Exporting Skype Messages
In new version of Skype, how do you export history of messages from an existing conversation?
xbox one operating system
Pantalla Negra nunca carga
Category Options not available in Tags Group using Outlook 2016 on my Office 365 Personal Edition?
Why is it that I can't add a category to organise received email (it does not display categories option in the Tags group of the Ribbon).
I'm using Outlook 2016 on my Office 365 Personal PC Edition for Windows.
바탕화면의 디렉토리 가 지워지지 않아요!! ( 캡쳐 첨부)
Windows Defender Firewall + Avast
Notei hoje que o firewall do meu Windows (10) não está habilitado (estava até a semana passada). Aparece a seguinte mensagem:
"Estas configurações estão sendo gerenciadas pelo fornecedor do aplicativo Avast Free Antivirus."
Eu gostaria de manter os dois firewalls ativos, o do Windows e o do Avast. Como posso fazer isso?
Forza Horizon 3 "Serveradresse konnte nicht aufgelöst werden" DNS Fehler
Ich habe mir das spiel gekauft um online mit meinen freunden zu spielen allerdings steht dort immer eine Fehlermeldung wenn ich auf online Spiel suche gehe und das spiel findet eine Lobby aber kann nicht beitreten wegen diesem Fehler.
was sol ich noch versuchen ? ich habe Windows 10 zurückgesetzt in der Hoffnung das alles dann nach funktioniert aber die stunden haben sich nicht ausgezahlt. Bitte helfen sie mir ich möchte nicht umsonst ein spiel gekauft haben womit ich nicht mal online kann.
loadlibary: Dll-Initialisierungsroutine fehlgeschlagen error 1114
Surface Book Blue Screens / Can't Recover
Hey Microsoft -
I first described my troubles here exactly two years ago. I'm a .NET architect, and although I've helped countless people with their computers over the decades, I still can't keep my Surface Book humming along for more than a few months at a time. MS support has helped me previously, but none of our old tricks are working now...
It seems as through every other major Windows Update triggers some sort of slow-ticking time bomb on my SB. For one of the apps I'm building, I constantly need to run a custom data acquisition job that takes ~2 hours to execute, syncing data between Azure and SQL. What I've noticed is that, after months of flawless performance, while my console app is executing, my SB (plugged in) will start to blue screen occasionally. Then after a reboot, it'll work for a while. After a few days (or weeks, if I'm lucky), the time bomb will elapse, and every single execution of my console app will blue screen within a few minutes of me walking away from the laptop. If I keep actively using it, it seems okay.
The death blow is then dealt a few days/weeks after that: the SB will blue screen when I simply leave it idle, and that it will die *faster* if I have Visual Studio open (not even doing anything, just sitting there with my solution loaded).
So I turn to the recovery scenarios, but none of them work.
- Going through the recovery "wizard" in Settings, it will either blue screen before the initial reboot into diagnostic mode, or fail after about ~4% during the recovery process after the reboot. I have tried all permutations of the options (keep my files, clean the drive, etc.). What's interesting is if i do the least drastic "keep my files" option, after the reboot, it will get as high as ~35% before failing.
- Running the recovery process after creating and booting from a recovery USB drive immediately fails with "There was a problem recovering your PC." with either option (remove files / recycle PC).
- The "Recover from the cloud" option connects to my WiFi, but never gets past 0% on the download screen.
- The DSIM tool completes successfully (tried with a mounted ISO, the USB recovery drive, and just the "online" option) but doesn't fix any issues.
- The sfc.exe /scannow verification tool does not find any "integrity violations."
- I even tried booting into recovery mode, launching the command prompt, and going nuclear with DISKPART; the "delete partition override" command fails.
So I'm stuck again. Please help! Is there a way I can just wipe the SB clean? All my stuff is in VSTS / OneDrive / OneNote and so a clean sweep is exactly what I need, but whatever is causing the blue screen also seems to be preventing the restoration processes from working.
Thanks so much!
my power surge is going off and I have done all it is said to do and it is still going off.
my power surge is going off and I have done the things it is asked me to do and now it won't stop, there is no things my port expect my mouse.
Windows 10-Reinicialização infinita!!!
por favor me ajudem!!
