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Forza 7 Demo unsupported CPU


In case anyone can help.......

I downloaded and installed the Forza 7 Demo, just to see what it is like on PC (I have it on xbox). 

A warning came up on opening the programme stating that an unsupported cpu had beem detected and that the game may not work. 

I have an i7-7820HQ and I see that the current crop of Alienware laptops run an i7-7700HQ and offer the full game as a perk so I am surprised that this error has come up. 

Now to be fair I did try this on my work laptop which is a Precision 5520 with the quadro M1200 and 16gb ram. So hardly a gaming machine and if the error had been about the GPU then I wouldn't have bothered with this post. 

If anyone can shed light on this I would be most grateful. 


Disco di ripristino e Product Key


io ho creato un disco con dentro windows 10 crato grazie allo strumento offerto da Microsoft. Serve un nuovo codice product key o il sistema mi ricicla quello usato sul pc in cui avevo creato il disco?

Windows help on recovered computer

Hello.  I just had to recover my computer.  My problem is that my recovery disks took my computer back to windows 7.  I'm happy it worked but would prefer to have a new version of windows (8 would be great).  Is there any way to update my windows?  I've gone through and run windows updater...up to date. 

Browsers (.exe) take a long time to connect for the first time


PLEASE, help me if you know the answer.

I was previously using Opera browser without any problems, and then one day when I ran it for the first time and typed in the search bar it took a long time(~2min) before showing the results. I thought it was a problem with the browser so I tried Chrome and Firefox (and Vivaldi, UC, Midori, Opera Neon). The same thing happened: the browserstarts quickly but takes a lot of time to connect for the first time only; once it has connected everything flows normally. The funny thing is, apps from Microsoft Store work perfectly. I download a few browsers there (UC and BlueSky) andthey connected immediately.

These are the things I already tried (and didn't work):

  • Uninstalled Java 8
  • Thorough scan with Malwarebytes
  • Thorough scan with Windows Defender
  • Different browsers
  • Cleaning cookies/cache/history
  • Updating drivers and OS
  • Looked everywhere on Google in 3 different languages
  • Tried resetting Win10 but the screen froze and it didn't go any further

And here's what I know:

  • It's not my internet connection: my other notebook (Win7) works perfectly.
  • It doesn't appear to be Win10: Edge and other apps connect immediately.
  • It's not a virus/malware: checked with WinDefender and MBytes.

I do not want to format my computer because I have too many important files that cannot be backed up due to their enormous size. It's very stressing and time consuming to use Edge; it lacks extensions that arecrucial for the kind of work I do.

Could you, please, help me? Thank you.

windows help after recovery on computer

Hello.  I just had to recover my computer.  My problem is that my recovery disks took my computer back to windows 7.  I'm happy it worked but would prefer to have a new version of windows (8 would be great).  Is there any way to update my windows?  I've gone through and run windows updater...up to date. 

Codec for sbv. file to get Youtube file to work with windows

where can I find the codec for an sbv. file to get Youtube file to work with windows?

Error en actualización de Windows 10


He estado intentando actualizar a la ultima versión de Windows 10, pero al finalizar siempre hay un problema, entre esos el "error 0x0000017 no hay memoria para crear ramdisk".

He intentado todas las sugerencias que he visto en este sitio:

- bcdedit /deletevalue {badmemory} badmemotylist 

Me dice que no hay la entrada, aunque si pongo enum all, sí hay {badmemory}

- Aumentar la memoria virtual, ya la aumenté al máximo permitido

Cada vez que lo intento de nuevo tengo que pasar 1 o 2 días descargando de nuevo la actualización. Ya se está volviendo tedioso. Si al menos se pudiera recuperar lo descargado previamente.

Tengo una tablet Nextbook 10.1 Intel Atom 1.33 GHz, 1GB de RAM, Disco duro 32 GB y adicionada una tarjeta de memoria de 16 GB

Por favor, si alguien sabe como solucionar mi problema o recuperar la descarga de la actualización, le agradecería mucho.

Llong running script

How can I stop a long running script

Remboursement objet retourné



Je vous contact suite a ma commande numero 2545527670 que j'ai retourne en intégralité et que vous avez réceptionné le 5 février 2018.

A ce jour et après une dizaine de mails et d'appels avec le service client, je n'ai toujours pas obtenue mon remboursement.

Personne est étant capable de me donner une réponse par telephone ni par mail sur le délai du remboursement, je vous solicite aujourd'hui afin d'avoir une réponse précise et mon remboursement le plus tot possible.


aggiornamento fallito


Salve. Qualcuno sa spiegarmi perché l'aggiornamento di windows 10 fallisce sistematicamente e il processo si riavvia alla successiva accensione del computer? Allego il log degli aggiornamenti, sperando se ne possa trarre qualche informazione chiarificatrice. Grazie.


