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Повреждён локальный профиль.


Переустановил систему (Windows 10), в учётную запись Microsoft не входил, а просто создал локальный профиль.

Спустя некоторое время, возникла ошибка при входе в скайп, потом проблема при подключении onedrive. Попробовал войти в учётную запись Microsoft с текущего локального профиля - не получилось. Создал другой локальный профиль - всё заработало. Читал, что это возникает при повреждении профиля. Вопрос: как восстановить повреждённый профиль? Потому, как на повреждённом профиле завязаны многие программы, документы, рабочий стол.

***Post moved by the moderator to the appropriate forum category.***

Skype fehlendes System Tray Icon



Die neue Version "Skype für Windows 10" ist jetzt offenbar in Windows integriert, aber im Gegensatz zu absolut jedem anderen Chat-Programm dieser Welt hat es anscheinend kein System Tray Icon. Das heißt ich kann es nicht einfach über das System Tray öffnen, wenn ich es brauche, sondern muss wohl umständlich über das Startmenü gehen. Das alte Skype hat sich wenigstens gar nicht erst schließen lassen, wenn es mal lief, sondern wurde nur minimiert. Aber die neue Version verschwindet beim Schließen des Fensters einfach spurlos. Als Status wird anderen Benutzern anscheinend z.T. "abwesend" angezeigt, auch wenn ich am Rechner arbeite. Außerdem bin ich nie ganz sicher, ob es tatsächlich läuft, d.h. ob ich erreichbar bin.

Startet Skype jetzt automatisch mit Windows? Gibt es einen Trick, Skype schneller zu öffnen? Ist geplant, das fehlende System Tray Icon irgendwann zu reparieren?



Personen/Kontakte/Namen löschen



die "Windows Fotogalerie 2012" hat viele Kontakte aus meinem Adressbuch importiert, welche ich in der Fotogalerie nicht haben und daher löschen möchte. Das Programm bietet offensichtlich keine Möglichkeit, dies zu tun.

1/ Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, dies doch im Programm zu tun?

2/ Welche andere Möglichkeit gibt es, die Namen zu löschen?

Danke & Grüße!

Windows 10 Insider Preview 16199.1000 (rs_prerelease) - 错误 0x80004005


Windows 10 Insider Preview 16199.1000 (rs_prerelease) - 错误 0x80004005这个问题怎么解决?

CPU being hogged by service host

I am running windows 10 creators update on my surface pro 4. Since updating a few weeks ago I have noticed my CPU being hogged by a service host process named unistack service group. I believe it could possibly be linked to syncing with a Microsoft account although do not know this for sure. I can end this task and it will reappear but ending it a few times gets rid of it for a while. Getting frustrated by it as the fan constantly runs and my battery is getting destroyed way faster then usual. Just wondering if anybody has any advice on how to stop it?

Trust RASMAN Microsoft Remote Access Service in the Antivirus policy


Hello All,

I need to trust the RASMAN WIndows Service "Microsoft Remote Access Service" in our Antivirus policy.

Do you know what I'm supposed to trust, as RASMAN is part of the SVCHOST service, but I don't want to autorise everything done by this service.

Thank you if you have an idea.

Screenshot below.



نقطة اتصال الهواتف الجوالة

السلام عليكم
لو سمحتو بعد تحديث الويندوز ١٠ صار عندي نقطة اتصال الهواتف الجوالة بس عم فعلها عم يعطني اتصال بدون انترنت
يعني عم يصير اتصال بالشبكة وما عم يعطيني انترنت
انا كتير مظطر لاستخدامها
بشكركم عالمساعدة .


vorrei scollegare il mio account skype dalla mia mail

Viele Fehler auf Surface 2 Pro (i5, 128GB) nach Creators Update


Hallo liebe Microsoft Community,

auf anraten des Microsoft Facebook-Supports eröffene ich hier diese Frage:

Nach dem Creators Update hat mein Surface 2 Pro (i5 128GB) viele Fehler, die vorher nicht so waren:

1. Starke Erhitzung der Hardware auch bei banelen Tasks wie Surfen oder Emails schreiben (laut Speccy bis ~80°C)

2. System wird schnell langsam (ich schätze thermal throtteling)

3. Der Touchscreen "feuert" wild Berührungen über den ganzen Bildschirm obwohl nur kurz einzelne Punkte berührt wurden

4. Das Typecover funktioniert so etwa alle 30-45 Minuten nicht mehr

5. Eine permanente gelbe Verfärbung hat sich auf der rechten Seite des Bildschirms breit gemacht

Ich habe weder fremde Virensoftware, noch Optimierungssoftwre irgendeiner Art installiert, auch im abgesichterten Modus treten alle diese Probleme auf...Hat jemand Lösungsdvorschläge?

