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Tarjetas SD no se pueden formatear




Tengo un problema, al intentar borrar datos de una tarjeta Sd, esta me indica que está protegida contra escritura. Tras buscar por internet, probar en  varias posibles soluciones y no encontrar solución a mi problema, decido probar otra tarjeta idéntica,  me indica el mismo error. Ambas las introduzco en otro dispositivo, la sorpresa es que puedo modificar y hasta formatear las Sd... 

Entiendo que es problema de mi Pc, ( windows 10) antes no me pasaba con el 7... He probado a intentar desinstalar los controladores, reiniciar y comprobar que se han actualizado los controladores, pero....no hay posibilidad de ello.... ¿ que solución me podéis aportar?


Un saludo

Повідомлення Skype і смс

Як об`єднати повідомлення Skype і смс? Раніше смартфон мені це сам запропонував, а зараз я не можу знайти це ні в налаштуваннях Skype, ні в налаштуваннях самого смартфону...

Neukonfiguration von Office 2013 bei jedem Klick auf die Office-Hilfe


Nutze Office Professional Plus 2013. Die darin enthaltenen Programme (Excel, Word, Powerpoint usw.) laufen einwandfrei. Nur wenn ich die Hilfe eines dieser Programme anklicke, konfiguriert sich Office jedesmal neu. Nach dem Neustart dasselbe Problem: Bei Klci auf die Hilfe wieder "Office Professional Plus 2013 wird konfiguriert".   

Ich habe Office mit dem Revo Uninstaller vollkommen deinstalliert und wieder neu installiert, das Problem jedoch blieb.

Kann jemand helfen?

Bezahlung nach Umzug ins Ausland


Guten Abend, 

Ich bin vor einigen Monaten ins Ausland umgezogen. Seitdem kann ich das Abo für Office 365 Personal nicht mehr bezahlen. Ich konnte zwar eine Britische Kreditkarte hinzufügen, diese wird mir aber bei den Zahlungsoptionen nicht angezeigt. 

Was kann ich machen, ich möchte wenn möglich das gleiche Konto weiterverwenden und nicht ein neues kreieren. Ich verwende neben Office OneDrive und diese Daten möchte ich nicht migrieren müssen. 

Besten Dank für Ihre Vorschläge, 


How Do I Access Directx12 in notepad++


I am personally just not a fan at all of visual studio, and I want to learn to program with Directx 12. I found a book, but I don't want to get it till I can be sure that I can actually use Dx12, and I

dont know if visual studio has any extra connections for Dx12 to compile correctly, since I use g++ to compile. I can't tell what I should follow to correctly do this.

I found 2 separate books, 1 for 2D and

1 for 3D; and I am more interested in 2D currently.

Windows Defender wurde über Gruppenrichtlinien deaktiviert. Mit Virus infiziert



Als ich letztens mit einem Freund versucht habe einen Minecraft Mod zu Coden habe ich mir ausversehen eine falsche Source von einer anderen Mod geholt diese war eine EXE und diese hat alle meinen Desktop Dateien gelöscht und meinen Windows Defender über eine Gruppenrichtlinie deaktiviert (http://prntscr.com/dzvesd) Ich habe diese Datei entfernt sowie mir die vollrechte über den Defender zurückgeholt trotzdem kann ich den PC nicht Wiederherstellen, Zurücksetzen und die Regedit kann ich ebenso nicht ändern. Wie bekomme ich die vollen Rechte auf meinem PC zurück und wie bekomme ich den Virus weg.

Trying to ins tall Links99 after downloading. There's no .exe file - only ,bin and .cue


It took an hour but I downloaded the 1999 LS Golf. I'm looking for an .exe file to install but I only see .bin & .cue files. Help please? There are four of each. By the way, the download seemed to be compatible with Windows 8.1 Where as 1998 was not. Any help would be very much appreciated! I have a huge number of courses and I  would like to get 99 installed to see if any, some or all work.

Error: "A network cable is not properly plugged in or may be broken"


I have an old Toshiba Satellite laptop.

Two days ago, as I was watching a video, my laptop made this annoying noise and then everything froze. I manually switched it off and then, it couldn't start.

I left it like this for a couple of hours and then attempted to switch it on again and, after a lot of attempts, Windows finally started as usual but there was one problem: I was getting the "no networks available" error.

In the past, I 've had the same issue before, but a restart could normally fix the problem, which is not the case now.

I have tried all of the following

Device manager - to uninstall/remove the network and then install it again

Restarting my laptop

Restarting the modem

I read so many articles online for people who are experiencing the same problem but none of the "solutions" actually works for me.

Can you please help me? I have no Ethernet cable and never needed it.

Функция "Сумма" не правильно считает


Беру MS Excel 2010 или web-версию Excel на outlook.com. Пытаюсь сложить следующие числа:





























И результат НЕ равен 9. Как такое может быть? Как решить проблему?

How can I change date format in my Outlook.com/Hotmail account from the US (MM/DD) to the European one (DD/MM)?

How can I change date format in my Outlook.com/Hotmail account from the US (MM/DD) to the European one (DD/MM)?

