Xbox login password and Microsoft password.
Hi, Can i ask if i can have separate passwords for XBOX and Microsoft?Please. Thank you
View ArticleWindows 10 - we can't sign in to your account
HiI have turned on my PC this morning to find I can't sign in to my account. My wife and two children's accounts on the same PC are unaffected. Whether it's related I don't know, but we did have a...
View ArticleSauvegarde impossible sous WINDOWS 7
Bonjour la communautéJ'ai un problème avec la sauvegarde Windows 7. Message: Image de tâche endommagée ou a été manipulée (0x80041321)Pourriez-vous m'aider.Merci. Bonne journée à tous.
View ArticleXbox 360 wireless controller sensitivity
Hi Everyone,I picked up an XBox 360 at a yard sale for $25... not a bad find! Works perfectly, but came with only a power cable (and a bunch of games.) I had to get a controller for it; bought it...
View ArticleMicrosoft tools (Edge, Store, Office) can't access network with 17713
Hello,When trying to access any web-site from Edge, or login to office365 (corporate) account by any office app, there is an error indicating no network access.however, at the same time, IE and chrome...
View ArticleGames for Windows Live no longer work on Windows 10 so we cannot play games...
After downloading the Windows Game Live app > launch > it gives the well known connection error (while my pc is connected), this problem is huge: =...
View ArticleRéinstallation de office 2016 pour les enseignants après une réinitialisation
Bonjour, je viens d'acheter office 2016 pour les enseignants (avant hier). Mais je viens de réinitialiser mon ordinateur. Comment faire pour réinstaller office ?Merci si vous pouvez m'éviter de payer...
View ArticleRé- activation windows 10 pro après la mise à jour du bios et de Windows
Bonjour,Je n'arrive pas à réactiver Windows 10 pro depuis la mise à jour du Bios et la mise à jour Windows critique d'avril 2018. Code d'erreur 0xC004C003. J’ai essayé le bouton dépanner, cela ne...
View ArticleASD
I'm trying to download the windows 7 iso files but after putting my key product its just saying error
View ArticleError de Impresión E3
Necesito solucionar este problema con la impresora Canon Pixma140. A pesar, de no tener ningún atasco de papel como se indica ca vez que quiero hay manera, por mucho que lo he intentado....
View ArticleJoin online meeting
Dear Sir/Madam,We are making use of a CRM package in which we have integrated email on the basis of office 365. We would like to generate the link Join online meeting ourselves in a mail template. We...
View ArticleUnable to set new owner despite being administrator account and going through...
Hi,I have a Windows 10 Home system recently purchased from Dell. I am having problems installing some programs eg. Pagebreeze HTML editor due to inability of the program installation to access my C: ....
View ArticleMicrosoft Report Viewer 2015 & SQL Sys CLR Types - Windows Vista
Hi.I am struggling to install Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 and SQL Sys CLR Types. It is a Lenovo laptop, 32bit, Windows Vista Home Premium operating system.The Report Viewer that I can find does not...
View ArticleAlle Office Apps verschwunden
Hallo Forum,heute sind plötzlich alle Office apps verschwunden. Nach dem Hochfahren und starten einer von mir verwendeten Excel Tabelle kommt die Meldung "Wie soll die Datei geöffnet werden"? Im Store...
View Articleスタートアップの修復に失敗する。RPCが利用できません。(Windows 10 Pro・ バージョン1803・ 32ビットOPシステム・ RAM4.00GB)
Windows Live Mail を再設定・メールの送受信OKを確認・既定のアプリのメールに設定・しばらくインターネットを利用したあとシャットダウン・その後再開しょうと起動したところ起動に失敗・スタートアップの修復を試みたが失敗 理由にRPCが利用できませんのメッセージ。
View ArticleDuse anyone know all free to download games xbox one certificate 18
can someone please contact me with a list of all free games 18 rating as a found dead space and was wondering if there are more like that for free as the top free games don't really have much it it...
View ArticleUsing SUMIFS with a rang of dates
I'm trying to use the function SUMIFS and the criteria are a range of dates (>= Date1 and <=Date2) and returns #VALUE.
View ArticleOneNote Win10 App - Can't click or type after opening notebook
I am using the Windows 10 app version of One Note and when I open any of my notebooks, I can't type anywhere in the notebook. If I click and try to type, the cursor stays at the top of the page and my...
View ArticleAbo versehentlich gekündigt - alle Fotos&Ordner Weg trotz neuem Abo
Hallo, ich habe versehentlich (ohne es bemerkt zu haben) mein 1TB One Drive Abo gekündigt und bin erst drauf gekommen als ich letzte Woche plötzlich keinen Zugriff auf Account und Speicher mehr hatte....
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