Kinderkonto unter Windows 10



ich habe auf meinem Windows 10 Rechner ein Kinderprofil eingerichtet, samt Outlook Email-Adresse. Im Online Zugang des Kinderkontos wird der PC erkannt. Beim Starten des PCs kann ich wählen zwischen meinem Erwachsenenprofil und dem Kinderprofil. Wähle ich das Kinderprofil und gebe das Kennwort ein kommt die Fehlermeldung:

Fehler bei der Anmeldung des Dienstes "Benutzerprofildienst". Das Benutzerprofil kann nicht geladen werden.

Ich habe das Kinderprofil schon mehrmals neu angelegt. Auch mal versuchsweise ein anderes Erwachsenenprofil eingerichtet. Immer kommt die gleiche Fehlermeldung. Was habe ich falsch gemacht?


Split from this thread.

Hello JaneBeach1,

Are you trying to add a phone number contact and call the number via Skype?

We look forward to your response.

As for me, what I am trying to do is locate "Contacts". They used to pop up at first glance but not I am unable to find them. I have only one Skype account. I am simply trying to find where "Contacts" went so I can call one of my contacts, nothing more, nothing less. 

Imposible arrancar Windows 7 Starter



Mi ordenador de sobremesa se estropeó por corte de corriente y el seguro se lo llevó para reparar y le han cambiado la placa base, la memoria y el adaptador de corriente.

El caso es que ahora le hemos puesto Windows 7 Starter y parecía que iba todo bien; pero ahora no hace más que salirme el siguiente mensaje:

"No se pudo iniciar Windows. Es posible que un cambio de hardware o software reciente sea la causa.

Para corregirlo:

1. Inserte el disco de instalación de windows y reinicie.

2. Configurar el idioma y siguiente.

3. Reparar el equipo.

Archivo: Windows\sytem32\ntkrnlpa.exe

Estado: 0x0000428

Información: Windows no puede comprobar la firma digital de este archivo."

Ahora no inicia normal: o me sale este mensaje o se pone a reparar el equipo y no hace nada. Ya he probado con todo lo que viene en el disco y no se arregla. Antes podía entrar en el sistema con F8 y dando a Deshabilitar la firma y ahora ni eso.

A qué se debe este error? 

Un saludo,


Error de Instalación


buenas tardes tengo un problema para la instalación de un programa de dibujo por computadora (AutoCAD) y no me deja realizar la instalación debido a que tengo el error:


Espero me pudiesen ayudar ya que es urgente


Onedrive não abre no explorador de arquivos no windows 10

Minha pasta onedrive no explorador de arquivos não abre, interessante que os últimos arquivos da pasta que estão na pasta abrem normalmente e consigo navegar nas demais sub-pastas, mas na pasta, já desinstalei e instalei novamente e nada, alguém pode ajudar?

Unable to save .htm


I recently upgraded from Microsoft Excel 2008 for Mac to Microsoft Excel 365 for Mac version 16.9.  Since the upgrade I am no longer able to save my file as a "Web Page (.htm)".  Each time I attempt to do  this I get the following error: FILENAME.xls.htm' cannot be accessed. The file may be corrupted, located on a server that is not responding, or read-only.

I have no trouble saving the file in either .xls & .xlsx formats, but starting from either format gives me the error when I try to save in .htm.

I have tried renaming the excel file first without success.

I have tried saving the .htm file in different folders on my computer and on OneDrive without success.

Help please

I am using Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 on a MacBook Pro 2017

Formateo y programas de pago instalados


Hola, me gustaría saber qué pasaría con los programas de pago que tengo instalados en mi ordenador si decido formatearlo y volver a instalar el sistema operativo. Tengo algunos programas que tienen un número limitado de descargas, por lo que me gustaría saber si formatear el ordenador conlleva que me baje una descarga del contador. 

Muchas gracias a todos.

Outlook 2013 Opens Sub-Folder .pst File Instead of the Primary Mailbox Folder


Somehow Outlook has start to consider a secondary .PST folder for Quicken as the primary mailbox .PST file for my ISP.

How can I change Outlook to open the .PST file associated with my ISP instead.  I am running Windows 8.1.


Deleting conversations and making fonts larger in the new Skype

Split from this thread.

With the old Skype, I use to delete my conversations. I would go to tools and find where I went to so I could delete. I did this everyday. Now, I can't.   I am not going to beat around the bush. I HATE the new Skype.  Plus,  I can't make my font bigger.  It's way too small.  I am 66 years old and as you get older, your eye sight gets a bit wacky.  Now, How do I enlarge that?  I think it's a sin, that MS is forcing all who uses Skype and we don't like it.  You have to do better than this. Bring back the stuff that was on the old Skype.




I still get an error 0x8018830f on my Lumia 930 during installation of the update 10.0.14393.2068. What should I do? Thanks for your reply.

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