Microsof Office Project Standard 2007 keeps crashing


Microsoft Office Project Standard 2007 keeps crashing when I open the program, then go to the Tools pulldown and select Options. Once I click on Options the program crashes and doesn't give an error report.

This occurs before I even open a file.

I have updated and also uninstalled and reinstalled.

The computer that this software is running on, has Windows 10; but so does all the other computers in our office and this is the only one thats having problems.

SharePoint 2013 Approval Workflow

I have a list in SharePoint that I want when a user enters in someones name for approval, the approval email is then sent out to that user or a specific user. What are the steps in designer I should set?

I set up an email account but there is no receive button


I set up an account at 


Then set up an email account.

I cannot find a receive button to receive emails.

Where is it located or how do I set it up.

There is instructions for sending but nothing on receiving.


OneDrive for Business user, regular onedrive login wont stop showing


i am a new One Drive for business user on Windows 7, logged in using my corporate office 365 account and that is all working properly, however pretty much every time i go to windows explorer and work in my synced OneDrive4B folders it will not stop prompting me to login to One Drive (personal i assume). i have tried putting in my MSO365 credentials and when i complete the process it tells me im already logged in with that account. When i close it out, within 10 seconds it starts prompting me over and over again.

As this is on my work PC i don't want, nor am i allowed to have my personal One Drive data logged in, but i am not sure how to stop it from prompting me ever few seconds. it makes it impossible to work

One Drive for small architecture business


Hi i am in the process of establishing a new company, and am looking to host all our work on a file share in the cloud rather than a local server.

As architects, our work is in software like Revit, Adobe indesign, and AutoCad. All of these require links between files to work properly, for example image links in Indesign, or Xrefs in Autocad.

would this be a problem if everything is hosted in One Drive? Also would we have any Ram issues on our local computers with the display of multiple (possibly hundreds) of files hosted simultaneously?

please let me know



W10 al arrancar se queda pantalla azul y circulo dando vueltas


Buenas a todos, mi portatil con w10 professional, no me arranca.

Al iniciar, se queda con la pantalla azul de arranque y el circulillo dando vueltas.

Intente entrar en modo a prueba de fallos con acceso a red, pero no logro que se conecte a internet.

No se que hacer para conseguir que funcione.

Antes de apagarlo le di a la particion C (donde tengo el SO), puse como propietario a mi usuaro administrador, quite a Trustinstaller, espero haberlo escrito bien. Tenia que acceder a la carpeta de Adobe que se encontraba en archivos de programa.

Puede alguien ayudarme


Crosstab problem when opening it in another computer


Hello community,

I'd created an app (separated in tables and visual) that has a crosstab to report some information. The issue I'm having is when I open the app in other computer (in mine is showing fine) the crosstab doesn't show up and looks like a simple form showing only one record of the query.

The tables file is in a share folder, but no matter where I copy the front file only works ok when I open it in my computer. I have other forms, reports, etc. everything works except the crosstab.

this is the crosstab code:

TRANSFORM Sum([tbl_Person].Count) AS SumOfCount
SELECT [tbl_Person].Person_Number_ID, [tbl_Person].[Person First Name], [tbl_Person].[Person Last Name], Round(Sum([Count])/(((Year(Date())-2015)*12)+Month(Date())),3) AS Total
FROM [tbl_Person]
GROUP BY [tbl_Person].Person_Number_ID, [tbl_Person].[Person First Name], [tbl_Person].[Person Last Name]
PIVOT Format([Date_Initiated],"yyyy-mm");

thanks in advance,

Пользователи с разными правами.


Установлена Wzindows 7 Professional, Service Pack 1.

На ней созданы 3 пользователя. Из под главного пользователя - Администратор, никто не сидит, он используется исключительно для установки программ...

При создании пользователей всем выбирался тип пользователя - Standart User.

Если пользователи попробуют удалить файл или ссылку, то у всех трех, будут разные возможность:

1й- пользователь при попытки удаления, просто удалит и установит программу как администратор.

2й - пользователь при попытки удаления, должен будет ввести пароль администратора и тогда сможет удалить.

3й - при попытки удалить ему откроется окно, где будет сказано, что у него нет таких прав и предложат обратиться к сетевому администратору.


Т.к. у всех пользователей разные уровни возможностей, значит они где то могут дополнительно меняться. Где находится данное меню?

preview 15014


I have trying to download 15014 I have seen two different things here first one FTDI other hardware usb serial port converter  now I have one but I have disconnected it.

also an error message popped up 0x80246007.

I do have 15002 had to resort to downloading a ISO to get this far.

This computer has A A55bm-e Motherboard

500 gig harddrive

4 megs of memory.

You don't currently have permission to access this folder - Win 10


Trying to open a drive letter labelled System in Windows 10.   But all system files are on a different drive. This message is shown: Says "Click continue to permanently get access to this folder."

Clicking continue shows new message: "You have been denied permission to access this folder. To gain access to this folder you will need to use the security tab (highlighted.)"

Clicking "Security tab" brings up "Advanced Sharing" box. 

Right clicking the drive letter & properties does not show a security tab. Only General, Customize, Tools, Hardware & Sharing. Nothing that would obviously change the security settings to allow access.

What am I missing?

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