Channel: Microsoft Community - Super Fresh
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Me han estado NO RECONOCIENDO LAS CONTRASEÑAS QUE PONIA( y yo colocaba la correcta) EN HOTMAIL Y SKYPE ( esto por muchas veces seguidas).

Al parecer quieren una sola contraseña para todo.


Si hay alguien que lo pueda aclarar, gracias!

microsoft security e-mail

Microsoft account

this message is from a trusted sender. |

Microsoft account

security info replacement

Someone started a process to replace all of the security info for the Microsoft account

If this was you, click the button below to bypass the waiting period by using your existing security info. (email removed for privacy)

If this wasn't you, someone else might be trying to take over (email removed for privacy)

Click here and we'll help you protect this account.

If you don't recognise the Microsoft account ( email removed for privacy)

you can click here to remove your email address from that account.

The Microsoft account team

aptio setup utlity

Ola! O notebook positivo Premium xr7520 Windows 7. Estava normal assim que liguei entrou nesta tela e não consigo sair. Como Fasso para sair desta tela?

слетели контакты скайпа

вход в скайп осуществляется. Поиск в компьютере по маске "%appdata%" ничего не даёт..поиск по этой же маске в папке скайпа тоже не дал результата. резервной копии контактов не делал. что делать? в скайпе мне важен только один контакт

How can I help?

My mobile, ipad, and laptop have been acting weird for several years. I dont know what information you are looking for but is it possible to bring this out into the open? Im tired of the cloak and dagger and or always questioning everyone's/everything's purpose or motives.  Please tell me what i csn do to help.  

screen mirroring

Bonjour, j'ai une tablette Dell venu pro  11 Windows 10. lorsque je fais  connecter  (télévision  Samsung), je vois sur l'écran  du téléviseur que la connexion  tente de s'établir mais rien ne se passe. délais trop long. parfois j'ai  un message m'indiquant  d'inscrire  un numéro mais je ne voit aucun endroit  où l'inscrire. que faire. merci

Lumia 950, Display bleibt schwarz


Hallo Community,

ich habe ein Problem mit meinem Lumia 950. Nach Benutzung des Stores habe ich das Lumia nicht ausgeschaltet bzw. der Sperrbildschirm wird automatisch aufgerufen. Nach ca. 1 Stunde habe ich das Lumia nicht mehr benutzen können. Das Display blieb schwarz und es erscheint nur der Schriftzug Microsoft

Was ist zu tun?

Kann mir jemand helfen??

Controle de Conta de Usuario


Deixei meu notebook um tempo com um amigo e ele mudou o administrador do meu notebook, então minha filha foi ver alguns videos na internet para mudar o administrador e até que ele conseguiu porém quando tentamos baixar algum aplicativo da acesso negado, ela já olhou vários videos na internet e mesmo assim não conseguiu, perguntei para meu amigo e ele também não conseguiu mudar.

gostaria de saber com faço pra por meu usuário como administrador e proprietário do meu Windows.

Desde de já agradeço

Czy przepadła gwarancja na tel ?

Mam pytanie bardzo wazne dla mnie. Czy w przypadku wykonania Windows Device Recovery Tool gwarancja nadal jest na telefon ? Jeżeli zrobię to sama w domu. Będę wdzięczna za odp

Photo gallery


Is there a free-ware program that replaces Photo Gallery?

If not, is there a way to interface the "Photo" program that comes with Windows 10 with the files from Photo Gallery?  Thanks.

IE/Microsoft Edge で OWA のメールを開いた際に、メモリが消費される


IE/Microsoft Edge  Outlook Web Access (OWA) メールをダブルクリックして新しいウィンドウが立ち上がると、毎回 200MB 程度のメモリが消費されます。

そのため、メールを 5 つ開いたら 1GB 程度メモリが消費されてしまうのですが、これは仕様なのでしょうか?


立ち上がったウィンドウを閉じるとメモリが解放されるので、仕様なのかもしれませんが、Chrome Firefoxではいくつウィンドウを開いても、メモリの上昇は発生しません。IE/Edge の設定変更などで回避できる方法があったりするのでしょうか?



Surface Pro 3

Windows 10 Pro Version 1607

OS ビルド: 14393.1198

Gerenciador de tarefas não abre em alguns momentos


Sempre que algum programa fica com status "não respondendo" o computador não abre o gerenciador de tarefas e dessa forma não posso fechar o programa. Preciso reiniciar o computador diretamente pelo botão de liga e desliga, o que é péssimo.

Quando não tem programas com esse status o gerenciador de tarefas abre normalmente.

Brother MFC 7360N print dialogue box flashes up and disappears on one wiondowns 10 computer, printer does't print pdf document

Please assist to soft the problem......

OneNote 2016 synchronisiert neue Notizbücher nicht



ich habe heute mit meinem Microsoft-Schulkonto einige neue Notizbücher in OneNote 2016 angelegt. Die Bücher synchronisieren sich aber nicht. Wenn ich sie schließen möchte, kommt die Meldung, dass die Änderungen nicht gespeichert worden sind. Die Notizbücher sind weder auf dem Ordner im PC noch online sichtbar.

Was tun?

Can't write @ Curl Alfa, changed to another language.


So I tryed this, changed to Engelsk (India) restart the computer toNorsk (Norsk Bokmål) restart, in area settings.

Settings (Sprocket) - Time and Language - Area and Language - Date, Time, and Regional Settings Additional Settings.

I got to write @ Curl Alfa again, but after a while it changed back to English India or UK.Cuz I tried to add the language to the system, in the first place.

How to change the keyboardlanguage, on the keyboard? Windows 10 :)

'email notification' pop-up and have been unsucessful in disabling it.


I keep getting 'email notification' pop-up and have been unsucessful in disabling it.

Cannot find 'file' on outlook page to follow google directions.

Where do I go to reach options, mail, message arrival? 

Центр уведомлений на втором мониторе

Мне нужно что бы центр уведомлений отображался на втором мониторе а не на основном, как это сделать?

Microsoft Insider articles

I have been a Wndows Insider since the beginning. However, for the last several months when I try to get into A Window Insider article all I get is a spinning pinwheeel. I even tried another sin-in with the same results. I inactivated my antivirus and no change.

Unwanted photos!

I suddenly have 1,000's of pics, game tiles, junk in my photos. Happened some time this week. I just want my personal pics back, how do I get rid of the others? I tried deleting, it says "an app may be using them or I don't have permission" - I am the admin. I went to settings but my pc knowledge is limited - can somebody please help?

windows 10 home activatie

Ik heb gisteren een computer gekocht bij de mediamarkt, maar er staat constant een melding rechts onder in mijn scherm : activeer windows ga naar instellingen om windows the activeren. dat heb ik dus geprobeerd maar het blijkt dat mijn licence key al in gebruik is. heeft iemand misschien een oplossing voor dit probleem? word namelijk nogal vervelend die melding in mijn scherm die niet weg gaat en ook over mijn full screen games heen gaat
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