looking up multiple values from a table depending on form input
I have created a form that a user selects multiple items [Strand] from a list box. Each selection creates a new record in a table. I have a [StrandsInUse] table with multiple fields per record for every [Strand] When creating this new table from the form selections how would I bring over additional fields from the Original [StrandsInUse] table?
Private Sub ApplyStrands_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rs As Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("StressingDataTbl")
For Each itm In CoilSelector.ItemsSelected
rs!WorkOrder = WOselector
rs!StressingDate = StressDate
rs!PackNo = itm
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing
End Sub
This will add a new record for every [Strand] selected. How do I bring over [StandMfg} and {initialTension] field from the StrandsInUse table for every [Strand] selected in the form?
office home & student 2016 已被激活
你好,想请问我购买了office home & student 2016永久版 已经在A电脑激活ID了,
Office 365能不能改善这个体验,真的很差,特别特别差!!!!!!!
OneNote iPhone app crashing after update
Uso multimonitores necesito que windows 10 siempre utilice escala en 100%.
Uso multimonitores y necesito que windows 10 siempre utilice escala en 100%.
EL problema se presenta en windows cada vez que cambio de monitores y me cambia a recomendado que en mi caso es 150%.
En concreto necesito o bine deshabilitar esta funcion de windows o bien que siempre este en 100% el recomendado
Can Skype be restricted to call approved contacts?
Can Skype be restricted to only allow it to call a controlled list of contacts? For business purposes, we're looking to deploy Android tablets to field employees and want them to only be able to video chat to specific contacts. The tablets will be locked down to only use certain apps.
Any help or direction would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Avviare un pc con il sistema compromesso
Dividi da questo thread.
Salve Sig. Franco, sono Alessandro Manzone (ho avuto già qualche "contatto" con lei in passato)volevo chiederle se la soluzione appena letta va bene anche per me.
Il problema è questo: ieri mattina ho acceso il mio desktop (hp Pavillon 550-113NL con Windows 10) e non ho potuto avviarlo in quanto bloccato nella schermata di accensione e senza darmi alcuna possibilità di accesso (puntatore del mouse assente e nessuna risposta nel premere il tasto invio per inserire la password di accesso).
La ringrazio e resto in attesa di risposta.
how to remove maps frontier adware
Problema windows 10
Não consigo entrar na minha conta da Microsoft, já redefini varias vezes a conta, já fiz de tudo mais sempre pede para redefinia senha preciso urgente usa o netbook mais não estra minha conta microsoft o que eu devo fazer?
No funciona la barra de tareas
Buenos días, es que tengo un problema cuando intento entrar a la barra de inicio, no funciona nada de eso de "Windows+X", la rueda del mouse queda dando vueltas y para apagar el computador me toca oprimir"control+Alt+suprimir" y apagarlo desde ahí.
y aparte de todo me aparece en la pantalla abajo a la izquierda "Activar Windows: Ve a Configuración para activar windows" y no se mas formas de llegar ahí.
OneNote Autokorrektur
Liebe Community
Ich habe folgendes Problem: In OneNote wird DNA immer zu DANN korrigiert. Weil ich biologische Themen bearbeite ist das etwas mühsam.
Ich verwende die StandardApp von OneNote auf einem Surface. Autokorrektur ist in den Systemeinstellungen deaktiviert. OneNote wurde bereits zurückgesetzt und neu gestartet. Der Fehler besteht auch nach jeweiligem Neustart weiter, egal ob unter Einstellungen>Optionen>Korrekturhilfen "Rechtschreibefehler ausblenden" ein oder ausgeschaltet ist.
Ich vermute, dass es eventuell helfen würde, die Spracheinstellungen zu ändern, aber ich habe keine Ahnung, wo man das macht geschweige denn, ob das hilft. Hat irgendjemand eine Idee?
Vielen Dank schon im Voraus!
Ausserdem ist dieser Post falsch kategorisiert aus dem schlichten Grund dass ich nicht kapiere, wo ich ihn einzuordnen habe.
bootrec /rebuildbcd winload.exe is missing or corrupted
Scenario was My Harddisk circutry got carbon on its contacts, It was started sometimes detecting issues I thought OS corrupted and formatted it added fedora to empty partition.
Now I clean HDD circuitry, unable to boot to windows boot manager, So i deleted fedora partitions,
used bootrec /fixmbr, bootrec /fixboot,bootrec /rebuildbcd.
Windows bootmanager came but with problem, Shows error that winload.exe is missing.
I checked the file exists. Unable to understand what to do? and how to boot windows.
Now I have old bcd if used it System always goes in to recovery mode. and makes loop dont know how to get out.messaggi preedenti
pur aprendo in modo normale la mia pagina vedo solamente le ultime chiamate/contatti e pur entrando nel collegamento mi permette di vedere i mexg solo per l'
ultimo mese
Syncing Office 365 charity with Office 365 for Business
HI we have a charity version of Office 365 for work. I have a business version of Office 365. I have been trying to link them together but failing greatly.
I have tried adding an account via settings but it does not work. Can anyone tell me if the charity version can or cannot be linked at all?
Disparition intempestive de mail
je viens de faire le constat que des mails que je gardais dans ma boîte de réception et que je conservais sans
les avoir archivés ne sont plus visibles. Je ne peux accéder qu'aux mails récents...
Ne les ayant pas supprimer, je souhaite savoir comment les récupérer pour les utiliser selon mes besoins.