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Can't install updates please check time and date



I have run the Insider program on my Lumia phone at the Fast Ring.

The first update I received the phone couldn't install it due to some error !

The following message appears right after downloading the update :

"We couldn't install updates because there is a problem with the date and time information on your device. Make sure your date, time, and time zone settings are correct and we'll try again."

What could I do to resolve this problem ?

The time, date and time zone are all correct.

Original Windows Movie maker? (solved, link here)


Hello, I'm looking for a trusted download source to redownload Windows movie maker (windows live, but 2.7 XP version is also acceptable) I'm using windows 10 and the Photos program is VERY basic, its not a video editing software, its just a very generic program. the program not even letting me choose bitrate options because there's no such feature. limited options, can anyone here please guide me to do windows movie maker to download? I remember seeing somewhere on the internet where Microsoft removed the download page but its still on their servers so all I need to do locate the direct URL address, sadly I did not find it on google,

thanks in advance

(I did a reply below this main post, look there for some reason I cannot put links here)

Benutzerdefinierte Priorität



was ist bei Outlook eine benutzerdefinierte Priorität ? Welche Werte kann sie annehmen ? 

Gruß, Mainze

Remote Desktop Stopped Working


the remote desktop ASSISTANT has stopped working and crashes immediately when I try to open it. Does anyone have any ideas? 

I am using the google remote desktop in the meanwhile, but I would like to use the Microsoft version if I ever get it to work again. 

skype messenger

i hope i have this right.   you people have the skype messengers.  when i am on video on skype the camera keeps freezing up on me.  i have downloaded the lastest version of it and it is still freezing.  it has been doing this for about 3 months now.  it also kicks me off the internet when it freezes.  can you tell me how to fix this problem

Crashing and Blue Screen while playing WoW.


I tried to find the log that went with the crash and I think this is it, but it is always crashing. If this isn't it, I'm pretty good at understanding where things are if you tell me. I just want to get down the to the bottom of what the problem is. I can say one thing, I have a 64 bit system, but programs are running in 32. Was this an install problem? Any help would be appreciated. And this keeps happening and I didn't know if it was from the fall issue... see, I've done a lot of reading, but I don't know what goes with what. so I'm trying to understand. Any and all help would be appreciated. 

And sorry if this makes any of you coders laugh.... I'm obviously new at this.

Log Name:      System
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient
Date:          2/24/2018 12:49:57 PM
Event ID:      43
Task Category: Windows Update Agent
Level:         Information
Keywords:      Started,Installation
User:          SYSTEM
Computer:      Jen
Installation Started: Windows has started installing the following update: Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.261.1596.0)
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WindowsUpdateClient" Guid="{945A8954-C147-4ACD-923F-40C45405A658}" />
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2018-02-24T18:49:57.847160300Z" />
    <Correlation />
    <Execution ProcessID="3340" ThreadID="6244" />
    <Security UserID="S-1-5-18" />
    <Data Name="updateTitle">Definition Update for Windows Defender Antivirus - KB2267602 (Definition 1.261.1596.0)</Data>
    <Data Name="updateGuid">{D5DB9AF2-46A0-48A0-BFBF-3FC806C297CA}</Data>
    <Data Name="updateRevisionNumber">200</Data>

Log :




Log Name:      System
Source:        Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting
Date:          2/24/2018 12:49:14 PM
Event ID:      1001
Task Category: None
Level:         Error
Keywords:      Classic
User:          N/A
Computer:      MY NAME
The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck.  The bugcheck was: 0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff802df01b7d4, 0xffff9d8371d48778, 0xffff9d8371d47fc0). A dump was saved in: C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id: ea36f8ea-b099-48de-a0a4-9b906b56c3b8.
Event Xml:
<Event xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/win/2004/08/events/event">
    <Provider Name="Microsoft-Windows-WER-SystemErrorReporting" Guid="{ABCE23E7-DE45-4366-8631-84FA6C525952}" EventSourceName="BugCheck" />
    <EventID Qualifiers="16384">1001</EventID>
    <TimeCreated SystemTime="2018-02-24T18:49:14.700427900Z" />
    <Correlation />
    <Execution ProcessID="0" ThreadID="0" />
    <Security />
    <Data Name="param1">0x0000007e (0xffffffffc0000005, 0xfffff802df01b7d4, 0xffff9d8371d48778, 0xffff9d8371d47fc0)</Data>
    <Data Name="param2">C:\WINDOWS\MEMORY.DMP</Data>
    <Data Name="param3">ea36f8ea-b099-48de-a0a4-9b906b56c3b8</Data>

usb mouse not responding


my usb mouse and headphones are not responding... my mem stick is

I lost access to MY email

I have two accounts. I was trying to change put the take the email off account one and put it on account two. So I replaced the email on account one, but then I accidentally logged into it again. I then put the email back on it, but halfway through I realized my mistake and cancelled it. Microsoft then told me I no longer had access to MY email. So if anyone could help me reclaim my email so I can attach it to account two, that would be great. (I dont know if this is important but it was a gmail)

Mi PC no me deja abrir ningún programa ni escribir

Cada que intento abrir un programa me sale un cuadro de propiedades y no puedo abrirlo. Intenté escribir en la barra de Cortana pero tampoco puedo hacerlo. 

