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Проблема с кодировкой (знаки вопроса вместо символов) в некоторых письмах


Добрый день! Очень понравился сервис outlook.com, однако столкнулся со следующей проблемой. В некоторых письмах (не всех) вместо символов отображаются знаки вопроса. Видимо, какие-то проблемы с кодировкой.

1. Пробовали ли вы авторизироваться через mail.live.com и повторяется ли ошибка?

Да, ошибка повторяется.

2. Пробовали ли вы зайти в вашу учетную запись с помощью другого браузера и сохраняется ли ошибка?

Да, пробовал через IE11, Firefox и Chrome последних версий.

3.  Используете ли вы приложение Почта для доступа к вашей учетной записи? Если да, то какое?

Пробовал через приложение Outlook для IPad, там все письма отображаются корректно. Также письма отображаются корректно в Outlook 2010.

4. Пожалуйста, прикрепите скриншот ошибки ( пожалуйста, удалите любую личную информацию, например вашу учетную запись)

Скриншот прикладываю к письму.

Fingerprint scanner - credentials cannot be verified after latest windows 10 update


Days start to become weeks.

Weeks start to become months.

The only thing that doesn't change is Microsoft still manages to screw you over somehow whenever you get an "update" which you can't opt out of.

Don't you guys check this stuff before you roll it out?

So, am I likely to get some patch to fix this latest problem or does the scanner just fade away into oblivion and obscurity because someone didn't bother to check out their work first.

I'm not holding my breath, but if anyone else has/had this problem and found a fix please let me know.

Ps. MSoft - please don't give me the usual garbage about corrupt user profiles, outdated drivers and so forth. The problem is you. Please fix it. 


会社のRMSでロックされたOfficeデータを 一旦 ロックをはずして、メールで個人のMACで編集できない


会社で利用している エクセルやパワーポイントのデータを、RMSロックを外して、個人のPC(MacAir)にメールで送って 編集していました。

ロックを外して メールで送って 受け取ってから PC(Mac)に すぐ 編集はできていたのですが、これが 時間が経つと、開けなくなります。(メッセージ ①)

何回も 編集したものを 書き込み。ロックがかかった状態になるため これを 会社のPCに送って ロックを外して 再度 PC(MAC)に送り返し と言うことを繰り返しています。

当然 会社で編集することは可能です(RMSの環境)

そこで これらの作業が煩わしいので、ロックが外れた状態で エクセルならばKEY-NOTEに変換して 使っています

ロックがかかっているエクセルをkey-noteで読み込んだら 「This workbook has been IRM protected by policy.」が出て開けません。

 また、jpegやPDFなど画像系のデータや個人のPC(MAC)に保存していた過去のMS系のデータ全てにロックが(アクセス制限)がかかっています。(メッセージ② や メッセージ①)

非常に困っています。誰か お分かりの方 お教えください。


このサーバーで Rights Management Services(RMS)を使用する権限がありません。





Adobe Acrobat Reader で「***********.pdf」を開けませんでした。ファイルの種類がサポートされていないか、またはファイルが破損している可能性があります。例えば、電子メールの添付文書として送信され、正しくデコードされなかったことなどが考えられます。

window mail bundled with windows 10

When selecting an email and insert a number of contacts in BCC and send when you view in the sent box you cannot see the parties you had inserted in BCC however it appears to send. How can I see all that email is forwarded to?



Ciao a tutti,

sapreste per caso dirmi dove viene effettuato il controllo per fare uscire il messaggio sulla connessione di rete attiva "Nessun accesso a Internet" ?

Immagino che ci sia un host Pubblico che tenta di raggiungere il sistema dove in caso negativo fa uscire questo messaggio all'utente.

Non sono riuscito a trovare nulla in rete che potesse dirmi chi viene contattato.

Grazie mille in anticipo a tutti


Recurring event in every second and fourth week based on first full week in month


I need to create a recurring event on every second and fourth Wednesday in month based on first full week.
The problem is: when the month starts with Tuesday or Wednesday, the event is one week too early.
How can I configure that recurring event?

Thank you very much in advance for any useful hint!

Kind regards,

One Drive Local Files got corrupted



I have windows

I had stored some files in my laptop. Then I downloaded the One drive app. Then I moved my files in Onedrive and started the synch.

It worked fine for some time then my computer hanged.

My local files are corrupted. Only when I try to access my files in one drive it hangs. The document has not being synched online. I have removed Onedrive app.

Please help me. How can I retrieve my local files.

win10 任务计划程序库每小时弹窗


SharePoint 2013 online mark a list item


I have a SharePoint site collection list which is used by external providers to bid for jobs.  Once they have bid the package stays live to allow other bids, however, some providers are occasionally bidding on a job again as they have forgotten they have already bid on it.

Is there a way within a SharePoint list that a provider could some how mark a list entry as bid on, this would not be able to be edited by other providers (or seen if possible)?  But the list entry would need to allow multiple providers to mark it as bid on.

The providers have read permissions to the site collection.



Restrict Editing for Mac


How do I get the function of "Restrict Editing" work in MAC computer for MS Word 2016?  I can't find how to use the restrict editing pane like in the Windows version where people canallow changes to some parts of a protected document and some parts are onRead only.




