Powershell script execution issue
Hi Team,When we executes the powershell script with "Start-Process -Verb runas -FilePath powershell.exe" it works, however, when running without this parameter it fails with error as below. “...
View ArticleWindows 10 driver telepítés
Tisztelt Microsoft!Egy új számítógépen történt telepítés után a windows állandóan lecseréli az intel HD 510 monitorvezérlő driverét.21-es sorozatszámú, 2016!!!!!-os driverre cseréli a kézzel...
View ArticleExecute Powershell command on remote computer
Hello, I would like to execute a PowerShell command on a remote computer. The command is the following:Invoke-Command -ComputerName -ScriptBlock { Get-ChildItem C:\ } -credential UserI get...
View Articlewin10 Outlook2016中無法設定收發hinet郵件
如何在win10 Outlook2016中設定收發hinet郵件POP3與SMTP怎麼設定都顯示錯誤995/25不行995/587不行995/465不行連接阜修改為之前電腦設定可收發過的995/587也不行還是顯示錯誤請問到底要怎麼設才可以 搞個郵件弄了兩個多小時還是不行
View ArticleHow can I fix error 0x80004001?
I recently bought a USB drive so that I could copy the recovery option of my windows 10 onto there for further protection just in case something happened to my laptop and the installed recovery option...
View ArticleSynchronisation calendrier entre outlook pc et outlook application
Bonjour,J'ai une adresse gmail, que je consulte via outlook pc.Pour le boulot, j'ai du faire un partage d'agenda qui a fonctionné.En revanche, maintenant quand je me mets sur l'application outlook, les...
View Articledisk usage stuck at 50%
started today having a huge issue as my disk usage is stuck at 50% when running apps or games! I have tried a few methods none have worked. I have seen quite a few people with the same issue and not...
View Articledelete Mail & Calendar from device
My small notebook does not need Mail & Calendar which uses too much space. I want to delete them
View Articlehotmail
Buenos dias , mi pregunta es como regreso a la version anterior de outlook es demasiado desconcertante y impractica para mi particular gusto****
View ArticleError en el sistema de archivos -2147219196
Cuando intento abrir una imagen de mi galería me redirecciona a fotos pero no abre y seguido aparece la ventana que dice Error en el sistema de archivos -2147219196 y no abre ¿Cómo lo podría...
View Articleaccount reset
Hi I can not activate my Gold membership *** Email address is removed for privacy *** I entered this account 5 times and I want it to be new.I want to use your family account.
View ArticleSetting up a meeting for another user without being a designated as a delegate
Many times we're asked to set up meetings for someone else, but we aren't set up as a delegate and the user doesn't have the time to set us up right then as a delegate, so what's the best work around...
View ArticleSound balancing in bluetooth speakers
When I try to balance the sound from my left and right bluetooth speakers in sound settings, they increase/decrease simultaneously. It didn't happen before. I'm using Windows 10 pro. How to solve this...
View ArticleImpossible refaire fonctionner imprimante après MAJ, même avec le pilote
Bonjour à tous, La dernière grosse mise à jour Windows en mai avait mis HS mon PC HP utilisé avec Avast. J'ai fini par récupérer le PC et tous mes dossiers mais en revanche je ne peux plus imprimer sur...
View Article"os arquivos não estão sendo carregados ou baixado porque o Onedrive está com...
alguem já passou por isso ou teria uma solução ? meu windows é 8.1 e sou assinante do Onedrive com 1T e outras contas. Obrigado
View ArticleCan we remove azure protection from OME V2 new capabilities and use only...
Hi,We would like to remove protection feature from OMEv2 and only wanted to use encryption feature of OMEv2.Scenario:When we are trying to download and open excel file from an encrypted email its...
View ArticleSkype credit and adress book
My Skype credit has been removed and needs putting back. How is this done? Why has it been taken? Also my address and contact list has disappeared - where is it? I really cannot understand SKYPE...
View ArticleOneDrive Sync not encrypting files on a EFS enabled folder
Dear,I use EFS and enabled encryption on the OneDrive folder. It always worked as expected: if I create a file on the folder it is locally encrypted and uploaded successfully to OneDrive cloud...
View ArticleNo me aparece mi segundo disco para desfragmentar
Hola, en mi PC tengo mi disco local C y otro disco mas llamado D. El D no es una particion sino un disco aparte. Cuando abro el programa para desfragmentar solo me aparece el C!!!! Probe de todas...
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