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Не скачиваются обновления из Центра Обновления и из Магазина Windows 10

В центре обновления пишет "не удалось подключиться к службе обновления. Мы повторим попытку позже. Кроме того, вы можете проверить наличие обновлений сейчас. Если это завершится неудачей, убедитесь, что вы подключены к Интернету.", а Магазин выдает ошибку 0x80240438

Cant select dolby atmos spatial sound with usb dac.

Hi, i have dolby acess (windows 10 creator) and i cant select dolby spatial sound or windows sonic. Im using a dragon fly audioquest + game one sennheiser headset. The thing is: when i plug the headset directly to pc 3.5mm i can enable dolby atmos, but when i connect my headset to the usb dac dragonfly audioquest i cant. Any suggestion? Thanks!!

selam. windows 7 ultimate 32 bit için e mail programı


selam. windows 7 ultimate 32 bit için  e mail programı, veya  e mail alacağım başka programlar. outlook v b gibi.

Converter caixa de correio em caixa compartilhada no Office365

Ao migrar um caixa de correio para caixa compartilhada, como ficam as regras existentes nessa caixa de correio?

Se me abre la caja de comandos de vez en cuando y se cierra en un segundo

cuando estoy navegando en internet o jugando me salta la pantalla de comandos durante unos segundos y se vuelve a cerrar, ya lo e intentado solucionar antes pero sigue ocurriendome lo mismo , no se si es un caso diferente pero aqui les dejo una foto

Skype Group Commands


When is Skype/Microsoft going to update the ability for an admin to use useful commands within a Skype group?

I am fed up of, when I am in large groups, random people add thousands of other users, and I cannot prevent them from doing so.

Only admins, or people designated by admins should be able to add new users to a group chat - and then, those users should not be able to add new people.

I beleive this ability was once possible before Microsoft took over, but it now seems to be gone, the wholeUSER,LISTNER,HELPER etc etc

You don't always know the people who are going to add trillions of random users, and if I have been offline to sleep, it appears that I have to remove about aseptillion random spammers from the chat. it is very tedious to remove people individually also, there should be an ability to mass purge the quintillion or so members of the chat, but this would not be necessary if only theADMIN and designated HELPERS were allowed to help people.

If the almighty powers that be deem it pertinent to add these abilities to Skype, may we mere users have a time-frame please? if not, please would you be able to just say no?

Apologies for the immense sarcasm, I am a bit miffed off that I have spent about half an hour trying to use commands that don't work.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my message, take care and have a nice day

Cannot download a Microsoft Office 2010


Hello everyone,

after a long time, I have to re-install my PC on a new drive, including Office 2010.

The original product is called "Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010" and I have a product key for it (Microsoft Office Product Key (FPP)). The office still works well on an old drive, but when I try to download the installer again via the Microsoft page (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/office), I get this message:


The product key you provided is for a product not currently supported by this site or may be invalid. Please try again or visit the Microsoft Support Contact Us page for assistance."

Is there any workaround for this?

Thank you in advance,


Stjålet PC

Jeg har blitt frastjålet PC-en min i Italia. Jeg har IP-nummeret. Kan jeg spore den?

Store Download Speed is really fast!!


Store Download Speed is really faster than my normal download speed!

I have an Internet connection of 50mbps speed.

Maximum speed I recieve when downloading from Browser is 6-8mbps.

But when I tried to download some apps from Windows 10 Store, I shocked to see that 

the speed was really faster , it was around 50mbps & above..

Later I thought it could be because of the app server but for all apps its the same and faster!

Below are some screeshots related to above:

Key Windows Education

Salve io posseggo una key per windows education, posso usarla anche per windows 10 pro? Attualmente ho windows 10 pro, ma voglio ri installare il sistema operativo su un ssd


I upgraded this machine to: Windows 10 Version 1703, 64 bit, Intel DQ35JO Intel Q9650 Quad core, 8Gb ram, Nvidia GT 9500 graphics driver 342.01, 320Gb SeaGate sata 3.0. I am having issues with blue screens when I set the PLL and processor clock speed. I did not have this trouble with Windows 7 64bit. I have tried running everything in compatibility mode to no avail. Does anyone have any incite into this problem? I am seeing this complaint all over the internet and not many answers , at least non that work.

comment supprimer une photo de la liste d'arrière plan sous windows 10


comment je doit faire pour supprimer une photo de la liste d'arrière plan sous windows 10 ???

je m'explique la photo a débarqué quand j'ai connecté mon compte microsft sur mon nouvel ordi

et le problème

c'est qu'on peut pas l'effacer a partir de la liste,

elle est nul part dans mon ordi,

je me suis déconnecté du compte, connecté a un autre, mis en compte locale,

j'ai même enlevé l'option des fichiers caché et tout le délire rien a faire...

je ne veut plus de cette photo... quel qu'un peut  m'aider???

