Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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черное окно при подтвержении учетной записи

Mail suspect


Voici le message que j'ai reçu, n'ayant jamais eu de message de Microsoft sous cette forme, je voudrais vérifier si ce n'est pas frauduleux

Merci d'avance



Risque de suppression encouru


A *** Email address is removed for privacy ***

AW :re: Risque de suppression encouru

Cher membre,

Nous vous prions de vous rendre sur cette -Page - pour certifier vos données afin de préserver votre compte.

L'équipe des comptes Microsoft

Movie maker



ho da poco comprato il computer nuovo con sopra Windows 10 e ho scoperto che non c'è Windows live movie maker.

Questo programma mi è utile per progetti che devo fare, e vorrei averlo, tuttavia ho cercato sul sito della Microsoft ma non riesco a trovare la pagina dove scaricarlo per installarlo sul pc.

Vi ringrazio, in attesa di una vostra risposta e di un vostro aiuto!!

problemas de encendido de laptop asus


Buenas tardes.

mi problema es que estaba trabajando con la laptop la reinicie, al ver que no daba imagen la apague desde el boton de encendido, teniendolo oprimido por unos segundos, cuando se apago a los 2 segundos se volvio a encender y la pantalla queda en negro, si la vuelvo a apagar desde el boton igual se enciende a los 2 segundos, si cierro la tapa antes que se encienda ya no se enciende, si abro la tapa se vuelve a encender ella sola.

Quisiera saber como puede solucionar ese problema ya que no me deja entrar al sistema de bios ni el sistema operativo.

es una asus i7, con 16 gb Ram, hd 500 gb, pantalla tactil y windows 10

por su ayuda gracias.

Ошибки при обновлении win 10 на ультрабуке Lenovo Yoga


Добрый день.

Ультрабук Lenovo Yoga перестал обновляться.

Все обновления падают с ошибкой 0x800705aa

  • Накопительный пакет обновления для Windows 10 Version 1511 для систем на базе процессоров x64 (KB4019473) — ошибка 0x800705aa
  • Обновление Windows 10 версии 1511 для систем на базе 64-разрядных (x64) процессоров (KB3161102) — ошибка 0x800705aa
  • Обновление Windows 10 версии 1511 для систем на базе 64-разрядных (x64) процессоров (KB3181403) — ошибка 0x800705aa
  • Обновление для Windows 10 Version 1511 для систем на базе процессоров x64 (KB4015220) — ошибка 0x800705aa
  • Обновление функций до Windows 10, версия 1607 — ошибка 0x800705aa



Pela segunda vez que atualizo para essa versão e tenho que restaurar meu not, na primeira vez tive ate que formatar, pois travava todos programa, por ultimo agora, ele travou, ao reiniciar, e tive que restaurar, porem na restauração, foi excluído todo meus programas, antivírus, office, adobe, tudo mesmo.

Agora não sei como fazer?

Apoyo con activación windows

Tengo Windows 10 Home Insider Preview Single Language y me pide activación de Windows, ingreso a la tienda y no permite hacerlo, qué debo hacer???
2:38 p.m.

Ajuda - Meu email Hotmail virou Outlook



Meu email hotmail passou para Outlook de ontem para hoje. 

O problema é que o horário do email está todo errado, ou seja eu recebo emails cujo os horários não estão de acordo.

Além disso minha assinatura de email agora nao funciona mais..  sempre que eu coloco a assinatura dá certo mas ao atualizar a pagina ela sai... ja tentei inumeras vezes, e eu notei também que o problema talvez seja em um gif que eu tenho na assinatura..

Aguardo uma ajuda, obrigado!!!!

changing defaul save as option for Outlook email attachments


How can I change the default folder where attachments  from email messages are being asked to be save?

All Company Group posting


So I have seen several posts about restricting the All Company group on Yammer. Most of the replies say that the best practice is to tell users to not use the All Company feed unless it does apply to the entire company. This might be the best practice for now, but WOW, what a huge waste of time it is for someone to "Police" the posts and clog it further by advising that the post might be better suited in a group. This sounds like an 80's solution to me.

