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应用程序错误 “ox00000000“????引用了”ox00000000???内存,该内存并能为read“?

win 10  系统  ,中午正常浏览网页,之后点击任何图标都显示应用程序错误  “ox00000000“????引用了”ox00000000???内存,该内存并能为read“?,并会重复不同应用的这条弹框。应如何解决?

Merge Contacts in Outlook

Split from this thread.

I created a separate contact folder to try and merge my contacts as was suggested when I searched for this answer a couple of weeks ago. I should have around 3000 contacts because I use my contact folder for personal, professional, and academic reasons. Every time I attempt to move contacts into the 2nd contact folder in order to merge it acts like it is going to work but it is not. I had 6 contacts with the same first and last name. Those 6 multiplied into 30 something through my attempts to merge them. I do not have time to go through 3000 legitimate contacts one at a time. Microsoft, please fix this!!!

Also, I use the professional version at work. Without doing anything extra to my contacts I had 12 duplicates of many. I do not understand this. I find it very frustrating.

vista について


大変申し訳ありませんが、 最近のサイバー攻撃についてですが、


windows updateを行いましたが全然終わらず、 自動でインストールされるように設定していますが、昨年12月のインストールが最後です。

microsoft update catalog からvista 32bit 用のKB4012598のDL,インストールしようとしましたが、 全然できません。

vistaではどのような対処をすればよいのでしょうか。 宜しくお願い致します。

Outlook 2013 Abstürze nach Installation der Mai 2017 Patches


ich habe bei unserem Exchange 2010 die Weiterleitung von Mails mit bestimmten Anhängen zur Moderation an ein Sammelkonto aktiviert. Die Mails kommen auch im entsprechenden Postfach an, aber seit der Installation der aktuellen Mai Patche stürzt Outlook 2013 regelmäßig bei der Freigabe von Mails ab. Ist dies ein bekanntes Problem?

Eingesetztes Betriebssystem ist Windows 7 Pro mit aktuellem Patchlevel.

Vielen Dank.

"We don't recognize this user ID or password" error when a user tries to sign in to the Office 365 portal


Hello guys,

As I am trying to access my office 365 account for work an error message popped out "we don't recognize the password or the account ID. So trying to recover my account, the message we don't recognize this ID popped up as I entered the captcha for verification.

So what can I possibly do?

Thank you.

ya pague el software de microsoft office 2016 y no se activa


mi programacion de la portatil es windows 8

ya se pago para la activacion de microsoft office 2016 y no he obtenido respuesta alguna del centro técnico.

gracias saludos

mi numero 0997798109 en claro

y 0984026753 en movistar

προβλημα ηχου μετα το update

καλήμερα σας έχουμε ένα hp 620  d40 το μοντέλο και υπάρχει το εξής πρόβλημα μετά από το update  kb4019472 ο υπολογιστής δεν έχει ήχο  μεσα στις συσκευες βγαζει οτι ειναι το ποιο ενημερωμένο πρόγραμμα οδήγησης,  δοκίμασα επισεις αντιμετώπιση προβλημάτων και δεν κάνει κάτι διχνει να λειτουργεί κανονικά, μόλις κάνω κατάργηση την ενημέρωση ο ήχος λειτουργεί κανονικά. Επισεις να αναφερω οτι δοκιμασα και κατεβασα το iso ωστε να βαλω την εκδοση 1703 που είναι η ποιο πρόσφατη αλλα επισεις δεν ειχα ηχο. αυτο τι σημενει κατα την γνωμη σας? μήπως το laptop αυτο δεν υποστηρίζει πια το θέμα ηχου στις ενημερώσεις σας? να το γυρισω στα windows 7? γιατι οσο δεν κανει ενημερωσεις εχει προβλημα και το windows store και θα υπαρχουν και αλλα λογικα μελλοντικα, ευχαριστω για τον χρονο σας περιμενω τις απαντησεις σας...

엑셀 응답없음


엑셀 2016사용자 입니다.

갑자기 문서를 작성하는데 있어

수식이 들어가 있거나 특정 부분을 수정하려 하면

응답없음이 뜨네요

이거 어떻게 해결 해야 하나요??

Windows keeps updating


Dear Sir.

Aftar last update my window tries to update 24/7.

When i turn off the computer, the installement begins. Once its done and i boot up again, the same thing happens all over and over and over again.

I have tried run windows update search tool and it does semes to indentify something as suggest me to run somekind of solution as you can see at attached file. However it dont resolv anything and im back to updating windows again. Also running Microsoft safety scanner. But im more sure its a glitch and wonder how i can turn off updates for now on untill another is out towards summer.

