Unable to log in to Microsoft Teams
Receiving the following error message. Any advice?Error Code: AADSTS50001: Resource 'https://api.spaces.skype.com' is disabled.
View ArticleHelp with HP 7610 all-in-one
I am unable to use the full flatbed scan area of my HP 7610 with my HP Laptop. I can only scan a legal size document. The scanner size is 17" x 11" which is the key reason I bought this unit. I was...
View ArticleFraude ?
Bonjour, J'ai reçu un email étrange me disant que mon compte allait être fermé... Le message a été envoyé soi disant par l'équipe des comptes microsoft, mais l'adresse email est la suivante : *** Email...
View Articledenuncia de extorsión de un usuario de outlook llamado Archie Hague ( ***...
Hola, buenos dias:El dia de ayer recibi un correo de una persona que dice llamarse Archie Hague de correo *** Email address is removed for privacy ***, (el correo viene en ingles), y mas o menos dice...
View Articlemicrosoft word is no longer working
I tried to use Microsoft Word and I am getting a message that the version that I am using has been deprovisioned. What does this mean? I am charged a fee every month to use this service. Why was I...
View Articletagging and searching tags in OneNote for Windows 10
Is there a way to search for tags in OneNote for Windows 10? Or is this a feature that will be added soon?
View ArticleLync 2010 adding Edge server to existing topology
I'm planning on deploying an initial Edge Access server into my existing Lync 2010 environment. I've already created the new topology and was confirming if publishing it would cause any issues with...
View ArticleWin10 Reset This PC/Recovery Drive fails, overwrites wrong drive!
System: Lenovo Thinkpad P51, 2 drives, 1 x NVMe, 1 x HDD. I replaced the NVMe drive and attempted to reinstall Windows using a USB Recovery drive created on this system before any problems. This...
View ArticleInstalador Office Small Business 2007
Preciso dessa versão específica do instalador do Office por questões de licença, mas não tem mais no site da Microsoft e até o momento não achei na Internet.Agradeço a ajuda.
View ArticleError Code 2147219196
Can Someone Help Me With This Issue.I am savings Files On My Computer Scanning Using Scan Snap under My DocumentsNow I can Only Open PDF Files and My Jpeg Files Keep Getting the Above Error...
View ArticleSharepoint | Promoted Links | I cannot see "All Promoted Links"
Hey gurus!So I'm online Office 365 | Sharepoint, and I've added Promoted Links to my site. Now I want to edit the Tiles I have there, remove/edit one, and add a new one, etc . . All the site's I've...
View Articlebackup sharepoint
Buonasera,avrei una domanda da sottoporvi, è possibile impostare automaticamente un backup settimanale sul pc dei siti di sharepoint?grazie
View Articleoutlook en mode connexion
bonjour comment puis je mettre outlook en mode connexionmerci
View ArticleInternet Explorer 유튜브 동영상 전체 화면 문제
윈도우 10으로 업글한뒤 한동안은 유튜브 전체화면을 해도 문제가 없었는데, 어느 순간부터 전체화면을 하면은 동영상이 약간 느려지고 랙이 걸린듯이 영상이 나옵니다. 해결방안을 찾지 못하고 있습니다.
View ArticleOutlook App für Android - Speicherplatz Speicherkarte?
Servus zusammen,ist es bei der Outlook App für Android möglich den Speicherplatz für die E-Mails festzulegen?Ich befürchte das mit der Zeit einfach der Speicherplatz auf dem Handy in die Knie geht.Die...
View Articlerenewal
I recently purchased a office 365 pack from Argos, I need to renew with this new product key number but unsure how?
View ArticleCambiar de usuario al acceder a recursos compartidos en Windows 10.
Escenario:Windows 10 Pro 64Bits. utilizado como equipo cliente contra un servidor de archivos en WS 2012 R2.Desde este equipo pueden acceder diferentes usuarios a distintos tipos de recursos...
View ArticleCant log in to my windows and cant reset my computer
Hi!I recently discovered that I had literally no admin rights on my computer, I could not open certain programs and files. Im using Windows 10.So I figured I should factory reset my computer, but of...
View ArticleNew Version - 12.1815.210.0
Microsoft, hope you're monitoring this. The new update is seriously flawed. Frequent reboots, app freezes randomly, unreliable chat communications. You need to fix this quickly!
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