Windows 7 Manual Activation: Why?

When installing Windows 7, I will be prompted for the Produsct Key to complete the installation, as it is the case.WhenI offeredto recognizethe correctproduct key,soitis no longer goodat all,butit results in an error message(as I recallcode:0XC004E003),whichpromptedmeto activate thesystemmanually.I have never before encountered such an error in the notification encountered when installing Windows.Never!What can this cause?Thank you.

P. S. The translation is from Finnish to English with Google translator.

Credentials cannot be verified with fingerprint scanner after latest windows update May 2017


Days start to become weeks.

Weeks start to become months.

The only thing that doesn't change is Microsoft still manages to screw you over somehow whenever you get an "update" which you can't opt out of.

Don't you guys check this stuff before you roll it out?

So, am I likely to get some patch to fix this latest problem or does the scanner just fade away into oblivion and obscurity because someone didn't bother to check out their work first.

I'm not holding my breath, but if anyone else has/had this problem and found a fix please let me know.

Ps. MSoft - please don't give me the usual garbage about corrupt user profiles, outdated drivers and so forth. The problem is you. Please fix it. 

Error When executing Stored Procedure


Hello Everyone,

I recently created a new environment and installed SQL SERVER 2016 enterprise edition.

I restored the back up of the database from SQL server 2014.

When i am executing Stored procedure its giving me below message

OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server 'Linked server name' returned message "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified".

I did uninstall and installed latest SQL native client, but still the issue persist.

куда делся спам в office 365?


Пользуюсь почтовым клиентом Office 365, естественно, всегда просматриваю корзину "спам", но уже полгода как она абсолютно пуста.

Подозреваю, что произошли какие-то автоматические настройки, я не администрирую развертывание, только пользуюсь на корпоративном сервере, и какие-то сообщения отфильтровываются автоматически.

В результате ряд нужных мне сообщений точно не доходит, вроде восстановления пароля н eBay или подобные.

Как с этим бороться? Как вы понимаете, не может за полгода не быть спама, а в отфильтрованном явно "топится" и полезная информация.

В настройках почты никаких "черных списков" нет, я проверял...

Спасибо за ответ заранее


windows live mail doesnt send


windows live mail doesnt send

Moved from Community Participation Center

Office 365 Home Premium


Jeg har Office365 Home Premium. Det har vært vanskelig og tidkrevende å laste ned og installere denne pakken på de ulike plattformene jeg har. Jeg / vi 8to personer) har enehter med Windows 10 PC, Android mobiltelefoner, Mac, Ipad og Android nettbrett. Vi bor delvis i Sverige delvis i Norge.

I Sverige kan noe av problemene skyldes dårlig bredbånd fra Telia 10 mbits, men det skal vel ikke ta 4 timer for nedlasting av Officepakken? I Norge har det gått bedre, men her også langsomt sammenliknet med andre nedlastinger. Her har vi 50 mbits fiber bredbånd. Jeg har det klare inntrykk at det har vært og er problemer med både Office system og de servere dere bruker.

Men det er kanskje ikke mer å vente med et nytt stort system. Jeg vil imidlertid gi ros for at det nå er god kundeservice i motsetning til tidligere år.

Så til et konkret problem. Når jeg skal markere tekst i Word og Outlook for enten og kliooe ut eller kopiere, så har jeg alltid tidligere fått en kontrastfarge på teksten jeg merker. Det får jeg ikke nå. Jeg kan ikke se hva jeg merker. Det er dumt. Men jeg får klippet ut eller slettet..

Vil dette bli rettet?

anteprima files in windows 10

ho windows 10 , come fare per vedere l'anteprima dei files? Ho provato esplora files,visualizza, ma non trovo anteprima.ho windows 10 , come fare per vedere l'anteprima dei files? Ho provato esplora files,visualizza, ma non trovo anteprima.

Manual installation of Pre-release 16188

Okay,I downloaded the Creators Update Yesterday and successfully installed it and joined as a Fast ring Insider. Further, I manually downloaded the Client insider preview 16188 from Mega.co for enterprise version as I have installed an Enterprise version.But when I am trying to install the 16188 through setup after mounting the image of 16188 , It throws error like "UXLIB.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains error" and same message for "SPWIZENG.DLL","WDSCORE.DLL","UNATTEND.DLL" and "autorun.dll",,,,,So anyone can tell me,what exactly is the cause behind it?,,,,Because installing 16188 through Windows Update fails many times and i want to install it....plz suggest me some solutions for this....Thanx in advance !

Tengo un gran problema


El otro día se me apago el ordenador por falta de batería y cuando conseguí que encendiera no me iban ni el boton de inicio, ni nada de la barra de herramientas,y tampoco funcionan bien word y powerpoint , intente ejucutar los comandos recomendados para estos casos pero no me funcionaban porque ponía que era necesario tener activado el firewall, finalmente consegui abrir los ajustes pero no aparecen con la interfaz de windows 10 si no de windows 7 que era con el que venía el ordenador, no puedo activar firewall y tampoco restaurar el sistema sin perder mis archivos. ¿Qué debo de hacer?

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