Thank you








Deleted my paper

I accidentally highlighted my entire essay and deleted the whole thing leaving behind a single f character. I panicked, closed the paper and hoped I could access the autosave paper when I opened it I discovered the autosaved had only saved the paper with the single character. I pressed undo as many times as I could to no avail, does anyone know how I might access the paper before I have to rewrite the whole thing?

Lumia 950XL Atualização 17 8212 10002 0 de apps do OFFICE !?!?!


Bom dia,

Ontem fiz como de costume através da Loja a atualização 17 8212 10002 0 do Excel, Word, PowerPoint e depois de elas feitas as apps deixaram de funcionar,

Ou seja tentam mas não abrem !?!?!?!?

Já desinstalei o Excel e voltei a instalar e NADA ACONTECEU !?!?!?

Ora é mt chato para quem utiliza IMENSO o EXCEL !?!?!?

Agradecia se alguém me podia ajudar a resolver este PROBLEMA.




Problem bei der Aktivierung von Office 365 bei mac



Ich will Mic.Office nach der Installation im mac  aktivieren. Ich gebe die Logindaten an und es bleibt ewig und lange im Loading-Modus. Das Komische daran, es zeigt keine Fehlmeldung, sondern stundenlang bleibt im Loadingmodus. Den laptop habe ich mehrmals neugestartet, aber nicht geholfen.

Bitte helft mir.







Impossibile avviare OS o ripristinare o formattare.



di recente ho installato sul mio PC con windows 10 (un Dell XPS 15) vmware al fine di far girare macchine virtuali.

In fase di installazione di una macchina centOS mi è stato mostrato un errore che rimandava alla pagina ufficiale di vmware in cui era descritto il workaround per risolverlo (vedi https://kb.vmware.com/selfservice/microsites/search.do?language=en_US&cmd=displayKC&externalId=2146361).

Concluse le operazioni ho riavviato il PC e non ho disabilitato nessuna delle due opzioni in realtà, per evitare buchi sulla sicurezza.

Al riavvio successivo mi è stata mostrata questa finestra:

Ho provato le seguenti operazioni, tutte senza successo:

1. Avvio media di installazione per tentare il ripristino => Risultato: ho ottenuto un errore.

2. Avvio media di installazione e risoluzione dei problemi => Risultato: ho ottenuto un errore.

3. Avvio media di installazione e nuova installazione => Risultato: ho ottenuto l'errore "Il disco è bloccato. Sbloccare il disco e proseguire"

4. Da cmd ho provato a eseguire $ diskpart; $ list disk => Risultato: il disco non è visualizzato.

5. Ho provato ad avviare gparted per formattare brutalmente => Risultato: anche gparted non vede il disco.

Non so più cosa provare a fare per risolvere questo problema. L'ideale sarebbe riuscire a riaccedere al OS senza perdere i dati. Qualcuno può aiutarmi?

Grazie in anticipo,


Office 365 Hybrid - Free Busy not working

Kovertering af dokument fra Visio 2010 (.vsd) til Visio 2016 (.vsdx)



Jeg har nogle datamodeller tegnet i Visio 2010 (.vsd) og vil gerne have dem konverteret om til brug i Visio 2016 (.vsdx) på min Win10 maskine.

Mit spørgsmål er nu: når jeg åbner et .vsd dokument i Visio 2016 mister jeg al den information/data, der ligger "inde i" min tegning og den vil jeg gerne have med over - kan jeg det på nogen måde?

Jeg kan ikke finde nogen funktion i Visio 2016, hvor jeg får al den underliggende data med over, når jeg konverterer dokumentet til .vsdx.

Ser frem til mange gode svar - eller bare det rigtige!



Favourites in Edge missing after Creators' Update


Creators Update appeared to go OK but now my Favourites in Edge are missing after Creators' Update.

The Hub shows my Favourite folders titles but I cannot access any of the favourites and it just freezes when I try and I have to shut Edge down completely - I have hundreds of favourites and must retrieve them.

I notice many others with the same problem - we could not avoid the Update so why has Microsoft not sorted this?


Problema scrorrimento incontrollato righe foglio di lavoro


Salve, mi succede con la versione di office 365 con excel che durante il lavoro sul foglio, mi scorrono le righe verso il basso in maniera incontrollata al movimento del mouse o della rotellina.

Questo succede anche su altri pc dove è installata la stessa versione.

Come posso risolvere ?


Edge weer zomaar verwijderd op mijn laptop

Het is de zoveelste keer dat Edge verwijderd is. Eerder werd ik gebel door iemand va Microsoft egels sprekende man. Opgehangen zonder te weten waarom. Ik weet ook niet hoe ik mijn Microsoft account wachtwoord moet wijzigen in Windows 10 die gevraagd wordt bij het opstarten. Outlook heeft een ander wacht woord als ik mij wachtwoord wil wijzigen zie ik outlook account.
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