Beste Grüße

Word pop up bar


hi there,

Every time I use word within seconds of opening the app a pop up box states the following

"We're sorry, but Word has run into an error that is preventing it to work correctly. Word will need to be closed as a result.

would you like to repair it now?

obviously I click yes however nothing seems to be happening?


Installare Windows XP SP3


Qualcuno sa dirmi come installare Windows XP sp3 a partire dalla ISO scaricata direttamente da Microsoft? Sembrerebbe un file autoestraente.

Ho provato in tutti in modi ma non sono riuscito.

Il pc è un vecchio Acer Apire 1355LC.

Ошибка при обновлении

При обновлении Восьмёрки до Win 10, в самом конце, выдаёт ошибку 0х8007001F - 0x3000D - ошибка на этапе установки FIRST_BOOT во время операции MIGRATE_DATA. Кто знает, как исправить? Напишите. Спасибо.

Graphics card driver not work.


Hello Everyone.

I have a Problem with my Dell Laptop Graphics card driver.i was searched  online but i did't get any solution.My knowledge about computer is limited. Finally i just move to dell.com/support but there are so many options which one i will choose for my system. anyone know about it ? how to fix this problem.

Skype for business funzionalità



stavo pensando di acquistare skype for business e volevo sapere come funzione, ho visto che si posso connettere fino a 250 persone ma se ho skype for businness, anche l'altra persona deve averlo o basta skype per desktop?

Grazie del supporto

Fix Store gium e a

Khi e vào giao diện chính store thì bth còn vào app (messenger) thì bị văng ai chỉ fix vs ạ

Not all documents show up in the grouped preview on the taskbar Excel 2010 Win 10



after moving from 7 Professional with Office 2010 to 10 Professional with Office 2010 users have reported an issue with the grouped preview when working with documents in Excel. Say that you open five documents and start working with all of them. From time to time you switch between them by hovering over the Excel-icon in the taskbar and select the next document via the preview that pops up, all is well. Suddenly, when trying to switch to another document again after some time, you only see four of the five documents in the preview. One of the documents can no longer be found in the preview. It is however still possible to select the document via Alt + Tab. It just does not show anymore in the preview. Before posting this I searched the web for similar issues and found more than a few matches. Unfortunately the same solutions were posted over and over again and it did not solve the issue for everyone. In the cases where one of the solutions worked it was often not confirmed if it was solved permanently. Perhaps we can solve this mystery once and for all? The solutions mentioned in the majority of threads is changing the "Combine taskbar buttons" setting in Windows and the "Show all windows in the Taskbar" setting in Excel 2010 under Options >Advanced > Display. This has not solved the issue here so please do not suggest it.

Looking forward to your replies and suggestions, Björn

Photos not showing up in Collection

On my Lumia 950 with Windows 10 Mobile, none of my new photos after 5/18 appear in my Collection or anywhere else. Where have these photos gone and how can I get my Collection to move on from May 18?

Excel: Sort query


Hi.  I have a question involving the sort options.

I have two columns.  My first is a column of Top-level 'categories' (20 in total).  My second is a list of 200+ sub-projects.  Each sub-project falls into one of the 20 categories.


I want to sort the sheet on categories in descending order, so that the categories with the most projects in them are at the top. 


Is there a simple way of doing this, rather than manually counting each?


Thank you!

media creation tool

can i use media creation tool to repair mt windows 10 system?

problème de Microsoft lumia 535 dual sim


bonjour j'ai un problème dans mon lumia 535 j'ai l'allume mais lecran on noir je ne sens aucun vip ou lumiere. jai essaye aussi les touches pout le reset mais lacran rest on noir

merci de me repondez bientôt .

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