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Problem Office 2013 mit Snipping Tool und Menüpunkt "Senden an, E-Mail-Empfänger" :



ich habe folgendes Problem :

Windows 10 ist komplett neu installiert. Keine Fremdsoftware, kein Antivurs oder sonstiges ( Test-PC ).

Ich habe nur noch Office 2013 Home and Business installiert.

Wenn man das Snipping Tool öffnet und den Ausschnitt an Outlook übergeben will, kommt nur eine Fehlermeldung und dass war's.

Wenn man über den Menüpunkt "Senden an, E-Mail-Empfänger" für ein Bild oder sonstige Datei auswählt, passiert gar nichts ... .

Outlook ist als Standard-App hinterlegt, die Haken sind alle drinnen ( auch für den Versand über Outlook ) und trotzdem funktioniert es nicht.

Deinstalliere ich Office 2013 und installiere Office 2010 oder Office 2016, funktioniert alles ohne Probleme.

Was kann ich hier tun, probiere jetzt schon seit 2 Tagen und finde keine Lösung.

Alle Ansätze, die ich so im Internet gefunden habe, scheitern.

Ich brauche eine Lösung mit Windows 10 und Office 2013 ( Outlook ), kein Thunderbird oder sonstige andere Programme.

Das ist die Fehlermeldung vom Snipping Tool bei der Übergabe an Outlook 2013 :

onedrive 安装程序长时间且高占用CPU




Windows 10 家庭中文版



Creator update


Is al bekent wanneer de Creator update voor de HP Elite Slice automatisch beschikbaar komt ?

hard disk esterno

ciao franco sono un nuovo iscritto al forum, volevo avere dei consigli da te su un problema che ho riscontrato nel collegare un vecchio hard disk di un mio vecchio computer al nuovo. il problema consiste che, windows 10, non riconosce l'hard disk esterno collegato tramite usb; ma lo vede solo come dispositvo di archiviazione file. ho provato con alcuni passaggi........,ma tentativi inutili. tu potresti darmi un aiuto a risolvere questo problema? grazie a presto.

Skype contacts got renamed



Somehow 99% of my contacts got their names reset to default (what they have set, instead of what I named them).

This is serious WTF moment and urge to ask my contacts to use another messenger.

I'm using following Skype clients: Windows desktop client, new Windows 10 client, macOS client, iOS client, web client.

A week ago all of them had my Skype contacts named properly (I add company names to their nicknames), and now most of them are reset to their default names, with only 3 named how I named them.

Any way to fix this?

Best wishes


How do I create a taskbar on the bottom of my screen?

I have a taskbar on the bottom of my screen on my old computer. I would very much like to have it on my new computer which has Windows 10. How do I create a taskbar on Windows 10? Thank you in advance for any answer anyone can give me.

Help with upgrade from Vista


I've run Windows 7 Upgrade Manager on my laptop (which is used rarely) and it says I can upgrade to 32 bit Windows 7 Home Premium or Ultimate.

Just need some advice on where I can get link to download.

Help is very much appreciated.

Проблема с активацией Windows после значительного изменения оборудования.


После замены большинства комплектующих была необходима активация Windows.

Я зашел в раздел "Параметры"  > "Обновление и безопасность"  > "Активация  и выберите Устранение неполадок." 

В средстве устранения неполадок появилось сообщение о том, что активировать Windows на вашем устройстве невозможно.  Я выбрал "недавно сменил(а) оборудование на этом устройстве"

Дальше я вроде бы должен был выбрать устройство, но было это:

Не удалось активировать Windows

Не удается найти устройства, которые привязаны к вашей учетной записи Майкрософт и могут быть использованы для повторной активации текущего устройства. Войдите с помощью учетной записи Майкрософт, привязанной к цифровой лицензии Windows 10 на этом устройстве, или попробуйте еще раз позже. 

Хотя на сайте в моем профиле имеются оба моих компьютера старый, которым я уже некогда больше не буду пользоваться, и с новыми комплектующими.

Microsoft ISATAP Adapter not loading



I have BSOD with StopCode:InaccessibleBootDevice.  Among the myriad of things I tried I looked at the boot log.

The system loads 40 drivers from \systemRoot\system32\drivers\ ntoskrnl to crcdisk then fails to load:@nettun.inf,%isatap.displayname%;Microsoft ISATAP Adapter  and fails on most of the rest, although a few including usbuhci.sys are loaded

Any ideas or insights appreciated


cortana consumindo muita memória chegando a ultrapassar 100 MB.

