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Skype Credit still not received.


i bought credit for skype.

my creditcard was charged for it on June 18. (

Jun 188071000003583407928India 800 mins mobiles and landlines - 1 monthVisa$7.99Delivered

i still have not received the credit.

how can i get in contact with skype, because i don't want to pay for something i do not receive

windows 10 update

I need to downgrade from this latest update. I want my hidden tabs back and I hate seeing those distracting blocks, I hate the top almost quarter of my screen covered in that black band with those blocks  of pages I want to hide . I buy a large screen on purpose and don't like the new look at all and want to go back to the past update. I much preferred my pinned tabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It maybe time to try something else.

VBA to enlarge photo when mouse over in excel

I am looking for any simple code to enlarge photo when mouse over the inserted photo in excel, except using the insert comment method.

Uppdatering Creator

Min dator försökte uppdatera till Creator jag tror det var sex gånger igår utan att lyckas. Vad ska jag göra för att den inte ska fortsätta och försöka uppdatera utan att lyckas och både låsa min dator under lång tid och riskera att all information jag har på datorn försvinner?

Отказано в доступе к разделу жесткого диска


После переустановки windows возникла проблема. Не могу зайти в диск D. Появляется сообщение "Отказано в доступе". В "Этом компьютере" отображается только название, без ёмкости.  В управлении дисками он отображается, как пустой.Через Acronis Disk Director просматривается нормально, файлы все на месте. Подозрение на недостаток прав администратора. 

Сразу скажу, что том распределен, проблема не в этом. В чем может быть проблема?


I would to put a date in cell B line 2,  then the next day in cell B line 13, next in cell B line 24 and then Cell E line 2

Does Backup delete old backups?


MS Backup has generated a 1.5+ TB backup file on my external hard-drive.  That's many times the size of the hard-drives it backs up.  This makes me wonder if Backup deletes old backups when it created the daily backup update?

If it doesn't, how do I get back to a backup-file of a more reasonable size?


Why is the wrong server being used?


Attempting to access outlook.com using Edge on W10 Creators update I frequently but not always receive the following error.


Something went wrong
Your mailbox isn't available right now. Please wait 30 seconds and then try to access it again.
X-ClientId: EEEB672333C24FA68C83456487924754
request-id: 4d620d07-4bd3-4f65-8246-fa88a34cfc32
X-OWA-Error: Microsoft.Exchange.Data.Storage.WrongServerException
X-OWA-Version: 15.1.1178.18
X-FEServer: MWHPR12CA0034
X-BEServer: DM5PR18MB1193
Date: 19/06/2017 6:13:49 AM

The URL invoked was http://live.com which redirects. If you examine the URL as it was shown in my browser after the dust settled, you will see that this is a server error (httpCode=500).

There are other reports of similar errors but they are not as clearly shown to be a defect in OWA and attempts to help have generally followed red herrings.

My devices such as my Windows Phone and the Windows 10 Mail fat client are successful in connecting but when I respond to "Is this junk?" and the browser is launched I invariably get an error similar to the one above.

I briefly thought this was a consequence my having the region set to USA in order to get Cortana to use Jen Taylor's voice but setting it to Australia and rebooting did not correct the problem. (It did createanother problem. Cortana adopted a horrible nasal mockery of an Australian accent -- is thatreally what Americans think we sound like? -- but this was easily rectified by setting the region back to USA.)

MS Jigsaw puzzles missing

On my Win 8.1 machine, I have some 20 puzzles in various stages of completion.  None of these puzzles which I bought with point won show up on my Win 10 machine.  What is going on here?

워드 사용중에 갑자기 한글 풀림현상이 생깁니다.


안녕하세요,  저는 얼마전에 삼성 노트북을 구매하면서 노트북에 탑재된 워드를 사용하고 있습니다.

처음에 샀을 때는 괜찮았는데 구매하고 두 달도 되지 않아 이런 일이 발생하고 있어서 굉장히 불편함을 느끼고 있는데요.

이렇게 한글 풀림 현상이 시작된 것은 얼마 전에 다른 언어 사용을 하기 위해서 언어팩 설치 후 부터 생기고 있습니다.