I have seen that on Facebook groups that the first few posts by a new user has to be approved by an admin and after a few posts the user is then allowed to post to the group. Seems like a better way to help with the learning that some users will need.

Another option is to have a pop-up that advises the user that this will post to the entire company feed and that it might be best to post to a specific group. This allows a user to pause to think if this really needs to be seen by the All Company feed.

One of these options would help to keep the All Company feed cleaner and the most relevant information where it belongs.

Windows 10 - Minimizar aplicaciones

Estaba trabajando con mi computador cuando de pronto note que las aplicaciones no se minimizan al darle click al icono en la barra de tareas. Esto me causa mucho inconveniente a la hora de navegar. Alguna solucion? Saludos

hdmı bağlantısı


                              hdmı ile laptop umu tochiba lg billgisayar monitörüne bağlayamıyorum daha önce bi sorun yoktu sorun ne olabilir

merge store accounts

I have a store account under my person email and another account under a recently established work email. I want to combine the purchases and points to one account under my personal email. how can I do this?

A new microsoft update has cause major disruption to service.

This morning I was prompted for a new important Microsoft update. There was a lot of restarting and the process took a considerable time to complete. Afterwards, Microsoft Edge was not operating. Cortana was gone as well as a number of other Microsoft applications were disrupted. What's up?

Aussehen / Design der Suche in Windows 10 kaputt / defekt



was kann ich machen, wenn meine Suche in Windows 10 wie auf dem Screenshot aussieht?

Bevor ich dies bemerkt habe, habe ich meinen System heute auf einen Wiederherstellungspunkt von vor zwei Tage zurück gesetzt, weil mein System nach dem Login plötzlich neustartetet. Dies kam aber von einem Wackelkontakt in meiner Webcam, welcher jetzt behoben ist, wodurch das System nach dem Login, nicht mehr neustartet.

Kann mir jemand helfen?



proplem mit windos app spiele


proplem ligt irgen wie bei microsoft  weil fast bei alen apps  gibtz fehler cosde ob wol die neu sind seher komisch  da ich kein handy mit app zur verfügung hab  hart es auch mit sms geklapt aber  das war vor  1.august 2016 wurde ab gezogen und seit dem gibtz nur fehler meldungen komisch das is aber ein altes nokia c2-01 kein vertrag nur karte wie gesat  one interned  hofe das aus wer  aus kenen wenig.

und seit ein jahr get nichtz meher komisch  bitte um große hilfe.

comment ouvrir une application avec cortana



Je n'arrive pas à faire faire quoi que ce soit à Cortana, quand je lui demande "ouvrir Skype" ou "lancer Skype" par exemple cela m'ouvre une page Edge avec une recherche sur Skype...  Comment fait on pour ouvrir une application avec Cortana? Est il possible d'ouvrir l'explorateur de dossier ou d'afficher le dossier bureau, téléchargement, photos, etc avec cortana?


Sync music in Windows Media Player

 When I try to sync music I get this message........... Windows Media Player encountered a problem while syncing the file to the device. .....Anyone know how to fix this ?

x se mi equipo cuando lo pongo a cargar queda encendido mientras se carga la vateria

Yo apago el equipo de nokia 640 y cuando lo pongo a cargar se enciende y queda prendido x que 

May 2017 Windows 7 Update and UAC on my PC


Did the May 2017 Windows 7 updates (KB890830, KB3003057, KB4019112 and KB4019264) include any direct changes to how User Account Controls operate on a non-networked PC?

I have 2 accounts set-up on my home PC, 1 with Admin rights.  From this account, I could view the files for the 2nd user.

The 2nd user could not see the files for the 1st user.

Since this update was applied, the 2nd User no longer appears under the 'Network > USER-PC > Users' list when viewed by the 1st user.

Is is possible the monthly update has removed or amended 'Windows Explorer' rights for the 1st user?

Also, can anyone advise me how I can regain access to the 2nd user's files/folders when logged in as the 1st user?



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