Windows 10 Apps Probleme :((((((((((((((((((((((


Hallo Liebe Gemeinte :)

und zwar habe ich ein Probleme bei mir gehen die Apps Xbox und Windows Store und Gmail nicht :(

und zwar habe ich internet und kann andere dinger auch online gehen und kann auch onnline zocken :)

und wenn ich die problembehandlung machen will dann verlangt das konto und will ich mich mit meinen google konto anmelden aber das sagt nicht dienst nicht verfürgbar und soll mein netzwerk kontrollieren ! ich habe internet und das ist auch per lan kabel  verbunden :)

vllt blockiert ja diese firewall defender habe da habe ich nix gefunden :(

kann mir jemand helfen das wäre klasse :)

p.s: wollte die problemebehandlung machen ging aber nicht weil der dienst zum google konto nicht verbindet :(

Rete window 10 non fa vedere i pc


Buongiorno, ho 2 pc su cui è installato win 10 (il portatile ha l'edizione Home e il fisso ha la versione Pro).

La mia rete è cosi composta ho un modem/router principale dove ho anche la connessione internet, poi ho un secondo modem router (configurazione LAN-TO-LAN) dove arrivo con un cavo dal modem principale per avere la connessione internet e a questo secondo modem ho il pc fisso cablato mentre il portatile posso usarlo sia cablato che in wi-fi; sul pc fisso ho anche installato una stampante che volevo condividere anche con il portatile (cosa che facevo gia prima dell'aggiornamento a win 10) mqa questo mi risulta impossibile perche i 2 pc (anche cablando il portatile allo stesso router) non si vedono quindi non posso aggiungere la stampante e, cosa strana, nonostante la stampante sia anche wi-fi quando provo a cercarla con gli strumenti di windows non trova niente.

vi chiedo aiuto 

Laptop won’t restart

following a failed windows update my dell laptop wont restart - it keeps putting up an dialogie box thst says that windows could no complete the installation to install windows in thos computer restart the installation - then you restart the installation but it keeps coming back to the same dialogue message - ive tried taking battery out and turning it off and on but no joy - anybody any helpful ideas thanks

Skype Videoanruf automatisch annehmen auf Android 4.1.2


Hallo ihr Lieben,

Ich möchte meinen jungen Hund im Blick behalten, wenn ich das Haus verlasse.  Hierzu nutze ich Skype. Nun würde ich gerne mein altes Galaxy S2 als Dauer-Doggy-Cam nutzen, da dieses eh nur in der Schublade liegt. Der ganze Plan scheint nun aber leider daran zu scheitern, dass die alte Skype Version zwar die Auto Anrufannahme erlaubt, jedoch keinen Autostart des Videos .. In diesem Fall leider sinnlos :(

Hab ich irgendeine Chance, das Video auf dem alten Gerät doch noch automatisch starten zu lassen??

LG und vielen Dank für eure Hilfe!

Unable to view screenshots


I am unable to view screenshots, as I am being requested to reinstall a screenshot app.

error msg

"WindowsUpdate_80070103" error msg.  what does it mean and how do I get the update installed?

"In rete , non ho trovato nessuna app del vostro store !"


Ho, cercato in rete di recente , durante la settimana e......, vi devo confermare quanto segue:

"In rete non esiste la possibilità di scaricare l'app del vostro store : "microsoft store!", sembra che non si possa scaricare da internet!. Però..sempre in rete c'è la possibilità di scaricare dal vostro store online , le cosiddette : "app gratuite" !".

Domandina x voi: " Mi sapete dire come mai?".


écriture manuscrite

Écriture manuscrite comment retrouver l’ecriture Antérieure à la mise à jour survenue fin printemp-debut été 2017merci

Microsoft Office 365 Personal Assinatura Anual para 1 Usuário - Versão Download

Comprei junto com meu telefone no site do extra,com.br o  Microsoft Office 365 Personal Assinatura Anual para 1 Usuário - Versão Download, em 14/ 02/ 2018, no site do extra diz que ele já está disponível para a instalação e que eu receberia um email, o que não ocorreu . O prazo de uso de 365 dias já está ocorrendo ? Se já está estou perdendo o direito de usar um produto comprado e em pagamento pelo meu cartão, entretanto não estou conseguindo usar ???? Como faço ?

windows 10: barra delle applicazioni ridimensionare


 ho un portatile con windows 10, non so come, ma la barra delle applicazioni, che tengo bloccata in basso, si è disposta su due righe.

avendo uno schermo di 13 pollici, vorrei riportarla a una sola riga di icone.

come si fa?

grazie per ogni indicazione

Problemas al conectar Disco Duro Externo

Hola!!! Tengo una notebook SURFACE con Window 8.1 Pro y después de las últimas actualizaciones de Windows me reconoce mi Disco Duro externo, el mismo que siempre utilicé en la misma máquina. Podrían informarme como puedo solucionar este probrema... Muchas gracias.
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