My laptop does not boots after canceling restore

My samsung note book does not starts after I cancelled my system restore It's stuck window does not displays

Fully installed DirectX 9 not recognized by app



Recently, my PC had some problems, so I had to reinstall Windows 10 on it. The specifications after reinstalling are as following. DxDiag's report is here.

Upon reinstalling, I've properly downloaded all the drivers needed, which in fact are only the driver for my AMD Radeon graphic card (AMD Catalyst Software Suite) and DirectX 9.0 (9.0c?). With these all installed, I fired up an old game of mine, GTA San Andreas on compatibility mode (which is stored on a folder separate from the C drive, thus intact from the OS reinstall), and it said that it requires DirectX 9 to run, which is absolutely ridiculous as I've installed it earlier. Please be noted that prior to reinstalling Windows 10 on this device, the game ran perfectly on compatibility mode for Windows XP SP2.

Suspecting that something may be wrong with my installation of DirectX, I've searched high and low on the internet, and it all came down to the following solutions:

-Download the DirectX web installer

-Download the 2010 redistributable version and run it

Both of which I've tried, but to no avail. For the 2010 redistributable version, I've extracted it to the DirectX folder and run the DXSETUP.exe file, which copied all the compressed folders included there into either the System32 or SysWOW64 folder (which folder was the exact destination, I don't know). For the web setup, it merely states that DirectX has been properly installed, and refuse to run.

Frustrated with every single method failing, I manually entered System32 and SysWOW64 to check on the DirectX 9 files (d3dx9_*.dll). And the result is, all of them are there in place, from d3dx9_24.dll to d3dx9_43.dll.

I don't know what to do anymore with this system, nor do I know why doesn't the game recognize all these DirectX features. Do I need to download anything more, like an extra driver in order to make the game work? Please help.

Thank you very much.

bılgısayarım menusu ve sağ tık

bakın bırısı lütfen yardım etsın bılgısayarım menusune gıremıyorum ve masaüstü programlarına tıkladığımda ve klasör ıçı programlara tıkladığımda ekran göz kırpıyor ve bırden çıkıyor gırmıyor yanı nasıl duzeltebılırım

comment recevoir une facture skype



je n'arrive a avoir que des bons de commandes sur l'interface de sype, or j'ai besoin de factures a mettre dans mes notes de frais. Comment faire?



Access 2010 vba - Calling a function from an "After_update" event procedure


Dear Community

Needing some assistance.  Before I start, I wouldf say that I am self taught on the basics of VBA - primarily in excel. But I am creating a database with forms in Access and there is one thing I cannot get to work.  So I am posting here in the hope that someone can help me.  But please bear in mind I have had no formal vba training, so if I get lost with some termonology, please help me along.

So the issue.

I have a database table (Main_Table) that is being updated via a split form.  all is well with the simple data entry.  But, there are some fields that can be calculated from entries in other fields on the system.  The calculated field option is not warranted as the build expression module only has some calculations. This needs something more complicated.

Before I set out the code I have, I will say that I have read about data normalisation - and some may say that I should just store this data in a query and / or combine the grade fields into one field.  However, that will not quite do it. That is because while the database will be used for data entry, other team members will also have access to the tables to create ad-hoc queries from.  They are needing fairly straight forward tables and links between tables - so I'd rahter not have to ask them to then link those in with queries.  So I do need the main table records to update.

What I have done so far

So - in the main table, as well as a unique ID (for use a "Curve") there are tons of other fields. But in this instance, the 3 fields that are of interest are "Quantitative Grade", "Qualtitative Grade", and "Overall Grade".  The three grade fields are "number fields".

  • Within each record the "Overall Grade" is calculated as a max of the entries in "Quantitative Grade" and "Qualtitative Grade". So if "Quantitative Grade" = 2 and "Qualtitative Grade" = 3, "Overall Grade" = 3.
  • But if instead "Quantitative Grade" = 4 and "Qualtitative Grade" = 1, then "Overall Grade" = 4.

Basically - after each record is updated, I need overall grade to recalculate.