처음에 워드 켜서 사용할 때는 괜찮다가 갑자기 어느 순간부터 이렇게 되어버려요ㅠㅠ

언어팩을 삭제했는데도 안되고, 오늘 문의해서 자동 한/영전환 해제 해보라고 상담사분이 그러셔서

그것도 했는데 계속 이렇게 한글이 쳐집니다..ㅠㅠ

과제해야해서 굉장히 바쁜데 이것 때문에 제대로 과제를 못해서 매우 불편하네요ㅠㅠ

혹시 도와주실 분 계신가요?

Ожидание в магазине

Приобрела планшет с windows 10, хочу скачать приложение (любое) через магазин, после нажатия "установить", пишет "ожидание..", и становится в очередь. Что делать?

Звонки на мобильные телефоны


Хочу использовать бесплатные 60 минут в месяц как на мобильные так и на городские телефоны.

На городские звонки проходят без проблем. На мобильные нет соединения или идет озвучка что абонент недоступен, хотя на самом деле доступен.


Microsoft 你好,我今天登錄outlook十,我的電子郵件全都不見了,我原本就有使用outlook,不知為什麼現在都沒了,能否幫我找回我的信件,謝謝!

pb allumage PC sous Window 10


Bonsoir ,


Le pb est pire car maintenant je ne peux plus démarrer l’ordi j’ ai un code erreur 0xc000021a


Pas de réparation automatique, pas de réinitialisation possible, pas de démarrage sans échec possible


Que puis je faire ?


D’avance merci




De : Microsoft Community
Envoyé le :lundi 12 juin 2017 09:40 À :*** Email address is removed for privacy ***
Objet :La question a reçu une réponse : plus possible de synchroniser ma boite mail ni d' avoir acces aux parametres de ma boite


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Bonjour JacquesVEAUX,

Vous avez une réponse à votre question posée sur Microsoft Community de la part de Pascal_Ca.

Titre : plus possible de synchroniser ma boite mail ni d' avoir acces aux parametres de ma boite
Bonjour JacquesVEAUX,
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• Le problème est-il persistant ou occasionnel ? Quand a-t’il débuté ?
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• Rencontrez-vous un message/code erreur ?
Si oui, lequel ?
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Пропадает каждый раз тунельный адаптер Teredo из сетевых устройств


Пробовал отладку по рекомендациям со страниц Xbox, помогает но до первой перезагрузки.

А без Tererdo не работают многопользовательские режимы в некоторых играх

New user for Skype. Purchased Skype US phone number. Now I want to receive and make the calls.


Thanks for your help in advance. I'm first time user for Skype.  I have existing email/password to login Skype and my requirement is to call my friends/family using my Skype number. I purchased Skype number yesterday.

I installed Skype lite on my Samsung phone. when I try to login using Skype number then system says that this number doesn't exist. However it allows me to login using my email. I tried calling using new voice call option but call doesn't go. I also tried calling from other number on my Skype number. There are 1-2 ringtones but I don't receive any call. Pl help.



Office 365 Trial Errors


I always found below problems when activate E3 or E5 trial subscriptions. It happened everytime I was doing trial.

You can try refreshing the page to solve the problem. You can also wait a few minutes and try again.

If the problem doesn't go away, please submit a Service Request.

Session ID:


Error code:


Any advise?.


Daily Task List / Daily Assignment Report



Is there a way to automatically generate daily tasks list from Ms Project (I'm using Project 2013 btw)? Currently I have to manually set "Date Range.." filter and print out the list for each date. This is going to be huge problem if I have produce a 30 day, daily task list, everytime there is a schedule revision. 


Problème de livraison d'un colis pour l'achat d'un un pack Xbox One S + Forza 3 Horizon+une manettes


Bonjour, j'ai acheté sur votre site le Xbox One s-Forza horizon 3 Pack (500 Go ou 1 to) qui a été expédié par UPS. Le problème est que UPS n'a pas reçu la facture et vous renverra le colis ou vous a déjà renvoyé et depuis plus de nouvelles. Comment peuvent-ils faire pour résoudre ce problème. 
Pour l'instant sur votre site il n'y a aucun moyen de résoudre ce problème, le site n'est pas adapter à ce genre de problème, pas de contacts Mail ou téléphonique lié au service commercial.

Le numéro d'appel du support 0805980079 n'est plus en service et inaccessible.

No de commande: 6830795796



0S ウインドウズ10






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