Windows nicht mehr erkannt...einen Serial Code habe ich nicht, weil ich damals das gratis Upgrade in Anspruch nahm! Die "automatische" Hilfe bringt auch nichts, weil nur die Lizenz von meinem Laptop aufscheint, und die nichts bringt.... Was soll ich tun?! Irgendwo muss das in den Windows-Servern doch aufscheinen, dass sie mir einmal ein gratis Windows 10 gegeben haben...


David Fellner


Why can't I get into my outlook email account. It's not letting me sign in and there is no for got password below the sign in.

Alte Version geschafft zu installieren

Hallo, die neueste Version funktionierte bei mir nicht. Zum Beispiel ging das Chatten nicht bei allen Gesprächspartnern. Bei einigen stand dort immer wird gesendet ... aber nichts passierte. Auch habe ich keine Einstellung für das Klingeln auf die Lautsprecherboxen gefunden. So habe ich wieder die Version 7.4 installiert und alles funktioniert wieder ausgezeichnet. Bis auf den Begrüßungsbildschirm, den ich immer wegklicken muss. Weiß jemand, wie man den abschalten kann? (Verwenden Sie die neueste Skype-Version für Ihren Computer .... )

Skype on Win 10 laptop

Before I accepted the latest "upgrade," Skype would auto-launch whenever I booted up my machine.

Now, I have to go find it in the start menu and auto launch.


медленная скорость интернета!!

У меня очень маленькая скорость после установки windows 10 я перепробовал все что говорили  на Youtube и не помогает!!!

Fingerprint scanner not working since Windows account was changed.



I originally set up my account on Windows in a former email I used to use. I then changed the account to a different email because of a change of name. I then removed the former account, and gave my new account administrative powers. Thus, the newer account because the only account registered on my laptop. However, the computer is still acting as if I'm on the former account. For example, the command prompt displays the former account name, rather than the new account name. This is annoying me, because I am unable to use the fingerprint scanner to sign into my account. I attempt to set up the program because the option never appears after I enter my pin. This has been an ongoing problem ever since I changed accounts.

Is there any way around this?



Merhaba iyi çalışmalar.

Geçmişte size sunduğum sıkıntının  çözümü  ile ilgili bir sorum olacak. Bana verdiğiniz öneride windows 10 u silip tekrar yüklememi istediniz. Ancak bunu nasıl yapacağım bilmiyorum.  Yani şu anda hali hazırda windows 10 kullanıyorum onu nasıl  silip, nasıl tekrar yükleyeceğim?  Bu konuda yardım eder misiniz lütfen.

Windows Ayarlar bölümünden .EXE HATASI  aldığım için yapamıyorum. Bana verdiğiniz geri dönüş de ektedir.


How to automatically replace all instances of items such as "customer name"


Working on building some lengthy documents. 

Throughout the document there are items that are repeated several times such as "customer name" and "customer address" 

Without using search&replace is there a way to assign that text to a field of some sort, where if you update the "customer name" in one place, it updates the name in all of the other places? 

Не могу активировать ключ продукта office 365 для малого бизнеса


Добрый день!

Прошу Вас помочь со следующей проблемой:

приобрел у товарища совершенно новый office 365 для малого бизнеса (коробка абсолютно новая), и пройдя регистрацию, согласно пошаговой инструкции, не могу активировать ключ продукта, после ввода ключа система пишет: "Вы не можете активировать этот продукт на базе текущих подписок".

Не могу понять, что мне делать и как решить эту проблему.

Заранее благодарю за помощь!

Enregistrement format fichier



Je possède microsoft excel pour mac VERSION 16.10 (180210)

Pouvez-vous m'indiquer dans quel format de fichier dois je enregistrer mes documents pour qu'ils s'ouvrent normalement sans problèmes à l'ouverture.

Merci d'avance

Monsieur DEHON

eski hesabıma giremiyorum

eski hesabımın şifresini unuttum bütün formları doldurdum ama bir türlü şifremi yenileyemedim daha ne yapmam gerekir.

Unresponsive keyboard, key pad, & touch screen.

I have a Lenovo 2.  Lately, whenever I close my laptop and reopen it, the keyboard, key pad, and touch screen won't work unless I reboot my laptop.  Does anyone have any idea why, or a solution I can try?

Latest Window 10 update unable to open any files


After your windows10 latest update 2 days ago, my laptop wouldn't restart and I had to do a reset saving my files 3x's, and how I'm unable to open any files, getting a text box message "How do you want to open this file" and none of the Windows programs are now in my laptop.  This needs to be fixed 

Skype Credit to Landlines and Mobiles

I use Skype Credit to call landlines and mobile phones with my iPad while traveling. At my latest destination I have not been able to hear the person I am calling although they hear me perfectly. This is the case with 3 different people. My connection is excellent and I can use FaceTime and other apps perfectly. This is the first time I’ve had a problem with Skype Credit. Can you help?
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