Bing rewards
pilote de mobile
Bonjour, Je tente de transférer les photos de mon mobile SAMSUNG GRAND PRIME SM-G530FZ vers mon PC.
Apparemment il y a un pb de pilote bien que WINDOWS affiche le message "windows a déterminé que votre périphérique est déjà installé" et que les MAJ sont bien effectuées.
Que faire ?
upgrade from windows vista business to windows 7
I am running windows vista business and I want to upgrade to windows 7 , I urgently require microsoft assistance
I cant buy AOE ED because of The error code is 0X00000005
Bağlanma ve eşitleme sorunu
.merhabalar windows 10 Home edition 64 bit kullanıyorum
One drive ile giriş yaptım.
Ancak bilgisayarım sağ alttaki görev çubuğunda one drive bulut simgesi çıkmıyor. Böyle olunca da eşitleme yapmıyor
Bilgisayardaki one drive uygulaması açılıyor ama yine de görev çubuğuna simge gelmiyor
Forumlardaki ve destek sayfanızdaki çözüm öneilerini denedim ama bir türlü olmadı
Yardımlarınızı beklerim
Computer password box is pre populated when I turn on computer!
I then have to backspace or delete the 30 or more dots that are on the password box to enter my password.
How do I correct this?
Camera not working on SKYPE,
My SKYPE on windows 10 is not having calls come in, although I can skype others, but then when I do, the camera is not turning on and I keep getting a message saying it is already in use, when it is not. Any Ideas?
I cant open my hotmail account
Help i cant open my email account
Audio Video not working
My audio and video not working with SKYPE. I am able to log in, and also to text with my contacts, but no Video conferencing.
Skype account stolen
Hey all,
My Skype account was stolen, apparently a few months ago when my email address and bank account were hacked as well. Shortly after that happened my CPU died and ended up RMAing my motherboard/CPU (down for 1 1/2 months without a computer) so I
didn't get on the account and change the password.
Now my email address and phone number contact (for password recovery portion) for the account has been changed to something that doesn't belong to me, however when my friend takes a picture of my account it still shows my correct phone number, even shows my
old myspace link....
I've tried to recover my account the way it says however it keeps saying the old information I'm sending it is incorrect, I haven't logged into this account in months, and I signed up with an email address originally when Skype 1st came out and can't even remember
what I used. Is there a support email address I can contact regarding this? I'm posting the picture my friend sent me with all but the last 4 of the mobile marked out so I don't get spam/troll calls on my cell phone.
Thanks in advance
Combo box from column header values
I have a table like the one below
Coil 70A 70B 60A 60B 50A 50B
223 1 2 2 6 2 6
211 9 5 2 4 7 3
954 6 7 4 7 9 1
I want to create a dropdown selection for a form
Depending on which the user selects is the column field A and B on the report will be filled
Where do I start here?
luk konto med email ?.
Screen.ActiveForm Message "...requires a form..."
When I use the F1 key to request a Help File response from my Switchboard, I get a message "You entered an expression that requires a form to be the active window." This is (normally) the only time I get that message. Is there a way that I can tell Access (or Windows) that it is active? Or a way I can intercept that test and call the help message (from a .chm file) sort of manually?
posta gmail non si rimuove da e outlook di Office Impossibile cancellarla. Come rimuovere la sincronizzazione?
Premesso che uso Office dalle prime versioni, fino alla recente 365 su PC Ho sempre avuto 10+ Account di posta divisi uni gagli altri. Dall'avvento di Android ho scaricato Outlook sul cellulare ma da allora ho un problema che credo legato alla sincronizzazione con gmail (ho altri account di altro tipo ma non ho problemi con loro): La posta di gmail è mischiata con quella dell'Account principale, e non riesco ad eliminarla.
La posta di Gmail non posso eliminarla perché ricompare per effetto della sincronizzazione che però non riesco a trovare dove bloccare.
NB: Io intendo MANTENERE la posta su Outlook per PC di TUTTI i miei Account (quindi anche di gmail) ma non voglio che su Outlook per Android sia visibile in quanto uso l'applicazione specifica di Gmail.
C'è una soluzione?
Grazie a chiunque potrà aiutarmi.
Win 10, problem with clone disk?
How to make a clone of invisible partitions and the partition will be given healthy behind the c disk ?
Which tools I must have, or Microsoft this job can work without me? In past I worked with ghost, but what I can do with hidden partition?!
Goups no celular
Criei um grupo no outlook groups para a minha sala de aula, onde compartilhamos textos e arquivos universitários em geral, após quase um ano de uso, o aplicativo está com muita dificuldade em abrir os arquivos no smartphone, após ficar um longo tempo rodando, sinaliza que o documento foi movido, o que não é verdade, pelo pc os arquivos abrem normalmente, quero saber se há alguma configuração a mais que devo realizar ou se esse erro está ocorrendo porque os arquivos são pesados, acima de 5 mb? Existe alguma alternativa ou solução?