Uso windows 10 (não original,antes era windows 7) mais utilizo windows 10 a 2 anos já. esses dias ele tinha uma atualização a fazer.por ai tudo bem..no outro dia quando fui ligar o notebook (emachines)ele ficou na tela azul tentei resolver em casa não consegui....então levei pra arrumar. Depois de "arrumado" eu liguei o notebook ele estava normal porem,a barra onde fica o menu,volume,wifi..etc não estava funcionando nao abria nem se quer carregava (obs:antes de dar o primeiro problema (tela azul) a barra funcionava)
então eu resolvi restaura-lo. mais a restauração nao saia do 66% entao desliguei o notebook ao liga-lo novamente apareceu uma tela azul dizendo que não foi possivel restaura-lo e tinha botao de cancelar...então apareceu aquelas opçoes da tela azul eu cliquei na primeira que era para sair da tela azul e voltar ao windows. e agora ele so fica reiniciando toda hora!!! aparece marca do notebook e ai fica uma tela preta com um traço branco piscando e depois a tela fica toda preta e ele reinicia novamente.
eu não tenho pendriver,nem dvd,muito menos outro notebook/pc que eu possa usar para arrumar...oque eu posso fazer??? :(
clico F8 so da um barulho tipo um piiiiii bem alto e longo
clico shift+F11 faz a mesma coisa e nao aparece nada!
Internal Hard Drive that I've been using for months has become "Not Initialized."
I bought a new computer about 6 months ago that came with a 120 gig SSD and a 1TB HDD. Up until today both have been functioning normally. Today when I tried to access the HDD the error message "The drive or network connection that the shortcut 'Hard Drive.lnk' refers to is unavailable. Make sure that the disk is properly inserted or the network resource is available, and then try again."
I've had this issue once in the past, and a quick restart fixed the problem. Not so much anymore. The Drive is D;/, and where the drive is in File Explorer it now contains a blue questionmark. How would I go about fixing this issue without losing all of the data?
Thank you for your time,
Снимки экрана
Problemas con el Game Dvr de xbox en windows 10
Arobase ne fonctionne plus
Je viens de me rendre compte que ma touche alt gr ne fonctionne plus. Je ne sais plus faire l'arobase ni le sigle euro,...
La combinaison de touche ctrl+alt+delete ne fonctionne plus non plus. Ces 3 touches fonctionne bien séparément mais pas quand je les utilise en même temps.
Pouvez-vous m'aider ?
outlook 2013
Windows 10 Home - Windows 10 Pro - aktywacja
Parę lat temu kupiłem laptopa z Windowsem 7 w wersji BOX, zrobiłem aktualizację do 8 (wersja BOX) - w obecnej chwili mam Windowsa 10 Pro.
Ostatnio zakupiłem stacjonarkę z Windowsem 10 Home w wersji BOX.
Chciałem przenieś licencję z laptopa na stacjonarkę. Czyli na stacjonarce chciałem wersję Pro a na laptopie wersję Home.
Operacja prawie się udała: na stacjonarce po wpisaniu klucza z wersji 8 pro - Windows 10 Home dokonał upgrade na 10 Pro.
Natomiast laptop z Pro nie przyjmuje klucza z wersji Home aby była na nim licencja Home
Podczas próby instalacji i wpisania klucza - wyskakuje iż nie posiadam poprawnego klucza.
W obecnej chwili na stacjonarce i laptopie mam Windowsa 10 Pro i oba są aktywne.
Każda próba wpisania klucza Home na laptopie kończy się błędem: wprowadzony klucz produktu nie działa. Sprawdź klucz produktu i spróbuj ponownie lub wprowadź inny klucz (0xc004f050).
Проблемы с работой резкости компьютерной мыши после обновления Windows
После последних, недавних обновлений Windows, компьютерная мышь A4Tech Bloody A9 потеряла резкость и начала как бы "плавать" в игре Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. Играть без резкости в FPS-шутер очень не комфортно. И ни у одного меня появилась такая проблема именно после обновления Windows. Надеюсь, вы не скинете проблему на саму игру, т.к. плавность мышь приобрела и в самой системе.