First things  is first - I have found code on the internet to create a Function that will get the max value from 2 fields:

Option Compare Database

Function MaxOfList(ParamArray varValues()) As Variant
    Dim i As Integer        'Loop controller.
    Dim varMax As Variant   'Largest value found so far.

    varMax = Null           'Initialize to null

    For i = LBound(varValues) To UBound(varValues)
        If IsNumeric(varValues(i)) Or IsDate(varValues(i)) Then
            If varMax >= varValues(i) Then
                'do nothing
                varMax = varValues(i)
            End If
        End If

    MaxOfList = varMax
End Function

I have set that up - and called it in an update query:

UPDATE Main_Table SET Main_Table.Overall_Grade = MaxOfList([Quantitative Grade],[Qualitative Grade]);

That update query works independently - and is my backstop. I may just run the query regularly from a button. But I'd prefer it to update each record as and when a record is filled in (probably after you leave the record, as I understand in-record updates will cause issues for new records that have null values.)

The way to do this seems to be by adding an "After update" event to the control on the form - for both the "Quantitative Grade" and "Qualtitative Grade" fields - to run the function above to update the "Overall_Grade" field.

I tried two alternatives - see below

Public Sub Qualitative_Grade_AfterUpdate()

UPDATE Main_Table SET Main_Table.Overall_Grade = MaxOfList([Quantitative Grade],[Qualitative Grade]);

End Sub

Public Sub Quantitative_Grade_AfterUpdate()
Main_Table.Overall_Grade = MaxOfList([Quantitative Grade], [Qualitative Grade])
End Sub

Neither works.

Can anyone see what I am missing. Or send me to agroup that may know what to do to resolve?

Thanks in advance.


Comment copier un dossier complet vers l'archivage en ligne(Exchange 2013)



J'utilise Outlook 2016 pour Mac.

Je dispose d'une archive importée sur mon mac à partir d'un ancien fichier .PST

Je souhaiterais déplacer cette archive vers l'archive en ligne(Exchange 2013)

Toutefois, lorsque j'essaye de déplacer le dossier, je ne retrouve pas l'Archivage en ligne dans les propositions.

Je trouve bien la Boite de réception du compte mail mais pas l'archivage en ligne.

Quelqu'un pourrait-il me dire si cela est possible ?

D'avance merci.




LUMIA 950 XL nog in de garantie - maar een hele slechte service van Mirosoft


De LUMIA 950 XL gaat spontaan uit.

De LUMIS 950 XL maakt spontaan een hard bromgeluid, dat alleen maar is te stoppen door de accu te verwijderen.

De LUMIA 950 XL wordt verdacht heet.

Deze LUMIA XL is bij Microsoft gekocht en valt nog onder de garantie - aankoopdatum 17-10-2017

Met helpdesk is contact opgenomen en tot ieders stomme verbazing was de reactie: "u moet het toestel eerst 3 x voor reparatie opsturen" - telkens 3 weken geen telefoon - en pas daarna heeft u recht op een nieuw toestel.

Dus 9 weken geen telefoon!

De LUMIA 950 XL is inmiddels diverse malen gereset, is op aanwijzing van de helpdesk op een speciale wijze (m.b.v. en instructievideo) in de fabrieksinstelling gezet .... probleem blijft!

Is het een bijzonder, is het een uniek probleem? Nee, want internet staat er vol mee.

Ik koop als vaste mijn hardware en software bij Microsoft. Veilig en probleemloos... de LUMIA 950 XL is gekocht met factuurnummer 4453253707.

Nu blijft Microsoft echter in gebreke, slechte service en ik zal bij de volgende aankoop goed nadenken of Microsoft de beste leverancier is.

outlook mi crea problemi con l'invio degli allegati - si blocca


Ho un macbook air aggiornato all'ultima versione macOS Sierra ver. 10.12.5. Uso Outlook (vera. online) da "sempre" ed il mio account e @live.it.

Da qualche giorno, quando devo inviare un email con allegato/allegati si blocca, poi dopo anche 10 min compare l'opzione per l'allegato da pc, questo però sembra non rispondere al click e resta sulla pagina. Dopo altri 8/10 min però  avviene e mi consente di fare l'invio.

Qualche volta, devo proprio rinunciare ad inviarlo.

Qualcuno può aiutarmi?



Problème changement de numéro de téléphone appelant



Lorsque je vais dans les fonctions de mon compte skype, je souhaite changer le numéro de téléphone appelant.

Je clique sur le pays "France", j'indique le numéro, puis j'applique les modifications et un message "Une erreur interne est survenue" apparait systématiquement (pas très explicite comme message d'erreur...).

C'est très gênant pour mes appels car les gens répondent peu aux numéros privés.

Peut on m'indiquer l'origine de ce problème?



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