Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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eaccreg.bir.gov.ph server DNS address could not be found

I have to print my spm permit but I cannot open the site given to me. How can I solve this?

audio problem


audio problem in my pc window 7

show always no audio output device is insatalled

some time my aduio is play but som time not work

 soo pls solve my problem

Missing pages when opening word 2016 document


Hello there,

I've got the weirdest bug: when I download a word 2016 document from an internet page and choose "Open" and not "Save As", some pages are not shown. 

When I right-click and check the properties of my word document, it shows the right amount of pages (even if when I open it some pages are missing).

When I choose "Save As" after having opened the document, the pages are displayed correctly.

Can anyone help me on that ?

Thanks in advance.


Microsoft Edge

Innan jag uppgraderade till Creator fick jag alltid upp msn.com/sv-se som startsida när jag öppnade Edge. Nu får jag en begränsad (fryst?!) sida av msn.com/sv-se. Alla bilder är grå fält  utom den stora till vänster, men jag kan inte bläddra i den stora bilden. Öppnar jag samma sida i annan browser fungerar det som tidigare.

Windows Live Photo Gallery for Windows 10


I have a new laptop with Office 365 installed and had Windows Live Photo Gallery on my old laptop.  I cannot seem to find where to download the program successfully.


можно ли писать один ключ на несколько пк

Suche nach Mails zeigt nur Mails vom 31.05.2017 und älter - Alle neuen E-Mails fehlen


Hallo zusammen,

Wir haben bei dem jeweiligen Account von zwei Benutzern ein seltsames Phänomen:

Im Posteingang & Co. werden alle Mails angezeigt - soweit so gut...

Sobald wir nach einer bestimmten Mail, einem Absender oder ähnlichem suchen,

werden alle Mails von vor 316.544 Jahren bis zum 31.05.2017 angezeigt.

Es fehlen jedoch alle Mails ab dem 31.05.2017.

Der 31.05.2017 ist allerdings nur bei einem der Benutzer der Fall.

Bei dem anderen konnten wir das noch nicht checken, da dieser gerade im Urlaub ist.

Dies tritt übrigens lediglich auf dem Outlook Client auf dem PC auf.

Auf dem iPhone und im Web App Client funktioniert die Suche einwandfrei.

Wir haben keine Ahnung wieso, wieso ausgerechnet der

31.05.2017 und wieso nur bei diesen beiden Benutzern.

Was wir bereits gemacht haben:

Index gelöscht, neu aufgebaut, Suchparameter gecheckt,

Indexierungsverzeichnisse gecheckt.

Neu installiert haben wir den Client auf dem Rechner noch nicht und auch

den Account gelöscht und neu angebunden haben wir ebenfalls noch nicht,

da wir zunächst die Hoffnung hatten eine Lösung zu finden,

oder zumindest die Ursache des Ganzen.

Würden uns riesig freuen, wenn Ihr uns helfen könnt!

Vielen Dank Euch allen bereits im Voraus und

bis dahin noch einen schönen, sonnigen Tag"

Windows 7 não reinicia nem encerra

Tenho um portátil samsung que não reinicia, encerra nem suspende. Não instalei qualquer programa, embora o portátil não arranque em algumas vezes.

Wifi connection keeps losing the internet


I have checked the box to have my home Wifi router connected automatically, but I keep losing the internet connection.  Is there another setting I should use?

I am using Windows 10 on an Acer Aspire E1-571.  Windows was updated a couple of days ago.

Gmail sync issue: Can't open Microsoft Outlook


Hello there,

I use Microsoft Outlook for my Gmail account via Google Sync, but since the last Windows update I can't start Outlook anymore.

I get the attached error message: "Cannot start Microsoft Outlook. Cannot open the Outlook window. The set of folders cannot be opened. An unexpected error has occurred. MAPI was unable to load the information service C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Google Apps Sync\gsync.dll. Be sure the service is correctly installed and configured."

Could you please help me solving this issue ?

I use Outlook 2016 on Windows 10.

Many thanks,


Opdatering af OneNote kan ikke gennemføres grundet nulstillet apple-id



Jeg har haft problemer med at opdatere OneNote på min MacBook, da jeg har fået nyt apple-id og derfor deaktiveret/nulstillet det gamle, som jeg brugte til at downloade OneNote i sin tid.

Derudover har jeg også problemer med at lave en ny notesbog, da OneNote siger, at der er "problemer" med min konto. Ved ikke om dette så kan skyldes, at jeg har nulstillet mit gamle apple-id?

Håber I kan hjælpe mig!

Mvh. Sara.


Kenapa ya tiap aku delete aplikasi bbm terus mau download lagi ga bisa?


Δεν μπορω να συνδεθω στα μηνυματα παρ ολο που εχω συνθεθει στο Internet.Τι πρεπει να κανω?

deleting pictures sent on skype in the computer

Please help.. how can i delete pictures that were downloaded on my pc.. or pictures that were sent...cant find them. thank you

Office 2016 opens Windows PowerShell console every once in a while


So, i installed version of Office 2016 with account my Uni provided me with. After installation i started to notice black window appearing every one in a while for a brief moment. I managed to read the name of the window and it was the path to Office 2016. What's the problem, you ask? The problem is that when this window appears (even though i haven't opened office once since started my PC) it automatically selects itself (and deselects every other window) and minimizes every program that is running in full screen. That way, every game i play just minimizes for no reason by program i don't even use. Moreover, all these full screen programs then stop responding, so i have to close them.

Microsoft may say whatever they want but their "quality software" does enough to be called malware.

Ultimo aggiornamento windows 10 scheda video


il mio PC ha installata una scheda video NVIDIA geoforce 240M.

Prima dell'aggiornamento in oggetto tutto funzionava.

Adesso il sistema trova solo la scheda video base di Microsoft, quindi quando lancio il driver originale mi dice che non può installarlo perché nel PC non c'é l'hardware specifico.

Vi prego di aiutarmi


test version office , endining


 hi,  i want to end my test  version office  365 on 25th this month. but i donot want now to by it . what  shoul i do exactly to avoid automatik paying from my account  , becaus  i filled already my account daten , i need help.  my email is *** Email address is removed for privacy *** .


CPU temp and state



My laptop has CPU overheating problem, internal problems hardware are not found (service center)

How do i adjust state?

When i manually input another number, it still goes automatically back to 100.

How to change it?

Gedeelde werkmap Excel



Op het werk moeten wij geregeld met meerdere mensen in een excel-map werken. Nu hebben we hiervoor de optie 'gedeelde werkmap' ingesteld. Echter worden er op dit moment niet alle functies ondersteund. 

Nu kwam ik via onderstaande link tegen dat inderdaad niet allen functies ondersteund worden, maar dat dit vooraf ingesteld moet worden.

"Note    In een gedeelde werkmap worden niet alle functies volledig ondersteund. Als u de volgende functies wilt gebruiken, moet u deze toevoegen voordat u de werkmap opslaat als een gedeelde werkmap. Nadat u de werkmap hebt gedeeld, **** u geen wijzigingen meer aanbrengen in deze functies." 


Zou u mij kunnen vertellen waar ik van te voren deze functies dien toe te voegen, zodat dit ook door de gedeelde werkmap worden ondersteund. 

Ik zie de reacties graag tegemoet en hoop hieruit te komen.

Alvast bedankt,

Gr. Jelle

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