Voicemail funktioniert nicht - was kann ich tun?


Hallo alle zusammen,

ich habe mir hier bei Skype eine Festnetznummer gekauft und habe auch auf der Skype Webseite "Voicemail" aktiviert.

Wenn ich jetzt die Festnetznummer anrufe wird der Anruf direkt abgebrochen und ich habe als Anrufer keine Chance eine Nachricht zu hinterlassen. Muss ich noch etwas spezielles einstellen oder wie kann ich das Problem lösen?

Hier ein Foto von der Voicemail Einstellung (sowohl 1 sek. als auch 5 sek. funktioniert nicht):

Mit freundlichen Grüßen


Phone got stolen-Email may get HACKED!!!


Hi, All

My phone was stolen, and since my email was installed on it I risk that it will get hacked and all of my bank info will get stolen. I can't receive a text to my phone because it is not in my possession, and I forgot the password to my alternative email. Because I created that email 18 years ago, I don't remember the exact name, nor the DOB that listed when creating that email. Does anyone know how to recover the password to that email?

Onedrive video problem

Recently im editing gameclips videos in my xbox one and uploading them on onedrive, but I cant download them or even view them in my laptop and cellphone. Please help , the usual turn it off and on doesnt work...

Nicht lizenziertes Produkt bzw. Abonnement konnte nicht überprüft werden


Hallo Community,

seit ein paar Tagen/Wochen (vermutlich seit dem letzten MS Office Update), kann sich mein Office nicht mehr von seiner Legalität überzeugen.

Ich habe Office 365 Home (32-bit) auf Windows 10 Pro (64-bit). Die Anmeldung an meinem MS Konto funktioniert, allerdings keine Aktivierung bzw. Re-Validierung. Ich habe eine Reparatur-Installation durchgeführt, aber die daraufhin versuchte Neu-Aktivierung (Aktivierung per Telefon geht nicht, maximal per Internet) brachte mir nur den Fehler, dass es Serverprobleme gibt.

Da ich grad an meiner Master-Arbeit schreibe, und viel unterwegs bin, hilft mir Office-Online gar nicht, da ich selten Netzzugriff habe!

Die meisten Fehlerbehebungen, die ich hier gefunden habe, beschäftigen sich mit Office 2013, und klappen nicht so recht bei mir.

Tipps? Vorschläge, was ich ausprobieren kann? Ich brauche ein funktionierendes Office - und zwar dringend!

Viele Grüße


windows 10 disk kullanımı %100 sorunu

windows 10 işletim sistemi olan yeni notebook aldım.bilgisayarda boştayken bile disk kullanımı %100 oluyor ve böyle olunca kasma donma sorunu oluyor. eski 6 yıllık bilgisayarım özellikleri düşük olmasına rağmen yeni bilgisayarımdan daha hızlı.windows 10 lisanlı ve yeni kurulu(virüs yok). aynı sorun arkadaşımın bilgisayarında da var.bilgisayarım ssd li değil.ssd takmadan bu sorunu yazılımla ayarlamalar yapıp çözmebilme imkanımız varmı?

System repair / factory reset


I was signing into my account on my computer after typing in the password like I do everyday then I pushed enter and watched the loading thing spin forever, but never did anything.  I turned the computer off thinking I could just restart it and everything would be fine. After turning it back on a blue screen appeared saying there was an error with the system then said it was trying to repair itself. 

I'm really concerned because I had just downloaded chromecast on my computer a couple days ago from the Internet.  I had a bad feeling right after I did it because afterwards I had a bunch of stuff popping up on my computer and I started to think that that wasn't a legit site or download.  It's a brand new computer and I haven't had any problems until then. Now this is happening it said I have to get it repaired or reset it so I just completely reset it  i wiped the drives and everything to be on the safe side. I know selected the right option for removing everything, but it's saying that everything couldnt be removed. I worried there might have been a virus  on my computer and it's not letting me delete it. Does the download have anything to do with what happened? why couldn't everything be removed? I've done hard resets / factory resets on other devices but I've never been told that everything wasn't removed, and that if I plan on selling my computer I need to perform another reset

Pilote Optical Mouse 200



J'ai un problème avec ma souris Optical Mouse 200. Aucun pilote n'est installé sur mon PC pour ce matériel et je n'arrive pas à le trouver, malgré toutes mes recherches.

Si quelqu'un a une solution, je suis preneur !

Problem in singing (nvalid OCSP signing certificate in OCSP response. Error code: SEC_ERROR_OCSP_INVALID_SIGNING_CERT)



i am facing problem in Problem in singing (nvalid OCSP signing certificate in OCSP response. Error code: SEC_ERROR_OCSP_INVALID_SIGNING_CERT).


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