como ativar o office
העברת מחשב עם חומר לאישתי
אני מעוניין לתת לאישתי את כל המחשב כולל האופיס הכל חוקי עם רשיון וכתובת מייל חשבון מיקרוסופט
חלונות שדרוג גרסה חוקית חלונות 7 לחלונות 10
ואופיס קנוי
אני מעוניין לקנות רישיון מלא למחשב החדש
הבנתי שחלונות 7 זיהוי לפי MAC וחשבון
אני מעוניין לתת לה את החומרה ואת החשבון לא אכפת לי שיעבור אלי ולחומרה הישנה אני יקנה רישיון חדש.
בכל מקרה אפשר לעשות את זה. ואיך?
KB4074588 manuell installieren
cant sign in
I cannot sign into my account from my computer. I have tried to reset my password but can still not sign in, it says there is a problem with my account
cobrança indevida
olá,chegou uma mensagem xboxlive de compra aprovada no valor de us18,63,não fiz essa compra. aguardo uma resposta da parte de vocês!
Upgarde from Windows 10 Home Single Lang to Windows 10 Pro.
Good day
I need some assistance urgently on upgrading of OS (Windows 10) home to pro.
2 x new pc's
One from Dell with OEM license - we bought the Retail package from local (Makro store) with media and license key card.
One from HP with OEM license - we bought the Retail package from local (Makro store) with media and license key card.
When I try to change product key in activation screen below error appears:
The product key that you entered didn't work. Check product key and try again, or enter a different one (0xc004f050)
Tried to completely format hard drive and reinstall from media, but still installs only Home again, seems due to the fact of a digital license embedded into
BIOS from manufacturer.
Tried also running setup from CD within Windows, same result.
Type also key in after selecting upgrade option within the Windows Store.
Please help!
מעבר לSSD +התקנה של חלונות 8 או העברת תמונת המערכת של היצרן של הלפטופ לSSD.
יש ברשותי SSD חדש ובלפטופ כרגע HDD.
מעוניין לדעת :
1במידה ואני רוצה להעביר את תמונת המערכת של היצרן לSSD מה הן הפעולות?
2.במידה ואני רוצה התקנה נקייה , עליי להחזיק במפתח המוצר של מערכת ההפעלה?
ואצטרך להחליף במחשב את הHDD בSSD > להיכנס לביוס בשביל להגדיר שהדיסק התקנה יעלה לפני הדיסק הקשיח > לאקטב וזהו?
3. במידה ובחרתי בהתקנה נקייה, לא יהיה לי אפשרות לשנמך גרסא - כלומר אם אשודרג שוב ללא הסכמתי ל8.1 ,אז לא תיהיה דרך חזרה ל ווינדוס 8 ובמידה ואין לי תמונת מערכת של 8?
ציטוט מתוך מאמר בנושא:
If you are eager to take advantage of Windows 8.1’s new features, hold on for a moment. You can not roll back the upgrade and return to Windows 8 in case you do not like it! The only way you can “downgrade” from Windows 8.1 to Windows 8, is if you prepared a system image before you upgrade.
Can' receive phone calls on my Skype number
the problem is that I've bought USA and New Zealand Skype phone numbers. I can receive phone calls normally using US number, but NZ one don't work, it only says that "number disconnected". Skype support chat don't work of course, so I need to ask here - is there someone who can help me with that?
Kind regards
How do I revert the Bluetooth pairing question so I don't have to type in a PIN
I have a Bluetooth keyboard that requires re-pairing so I can use it between a computer and a tablet. If there is a pairing delay or some problem, it says 'Oops that didn't work' and requires me to use another keyboard to type in a PIN. Every time since then, I need to type in a PIN that I can then type in on the Bluetooth keyboard. Re-pairing itself is a pain since I need to remove the device, then turn on Bluetooth, then wait, then pair etc, in order to avoid pairing errors and so that the keyboard can be found. Typing in a PIN so that I can type it in with the Bluetooth keyboard is just stupid though. I would rather type in a PIN written on the screen as is the default.
Windows 10 telepítés
Atualização Cumulativa do Windowns 10 Version 1709, Falha na tentativa de instalação mais recent em 24/02/2018 – 0x80070bc2
Where do you recommend I purchase a clean install of Windows 7?
I want Windows 7 back on my laptop. I can't factory reset because it originally came with 10 but I replaced it with 7 immediately at purchase because 7 is superior to 10 in every conceivable way. I am aware that 7's support end in 2020. I don't care. I want to be free of the Windows 10 virus at least for a short time.
Where is the best place to purchase a Clean install of Windows 7?
Import csv to MS 365 Calendar on the web
He dejado de ver mi unidad de disco D
de repente me ha desaparecido la unidad D: , he comprobado lo siguiente:
1. Abre el Explorador de archivos. Luego, haz clic en Este equipo; ubicado en el panel izquierdo de la ventana. Después, haz clic derecho en la unidad principal "C:" y selecciona Propiedades.
2. En la pestaña Herramientas, haz clic en el botón Comprobar.
3. Selecciona Examinar unidad y el proceso de examen comenzará.
4. Cuando el proceso termine, clic en la opción llamada Mostrar detalles, para abrir el Visor de eventos y visualizar los errores que pueda contener la unidad de disco.
5. Abre la pestaña Detalles ubicada en la parte inferior, para leer el informe completo.
y me sale que está todo perfecto, ¿que puedo hacer para solucionarlo?
Error 0x800f081f during update
"• 2018-02 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based Systems (KB4074588) - Error 0x800f081f"
Ive run the troubleshooter for windows update to no avail, please help
UAC Dialog
How do I make it so that when I want to use something that requires administrator permission I have to type in a password when logged into an administrator account?
I don't want to this: I
would like to see something like this:
Nefunkčné menu ŠTART a všetky ostatné aplikácie vo Win 10
ClamAV, falso positivo?
>>> Dal risultato di una scansione con ClamWin risulta che nella cartella seguente:
>>> sono presenti i seguenti file:
>>> classificati rispettivamente come:
>>> Qualcuno sa di che files si tratta? È un falso positivo o mi conviene rimuoverli?